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constantly swept the horizon。  Numberless small boats; each rowed by
neatly…uniformed men; and carrying a flag in the stern; darted hither and
thither; carrying officers on errands of duty or pleasure。  It was such a
scene as enabled me to realize in a measure; the descriptions I had read
of the pomp and circumstance of naval warfare。

While we were standing; contemplating all the interesting sights within
view; a small steamer; about the size of a canal…boat; and carrying
several bright brass guns; ran swiftly and noiselessly up to the dock
near by; and a young; pale…faced officer; slender in build and nervous in
manner; stepped ashore。  Some of the blue jackets who were talking to us
looked at him and the vessel with the greatest expression of interest;
and said:

〃Hello! there's the 'Monticello' and Lieutenant Cushing。〃

This; then; was the naval boy hero; with whose exploits the whole country
was ringing。  Our sailor friends proceeded to tell us of his
achievements; of which they were justly proud。  They told us of his
perilous scouts and his hairbreadth escapes; of his wonderful audacity
and still more wonderful successof his capture of Towns with a handful
of sailors; and the destruction of valuable stores; etc。  I felt very
sorry that the man was not a cavalry commander。  There he would have had
full scope for his peculiar genius。  He had come prominently into notice
in the preceding Autumn; when he had; by one of the most daring
performances narrated in naval history; destroyed the formidable ram
〃Albermarle。〃  This vessel had been constructed by the Rebels on the
Roanoke River; and had done them very good service; first by assisting to
reduce the forts and capture the garrison at Plymouth; N。 C。; and
afterward in some minor engagements。  In October; 1864; she was lying at
Plymouth。  Around her was a boom of logs to prevent sudden approaches of
boats or vessels from our fleet。  Cushing; who was then barely twenty…
one; resolved to attempt her destruction。  He fitted up a steam launch
with a long spar to which he attached a torpedo。  On the night of October
27th; with thirteen companions; he ran quietly up the Sound and was not
discovered until his boat struck the boom; when a terrific fire was
opened upon him。  Backing a short distance; he ran at the boom with such
velocity that his boat leaped across it into the water beyond。  In an
instant more his torpedo struck the side of the 〃Albemarle〃 and exploded;
tearing a great hole in her hull; which sank her in a few minutes。  At
the moment the torpedo went off the 〃Albermarle〃 fired one of her great
guns directly into the launch; tearing it completely to pieces。
Lieutenant Cushing and one comrade rose to the surface of the seething
water and; swimming ashore; escaped。  What became of the rest is not
known; but their fate can hardly be a matter of doubt。

We were ferried across the river into Wilmington; and marched up the
streets to some vacant ground near the railroad depot; where we found
most of our old Florence comrades already assembled。  When they left us
in the middle of February they were taken to Wilmington; and thence to
Goldsboro; N。 C。; where they were kept until the rapid closing in of our
Armies made it impracticable to hold them any longer; when they were sent
back to Wilmington and given up to our forces as we had been。

It was now nearly noon; and we were ordered to fall in and draw rations;
a bewildering order to us; who had been so long in the habit of drawing
food but once a day。  We fell in in single rank; and marched up; one at a
time; past where a group of employees of the Commissary Department dealt
out the food。  One handed each prisoner as he passed  a large slice of
meat; another gave him a handful of ground coffee; a third a handful of
sugar; a fourth gave him a pickle; while a fifth and sixth handed him an
onion and a loaf of fresh bread。  This filled the horn of our plenty
full。  To have all these in one daymeat; coffee; sugar; onions and soft
breadwas simply to riot in undreamed…of luxury。  Many of the boyspoor
fellowscould not yet realize that there was enough for all; or they
could not give up their old 〃flanking〃 tricks; and they stole around;
and falling into the rear; came up again for' another share。  We laughed
at them; as did the Commissary men; who; nevertheless; duplicated the
rations already received;; and sent them away happy and content。

What a glorious dinner Andrews and I had; with our half gallon of strong
coffee; our soft bread; and a pan full of fried pork and onions!  Such an
enjoyable feast will never be; eaten again by us。

Here we saw negro troops under arms for the first timethe most of the
organization of colored soldiers having been; done since our capture。
It was startling at first to see a stalwart; coal…black negro stalking
along with a Sergeant's chevrons on his arm; or to gaze on a regimental
line of dusky faces on dress parade; but we soon got used to it。  The
first strong peculiarity of the negro soldier that impressed itself; upon
us was his literal obedience of orders。  A white soldier usually allows
himself considerable discretion in obeying ordershe aims more at the
spirit; while the negro adheres to the strict letter of the command。

For instance; the second day after our arrival a line of guards were
placed around us; with orders not to allow any of us to go up town
without a pass。  The reason of this was that many weakeven dying…men
would persist in wandering about; and would be found exhausted;
frequently dead; in various parts of the City。  Andrews and I concluded
to go up town。  Approaching a negro sentinel he warned us back with;

〃Stand back; dah; don't come any furder; it's agin de awdahs; you can't

He would not allow us to argue the case; but brought his gun to such a
threatening position that we fell back。  Going down the line a little
farther; we came to a white sentinel; to whom I said:

〃Comrade; what are your orders:

He replied:

〃My orders are not to let any of you fellows pass; but my beat only
extends to that out…house there。〃

Acting on this plain hint; we walked around the house and went up…town。
The guard simply construed his orders in a liberal spirit。  He reasoned
that they hardly applied to us; since we were evidently able to take care
of ourselves。

Later we had another illustration of this dog like fidelity of the
colored sentinel。  A number of us were quartered in a large and empty
warehouse。  On the same floor; and close to us; were a couple of very
fine horses belonging to some officer。  We had not been in the warehouse
very long until we concluded that the straw with which the horses were
bedded would be better used in making couches for ourselves; and this
suggestion was instantly acted upon; and so thoroughly that there was not
a straw left between the animals and the bare boards。  Presently the
owner of the horses came in; and he was greatly incensed at what had been
done。  He relieved his mind of a few sulphurous oaths; and going out;
came back soon with a man with more straw; and a colored soldier whom he
stationed by the horses; saying:

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