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rags was tossed into the air from his corner; and Bradley declared the
Chicken to be the victor; amid enthusiastic cheers from the crowd。

We voted the thing rather tame。  In the whole hour and a…half there was
not so much savage fighting; not so much damage done; as a couple of
earnest; but unscientific men; who have no time to waste; will frequently
crowd into an impromptu affair not exceeding five minutes in duration。

Our next visit to the N'Yaarkers was on a different errand。  The moment
they arrived in camp we began to be annoyed by their depredations。
Blanketsthe sole protection of menwould be snatched off as they slept
at night。  Articles of clothing and cooking utensils would go the same
way; and occasionally a man would be robbed in open daylight。  All these;
it was believed; with good reason; were the work of the N'Yaarkers; and
the stolen things were conveyed to their camp。  Occasionally depredators
would be caught and beaten; but they would give a signal which would
bring to their assistance the whole body of N'Yaarkers; and turn the
tables on their assailants。

We had in our squad a little watchmaker named Dan Martin; of the Eighth
New York Infantry。  Other boys let him take their watches to tinker up;
so as to make a show of running; and be available for trading to the

One day Martin was at the creek; when a N'Yaarker asked him to let him
look at a watch。  Martin incautiously did so; when the N'Yaarker snatched
it and sped away to the camp of his crowd。  Martin ran back to us and
told his story。  This was the last feather which was to break the camel's
back of our patience。  Peter Bates; of the Third Michigan; the Sergeant
of our squad; had considerable confidence in his muscular ability。
He flamed up into mighty wrath; and swore a sulphurous oath that we would
get that watch back; whereupon about two hundred of us avowed our
willingness to help reclaim it。

Each of us providing ourselves with a club; we started on our errand。
The rest of the campabout four thousandgathered on the hillside to
watch us。  We thought they might have sent us some assistance; as it was
about as much their fight as ours; but they did not; and we were too
proud to ask it。  The crossing of the swamp was quite difficult。  Only
one could go over at a time; and he very slowly。  The N'Yaarkers
understood that trouble was pending; and they began mustering to receive
us。  From the way they turned out it was evident that we should have come
over with three hundred instead of two hundred; but it was too late then
to alter the program。  As we came up a stalwart Irishman stepped out and
asked us what we wanted。

Bates replied: 〃We have come over to get a watch that one of your fellows
took from one of ours; and by … we're going to have it。〃

The Irishman's reply was equally explicit though not strictly logical in
construction。  Said he: 〃We havn't got your watch; and be ye can't have

This joined the issue just as fairly as if it had been done by all the
documentary formula that passed between Turkey and Russia prior to the
late war。  Bates and the Irishman then exchanged very derogatory opinions
of each other; and began striking with their clubs。  The rest of us took
this as our cue; and each; selecting as small a N'Yaarker as we could
readily find; sailed in。

There is a very expressive bit of slang coming into general use in the
West; which speaks of a man 〃biting off more than he can chew。〃

That is what we had done。  We had taken a contract that we should have
divided; and sub…let the bigger half。  Two minutes after the engagement
became general there was no doubt that we would have been much better off
if we had staid on our own side of the creek。  The watch was a very poor
one; anyhow。  We thought we would just say good day to our N'Yaark
friends; and return home hastily。  But they declined to be left so
precipitately。  They wanted to stay with us awhile。  It was lots of fun
for them; and for the; four thousand yelling spectators on the opposite
hill; who were greatly enjoying our discomfiture。  There was hardly
enough of the amusement to go clear around; however; and it all fell
short just before it reached us。  We earnestly wished that some of the
boys would come over and help us let go of the N'Yaarkers; but they were
enjoying the thing too much to interfere。

We were driven down the hill; pell…mell; with the N'Yaarkers pursuing
hotly with yell and blow。  At the swamp we tried to make a stand to
secure our passage across; but it was only partially successful。  Very
few got back without some severe hurts; and many received blows that
greatly hastened their deaths。

After this the N'Yaarkers became bolder in their robberies; and more
arrogant in their demeanor than ever; and we had the poor revenge upon
those who would not assist us; of seeing a reign of terror inaugurated
over the whole camp。



The rations diminished perceptibly day by day。  When we first entered we
each received something over a quart of tolerably good meal; a sweet
potato; a piece of meat about the size of one's two fingers; and
occasionally a spoonful of salt。  First the salt disappeared。  Then the
sweet potato took unto itself wings and flew away; never to return。
An attempt was ostensibly made to issue us cow…peas instead; and the
first issue was only a quart to a detachment of two hundred and seventy
men。  This has two…thirds of a pint to each squad of ninety; and made but
a few spoonfuls for each of the four messes in the squad。  When it came
to dividing among the men; the beans had to be counted。  Nobody received
enough to pay for cooking; and we were at a loss what to do until
somebody suggested that we play poker for them。  This met general
acceptance; and after that; as long as beans were drawn; a large portion
of the day was spent in absorbing games of 〃bluff 〃 and 〃draw;〃 at a bean
〃ante;〃 and no 〃limit。〃

After a number of hours' diligent playing; some lucky or skillful player
would be in possession of all the beans in a mess; a squad; and sometimes
a detachment; and have enough for a good meal。

Next the meal began to diminish in quantity and deteriorate in quality。
It became so exceedingly coarse that the common remark was that the next
step would be to bring us the corn in the shock; and feed it to us like
stock。  Then meat followed suit with the rest。  The rations decreased in
size; and the number of days that we did not get any; kept constantly
increasing in proportion to the days that we did; until eventually the
meat bade us a final adieu; and joined the sweet potato in that
undiscovered country from whose bourne no ration ever returned。

The fuel and building material in the stockade were speedily exhausted。
The later comers had nothing whatever to build shelter with。

But; after the Spring rains had fairly set in; it seemed that we had not
tasted misery until then。  About the middle of March the windows of
heaven opened; and it began a rain like that of the time of Noah。  It was
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