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Sergeant…of…the…Floor; who drew rations and enforced what little
discipline was observed。

Though we were not so neat as the sailors above us; we tried to keep our
quarters reasonably clean; and we washed the floor every morning; getting
down on our knees and rubbing it clean and dry with rags。  Each mess
detailed a man each day to wash up the part of the floor it occupied;
and he had to do this properly or no ration would be given him。  While
the washing up was going on each man stripped himself and made close
examination of his garments for the body…lice; which otherwise would have
increased beyond control。  Blankets were also carefully hunted over for
these 〃small deer。〃

About eight o'clock a spruce little lisping rebel named Ross would appear
with a book; and a body…guard; consisting of a big Irishman; who had the
air of a Policeman; and carried a musket barrel made into a cane。  Behind
him were two or three armed guards。  The Sergeant…of…the…Floor commanded:

〃Fall in in four ranks for roll…call。〃

We formed along one side of the room; the guards halted at the head of
the stairs; Ross walked down in front and counted the files; closely
followed by his Irish aid; with his gun…barrel cane raised ready for use
upon any one who should arouse his ruffianly ire。  Breaking ranks we
returned to our places; and sat around in moody silence for three hours。
We had eaten nothing since the previous noon。  Rising hungry; our hunger
seemed to increase in arithmetical ratio with every quarter of an hour。

These times afforded an illustration of the thorough subjection of man to
the tyrant Stomach。  A more irritable lot of individuals could scarcely
be found outside of a menagerie than these men during the hours waiting
for rations。  〃Crosser than; two sticks〃 utterly failed as a comparison。
They were crosser than the lines of a check apron。  Many could have given
odds to the traditional bear with a sore head; and run out of the game
fifty points ahead of him。  It was astonishingly easy to get up a fight
at these times。  There was no need of going a step out of the way to
search for it; as one could have a full fledged article of overwhelming
size on his hands at any instant; by a trifling indiscretion of speech or
manner。  All the old irritating flings between the cavalry; the artillery
and the infantry; the older 〃first…call〃 men; and the later or 〃Three…
Hundred…Dollar…men;〃 as they were derisively dubbed; between the
different corps of the Army of the Potomac; between men of different
States; and lastly between the adherents and opponents of McClellan; came
to the lips and were answered by a blow with the fist; when a ring would
be formed around the combatants by a crowd; which would encourage them
with yells to do their best。  In a few minutes one of the parties to the
fistic debate; who found the point raised by him not well taken; would
retire to the sink to wash the blood from his battered face; and the rest
would resume their seats and glower at space until some fresh excitement
roused them。  For the last hour or so of these long waits hardly a word
would be spoken。  We were too ill…natured to talk for amusement; and
there was nothing else to talk for。

This spell was broken about eleven o'clock by the appearance at the head
of the stairway of the Irishman with the gun…barrel cane; and his singing

〃Sargint uv the flure: fourtane min and a bread…box!〃

Instantly every man sprang to his feet; and pressed forward to be one of
the favored fourteen。  One did not get any more gyrations or obtain them
any sooner by this; but it was a relief; and a change to walk the half
square outside the prison to the cookhouse; and help carry the rations

For a little while after our arrival in Richmond; the rations were
tolerably good。  There had been so much said about the privations of the
prisoners that our Government had; after much quibbling and negotiation;
succeeded in getting the privilege of sending food and clothing through
the lines to us。  Of course but a small part of that sent ever reached
its destination。  There were too many greedy Rebels along its line of
passage to let much of it be received by those for whom it was intended。
We could see from our windows Rebels strutting about in overcoats; in
which the box wrinkles were still plainly visible; wearing new 〃U。 S。〃
blankets as cloaks; and walking in Government shoes; worth fabulous
prices in Confederate money。

Fortunately for our Government the rebels decided to out themselves off
from this profitable source of supply。  We read one day in the Richmond
papers that 〃President Davis and his Cabinet had come to the conclusion
that it was incompatible with the dignity of a sovereign power to permit
another power with which it was at war; to feed and clothe prisoners in
its hands。〃

I will not stop to argue this point of honor; and show its absurdity by
pointing out that it is not an unusual practice with nations at war。  It
is a sufficient commentary upon this assumption of punctiliousness that
the paper went on to say that some five tons of clothing and fifteen tons
of food; which had been sent under a flag of truce to City Point; would
neither be returned nor delivered to us; but 〃converted to the use of the
Confederate Government。〃

               〃And surely they are all honorable men!〃

Heaven save the mark。


But; to return to the rationsa topic which; with escape or exchange;
were to be the absorbing ones for us for the next fifteen months。  There
was now issued to every two men a loaf of coarse breadmade of a mixture
of flour and mealand about the size and shape of an ordinary brick。
This half loaf was accompanied; while our Government was allowed to
furnish rations; with a small piece of corned beef。  Occasionally we got
a sweet potato; or a half…pint or such a matter of soup made from a
coarse; but nutritious; bean or pea; called variously 〃nigger…pea;〃
〃stock…pea;〃 or 〃cow…pea。〃

This; by the way; became a fruitful bone of contention during our stay
in the South。  One strong party among us maintained that it was a bean;
because it was shaped like one; and brown; which they claimed no pea ever
was。  The other party held that it was a pea because its various names
all agreed in describing it as a pea; and because it was so full of bugs…
…none being entirely free from insects; and some having as many as twelve
by actual countwithin its shell。  This; they declared; was a
distinctive characteristic of the pea family。  The contention began with
our first instalment of the leguminous ration; and was still raging
between the survivors who passed into our lines in 1865。  It waxed hot
occasionally; and each side continually sought evidence to support its
view of the case。  Once an old darky; sent into the prison on some
errand; was summoned to decide a hot dispute that was raging in the crowd
to which I belonged。  The champion of the pea side said; producing one of
the objects of dispute:

〃Now; boys; keep still; till I pu
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