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we were again marching out of Cumberland Gap; on an avenging foray
against some of the force which had assisted in our capture。

Fortunately for this delusive hopefulness there was no weird and boding
Cassandra to pierce the veil of the future for us; and reveal the length
and the ghastly horror of the Valley of the Shadow of Death; through
which we must pass for hundreds of sad days; stretching out into long
months of suffering and death。  Happily there was no one to tell us that
of every five in that party four would never stand under the Stars and
Stripes again; but succumbing to chronic starvation; long…continued
exposure; the bullet of the brutal guard; the loathsome scurvy; the
hideous gangrene; and the heartsickness of hope deferred; would find
respite from pain low in the barren sands of that hungry Southern soil。

Were every doom foretokened by appropriate omens; the ravens along our
route would have croaked themselves hoarse。

But; far from being oppressed by any presentiment of coming evil; we
began to appreciate and enjoy the picturesque grandeur of the scenery
through which we were moving。  The rugged sternness of the Appalachian
mountain range; in whose rock…ribbed heart we had fought our losing
fight; was now softening into less strong; but more graceful outlines as
we approached the pine…clad; sandy plains of the seaboard; upon which
Richmond is built。  We were skirting along the eastern base of the great
Blue Ridge; about whose distant and lofty summits hung a perpetual veil
of deep; dark; but translucent blue; which refracted the slanting rays of
the morning and evening sun into masses of color more gorgeous than a
dreamer's vision of an enchanted land。  At Lynchburg we saw the famed
Peaks of Ottertwenty miles awaylifting their proud heads far into the
clouds; like giant watch…towers sentineling the gateway that the mighty
waters of the James had forced through the barriers of solid adamant
lying across their path to the far…off sea。  What we had seen many miles
back start from the mountain sides as slender rivulets; brawling over the
worn boulders; were now great; rushing; full…tide streams; enough of them
in any fifty miles of our journey to furnish water power for all the
factories of New England。  Their amazing opulence of mechanical energy
has lain unutilized; almost unnoticed; in the two and one…half centuries
that the white man has dwelt near them; while in Massachusetts and her
near neighbors every rill that can turn a wheel has been put into harness
and forced to do its share of labor for the benefit of the men who have
made themselves its masters。

Here is one of the differences between the two sections: In the North man
was set free; and the elements made to do his work。  In the South man was
the degraded slave; and the elements wantoned on in undisturbed freedom。

As we went on; the Valleys of the James and the Appomattox; down which
our way lay; broadened into an expanse of arable acres; and the faces of
those streams were frequently flecked by gem…like little islands。



Early on the tenth morning after our capture we were told that we were
about to enter Richmond。  Instantly all were keenly observant of every
detail in the surroundings of a City that was then the object of the
hopes and fears of thirty…five millions of peoplea City assailing which
seventy…five thousand brave men had already laid down their lives;
defending which an equal number had died; and which; before it fell; was
to cost the life blood of another one hundred and fifty thousand valiant
assailants and defenders。

So much had been said and written about Richmond that our boyish minds
had wrought up the most extravagant expectations of it and its defenses。
We anticipated seeing a City differing widely from anything ever seen
before; some anomaly of nature displayed in its site; itself guarded by
imposing and impregnable fortifications; with powerful forts and heavy
guns; perhaps even walls; castles; postern gates; moats and ditches;
and all the other panoply of defensive warfare; with which romantic
history had made us familiar。

We were disappointedbadly disappointedin seeing nothing of this as we
slowly rolled along。  The spires and the tall chimneys of the factories
rose in the distance very much as they had in other Cities we had
visited。  We passed a single line of breastworks of bare yellow sand;
but the scrubby pines in front were not cut away; and there were no signs
that there had ever been any immediate expectation of use for the works。
A redoubt or twowithout gunscould be made out; and this was all。
Grim…visaged war had few wrinkles on his front in that neighborhood。
They were then seaming his brow on the Rappahannock; seventy miles away;
where the Army of Northern Virginia and the Army of the Potomac lay
confronting each other。

At one of the stopping places I had been separated from my companions by
entering a car in which were a number of East Tennesseeans; captured in
the operations around Knoxville; and whom the Rebels; in accordance with
their usual custom; were treating with studied contumely。  I had always
had a very warm side for these simple rustics of the mountains and
valleys。  I knew much of their unwavering fidelity to the Union; of the
firm steadfastness with which they endured persecution for their
country's sake; and made sacrifices even unto death; and; as in those
days I estimated all men simply by their devotion to the great cause of
National integrity; (a habit that still clings to me) I rated these men
very highly。  I had gone into their car to do my little to encourage
them; and when I attempted to return to my own I was prevented by the

Crossing the long bridge; our train came to a halt on the other side of
the river with the usual clamor of bell and whistle; the usual seemingly
purposeless and vacillating; almost dizzying; running backward and
forward on a network of sidetracks and switches; that seemed unavoidably
necessary; a dozen years ago; in getting a train into a City。

Still unable to regain my comrades and share their fortunes; I was
marched off with the Tennesseeans through the City to the office of some
one who had charge of the prisoners of war。

The streets we passed through were lined with retail stores; in which
business was being carried on very much as in peaceful times。  Many
people were on the streets; but the greater part of the men wore some
sort of a uniform。  Though numbers of these were in active service; yet
the wearing of a military garb did not necessarily imply this。  Nearly
every able…bodied man in Richmond was; enrolled in some sort of an
organization; and armed; and drilled regularly。  Even the members of the
Confederate Congress were uniformed and attached; in theory at least; to
the Home Guards。

It was obvious even to the casual glimpse of a passing prisoner of war;
that the City did not lack its full share of the class which formed so
large an element of 
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