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organized; bound by the most stringent oaths that could be devised。
The members of this were divided into companies of fifty men each; under
officers regularly elected。  The secrecy was assumed in order to shut out
Rebel spies and the traitors from a knowledge of the contemplated
outbreak。  A man named Bakerbelonging; I think; to some New York
regimentwas the grand organizer of the scheme。  We were careful in each
of our companies to admit none to membership except such as long
acquaintance gave us entire confidence in。

The plan was to dig large tunnels to the Stockade at various places; and
then hollow out the ground at the foot of the timbers; so that a half
dozen or so could be pushed over with a little effort; and make a gap ten
or twelve feet wide。  All these were to be thrown down at a preconcerted
signal; the companies were to rush out and seize the eleven guns of the
headquarters fort。  The Plymouth Brigade was then to man these and turn
them on the camp of the Reserves who; it was imagined; would drop their
arms and take to their heels after receiving a round or so of shell。
We would gather what arms we could; and place them in the hands of the
most active and determined。  This would give us frown eight to ten
thousand fairly armed; resolute men; with which we thought we could march
to Appalachicola Bay; or to Sherman。

We worked energetically at our tunnels; which soon began to assume such
shape as to give assurance that they would answer our expectations in
opening the prison walls。

Then came the usual blight to all such enterprises: a spy or a traitor
revealed everything to Wirz。  One day a guard came in; seized Baker and
took him out。  What was done with him I know not; we never heard of him
after he passed the inner gate。

Immediately afterward all the Sergeants of detachments were summoned
outside。  There they met Wirz; who made a speech informing them that he
knew all the details of the plot; and had made sufficient preparations to
defeat it。  The guard had been strongly reinforced; and disposed in such
a manner as to protect the guns from capture。  The Stockade had been
secured to prevent its falling; even if undermined。  He said; in
addition; that Sherman had been badly defeated by Johnston; and driven
back across the river; so that any hopes of co…operation by him would be

When the Sergeants returned; he caused the following notice to be posted
on the gates


     Not wishing to shed the blood of hundreds; not connected with those
     who concocted a mad plan to force the Stockade; and make in this way
     their escape; I hereby warn the leaders and those who formed
     themselves into a band to carry out this; that I am in possession of
     all the facts; and have made my dispositions accordingly; so as to
     frustrate it。  No choice would be left me but to open with grape and
     canister on the Stockade; and what effect this would have; in this
     densely crowded place; need not be told。

     May 25;1864。
                                             H。 Wirz。

The next day a line of tall poles; bearing white flags; were put up at
some little distance from the Dead Line; and a notice was read to us at
roll call that if; except at roll call; any gathering exceeding one
hundred was observed; closer the Stockade than these poles; the guns
would open with grape and canister without warning。

The number of deaths in the Stockade in May was seven hundred and eight;
about as many as had been killed in Sherman's army during the same time。



After Wirz's threat of grape and canister upon the slightest provocation;
we lived in daily apprehension of some pretext being found for opening
the guns upon us for a general massacre。  Bitter experience had long
since taught us that the Rebels rarely threatened in vain。  Wirz;
especially; was much more likely to kill without warning; than to warn
without killing。  This was because of the essential weakness of his
nature。  He knew no art of government; no method of discipline save 〃kill
them!〃  His petty little mind's scope reached no further。  He could
conceive of no other way of managing men than the punishment of every
offense; or seeming offense; with death。  Men who have any talent for
governing find little occasion for the death penalty。  The stronger they
are in themselvesthe more fitted for controlling othersthe less their
need of enforcing their authority by harsh measures。

There was a general expression of determination among the prisoners to
answer any cannonade with a desperate attempt to force the Stockade。
It was agreed that anything was better than dying like rats in a pit or
wild animals in a battue。  It was believed that if anything would occur
which would rouse half those in the pen to make a headlong effort in
concert; the palisade could be scaled; and the gates carried; and; though
it would be at a fearful loss of life; the majority of those making
the attempt would get out。  If the Rebels would discharge grape and
canister; or throw a shell into the prison; it would lash everybody to
such a pitch that they would see that the sole forlorn hope of safety lay
in wresting the arms away from our tormentors。  The great element in our
favor was the shortness of the distance between us and the cannon。
We could hope to traverse this before the guns could be reloaded more
than once。

Whether it would have been possible to succeed I am unable to say。
It would have depended wholly upon the spirit and unanimity with which
the effort was made。  Had ten thousand rushed forward at once; each with
a determination to do or die; I think it would have been successful
without a loss of a tenth of the number。  But the insuperable troublein
our disorganized statewas want of concert of action。  I am quite sure;
however; that the attempt would have been made had the guns opened。

One day; while the agitation of this matter was feverish; I was cooking
my dinnerthat is; boiling my pitiful little ration of unsalted meal; in
my fruit can; with the aid of a handful of splinters that I had been able
to pick up by a half day's diligent search。  Suddenly the long rifle in
the headquarters fort rang out angrily。  A fuse shell shrieked across the
prisonclose to the tops of the logs; and burst in the woods beyond。
It was answered with a yell of defiance from ten thousand throats。

I sprang up…my heart in my mouth。  The long dreaded time had arrived; the
Rebels had opened the massacre in which they must exterminate us; or we

I looked across to the opposite bank; on which were standing twelve
thousand menerect; excited; defiant。  I was sure that at the next shot
they would surge straight against the Stockade like a mighty human
billow; and then a carnage would begin the like of which modern times had
never seen。

The excitement and suspense were terrible。  We waited for what seemed
ages for the next gun。  It was not fired。  
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