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bastard; almost unintelligible; English。  These were the sole blessings
acquired by a transfer from a life of freedom in the jungles of the Gold
Coast; to one of slavery in the swamps of the Combahee。

I could not then; nor can I now; regret the downfall of a system of
society which bore such fruits。

Towards night a distressingly cold breeze; laden with a penetrating mist;
set in from the sea; and put an end to future observations by making us
too uncomfortable to care for scenery or social conditions。  We wanted
most to devise a way to keep warm。  Andrews and I pulled our overcoat and
blanket closely about us; snuggled together so as to make each one's
meager body afford the other as much heat as possibleand endured。

We became fearfully hungry。  It will be recollected that we ate the whole
of the two days' rations issued to us at Blackshear at once; and we had
received nothing since。  We reached the sullen; fainting stage of great
hunger; and for hours nothing was said by any one; except an occasional
bitter execration on Rebels and Rebel practices。

It was late at night when we reached Charleston。  The lights of the City;
and the apparent warmth and comfort there cheered us up somewhat with the
hopes that we might have some share in them。  Leaving the train; we were
marched some distance through well…lighted streets; in which were plenty
of people walking to and fro。  There were many stores; apparently stocked
with goods; and the citizens seemed to be going about their business very
much as was the custom up North。

At length our head of column made a 〃right turn;〃 and we marched away
from the lighted portion of the City; to a part which I could see through
the shadows was filled with ruins。  An almost insupportable odor of gas;
escaping I suppose from the ruptured pipes; mingled with the cold;
rasping air from the sea; to make every breath intensely disagreeable。

As I saw the ruins; it flashed upon me that this was the burnt district
of the city; and they were putting us under the fire of our own guns。
At first I felt much alarmed。  Little relish as I had on general
principles; for being shot I had much less for being killed by our own
men。  Then I reflected that if they put me thereand kept mea guard
would have to be placed around us; who would necessarily be in as much
clanger as we were; and I knew I could stand any fire that a Rebel could。

We were halted in a vacant lot; and sat down; only to jump up the next
instant; as some one shouted:

〃There comes one of 'em!〃

It was a great shell from the Swamp Angel Battery。  Starting from a point
miles away; where; seemingly; the sky came down to the sea; was a; narrow
ribbon of fire; which slowly unrolled itself against the star…lit vault
over our heads。  On; on it came; and was apparently following the sky
down to the horizon behind us。  As it reached the zenith; there came to
our ears a prolonged; but not sharp;


We watched it breathlessly; and it seemed to be long minutes in running
its course; then a thump upon the ground; and a vibration; told that it
had struck。  For a moment there was a dead silence。  Then came a loud
roar; and the crash of breaking timber and crushing walls。  The shell had

Ten minutes later another shell followed; with like results。  For awhile
we forgot all about hunger in the excitement of watching the messengers
from 〃God's country。〃  What happiness to be where those shells came from。
Soon a Rebel battery of heavy guns somewhere near and in front of us;
waked up; and began answering with dull; slow thumps that made the ground
shudder。  This continued about an hour; when it quieted down again; but
our shells kept coming over at regular intervals with the same slow
deliberation; the same prolonged warning; and the same dreadful crash
when they struck。  They had already gone on this way for over a year;
and were to keep it up months longer until the City was captured。

The routine was the same from day to day; month in; and month out; from
early in August; 1863; to the middle of April; 1865。  Every few minutes
during the day our folks would hurl a great shell into the beleaguered
City; and twice a day; for perhaps an hour each time; the Rebel batteries
would talk back。  It must have been a lesson to the Charlestonians of the
persistent; methodical spirit of the North。  They prided themselves on
the length of the time they were holding out against the enemy; and the
papers each day had a column headed:

               〃390th DAY OF THE SIEGE;〃

or 391st; 393d; etc。; as the number might be since our people opened fire
upon the City。  The part where we lay was a mass of ruins。  Many large
buildings had been knocked down; very many more were riddled with shot
holes and tottering to their fall。  One night a shell passed through a
large building about a quarter of a mile from us。  It had already been
struck several times; and was shaky。  The shell went through with a
deafening crash。  All was still for an instant; then it exploded with a
dull roar; followed by more crashing of timber and walls。  The sound died
away and was succeeded by a moment of silence。  Finally the great
building fell; a shapeless heap of ruins; with a noise like that of a
dozen field pieces。  We wanted to cheer but restrained ourselves。  This
was the nearest to us that any shell came。

There was only one section of the City in reach of our guns and this was
nearly destroyed。  Fires had come to complete the work begun by the
shells。  Outside of the boundaries of this region; the people felt
themselves as safe as in one of our northern Cities to…day。  They had an
abiding faith that they were clear out of reach of any artillery that we
could mount。  I learned afterwards from some of the prisoners; who went
into Charleston ahead of us; and were camped on the race course outside
of the City; that one day our fellows threw a shell clear over the City
to this race course。  There was an immediate and terrible panic among the
citizens。  They thought we had mounted some new guns of increased range;
and now the whole city must go。  But the next shell fell inside the
established limits; and those following were equally well behaved; so
that the panic abated。  I have never heard any explanation of the matter。
It may have been some freak of the gun…squad; trying the effect of an
extra charge of powder。  Had our people known of its signal effect; they
could have depopulated the place in a few hours。

The whole matter impressed me queerly。  The only artillery I had ever
seen in action were field pieces。  They made an earsplitting crash when
they were discharged; and there was likely to be oceans of trouble for
everybody in that neighborhood about that time。  I reasoned from this
that bigger guns made a proportionally greater amount of noise; and bred
an infinitely larger quantity of trouble。  Now I was hearing the giants
of the world's ordnance; and they were not so impressive as a lively
battery of three…inch rifles。  Their reports did not threaten to shatter
everything; but had a dull resonance; something like that produced by
striking an empty 
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