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goods and travelers。  It is on a rudely constructed; rickety railroad;
that runs from Macon to Albany; the head of navigation on the Flint
River; which is; one hundred and six miles from Macon; and two hundred
and fifty from the Gulf of Mexico。  Andersonville is about sixty miles
from Macon; and; consequently; about three hundred miles from the Gulf。
The camp was merely a hole cut in the wilderness。  It was as remote a
point from; our armies; as they then lay; as the Southern Confederacy
could give。  The nearest was Sherman; at Chattanooga; four hundred miles
away; and on the other side of a range of mountains hundreds of miles

To us it seemed beyond the last forlorn limits of civilization。  We felt
that we were more completely at the mercy of our foes than ever。  While
in Richmond we were in the heart of the Confederacy; we were in the midst
of the Rebel military and; civil force; and were surrounded on every hand
by visible evidences of the great magnitude of that power; but this;
while it enforced our ready submission; did not overawe us depressingly;
We knew that though the Rebels were all about us in great force; our own
men were also near; and in still greater forcethat while they were very
strong our army was still stronger; and there was no telling what day
this superiority of strength; might be demonstrated in such a way as to
decisively benefit us。

But here we felt as did the Ancient Mariner:

               Alone on a wide; wide sea;
               So lonely 'twas that God himself
               Scarce seemed there to be。



We roused up promptly with the dawn to take a survey of our new abiding
place。  We found ourselves in an immense pen; about one thousand feet
long by eight hundred wide; as a young surveyora member of the Thirty…
fourth Ohioinformed us after he had paced it off。  He estimated that it
contained about sixteen acres。  The walls were formed by pine logs
twenty…five feet long; from two to three feet in diameter; hewn square;
set into the ground to a depth of five feet; and placed so close together
as to leave no crack through which the country outside could be seen。
There being five feet of the logs in the ground; the wall was; of course;
twenty feet high。  This manner of enclosure was in some respects superior
to a wall of masonry。  It was equally unscalable; and much more difficult
to undermine or batter down。

The pen was Longest due north and south。  It was!  divided in the center
by a creek about a yard wide and ten inches deep; running from west to
east。  On each side of this was a quaking bog of slimy ooze one hundred
and fifty feet wide; and so yielding that one attempting to walk upon it
would sink to the waist。  From this swamp the sand…hills sloped north and
south to the stockade。  All the trees inside the stockade; save two; had
been cut down and used in its construction。  All the rank vegetation of
the swamp had also been cut off。

There were two entrances to the stockade; one on each side of the creek;
midway between it and the ends; and called respectively the 〃North Gate〃
and the 〃 South Gate。〃  These were constructed double; by building
smaller stockades around them on the outside; with another set of gates。
When prisoners or wagons with rations were brought in; they were first
brought inside the outer gates; which were carefully secured; before the
inner gates were opened。  This was done to prevent the gates being
carried by a rush by those confined inside。

At regular intervals along the palisades were little perches; upon which
stood guards; who overlooked the whole inside of the prison。

The only view we had of the outside was that obtained by looking from the
highest points of the North or South Sides across the depression where
the stockade crossed the swamp。  In this way we could see about forty
acres at a time of the adjoining woodland; or say one hundred and sixty
acres altogether; and this meager landscape had to content us for the
next half year。

Before our inspection was finished; a wagon drove in with rations; and a
quart of meal; a sweet potato and a few ounces of salt beef were issued
to each one of us。

In a few minutes we were all hard at work preparing our first meal in
Andersonville。  The debris of the forest left a temporary abundance of
fuel; and we had already a cheerful fire blazing for every little squad。
There were a number of tobacco presses in the rooms we occupied in
Richmond; and to each of these was a quantity of sheets of tin; evidently
used to put between the layers of tobacco。  The deft hands of the
mechanics among us bent these up into square pans; which were real handy
cooking utensils; holding abouta quart。  Water was carried in them from
the creek; the meal mixed in them to a dough; or else boiled as mush in
the same vessels; the potatoes were boiled; and their final service was
to hold a little meal to be carefully browned; and then water boiled upon
it; so as to form a feeble imitation of coffee。  I found my education at
Jonesville in the art of baking a hoe…cake now came in good play; both
for myself and companions。  Taking one of the pieces of tin which had not
yet been made into a pan; we spread upon it a layer of dough about a
half…inch thick。  Propping this up nearly upright before the fire; it was
soon nicely browned over。  This process made it sweat itself loose from
the tin; when it was turned over and the bottom browned also。  Save that
it was destitute of salt; it was quite a toothsome bit of nutriment for a
hungry man; and I recommend my readers to try making a 〃pone〃 of this
kind once; just to see what it was like。

The supreme indifference with which the Rebels always treated the matter
of cooking utensils for us; excited my wonder。  It never seemed to occur
to them that we could have any more need of vessels for our food than
cattle or swine。  Never; during my whole prison life; did I see so much
as a tin cup or a bucket issued to a prisoner。  Starving men were driven
to all sorts of shifts for want of these。  Pantaloons or coats were
pulled off and their sleeves or legs used to draw a mess's meal in。
Boots were common vessels for carrying water; and when the feet of these
gave way the legs were ingeniously closed up with pine pegs; so as to
form rude leathern buckets。  Men whose pocket knives had escaped the
search at the gates made very ingenious little tubs and buckets; and
these devices enabled us to get along after a fashion。

After our meal was disposed of; we held a council on the situation。
Though we had been sadly disappointed in not being exchanged; it seemed
that on the whole our condition had been bettered。  This first ration was
a decided improvement on those of the Pemberton building; we had left the
snow and ice behind at Richmondor rather at some place between Raleigh;
N。 C。; and Columbia; S。 C。and the air here; though chill; was not
nipping; but bracing。  It looked as if we would have a plenty of wood for
shelter and fuel; it was certainly better to have sixt
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