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The cars were open flats。  The rain still beat down unrelentingly。
Andrews and I huddled ourselves together so as to make our bodies afford
as much heat as possible; pulled our faithful old overcoat around us as
far as it would go; and endured the inclemency as best we could。

Our train headed back to Savannah; and again our hearts warmed up with
hopes of exchange。  It seemed as if there could be no other purpose of
taking us out of a prison so recently established and at such cost as

As we approached the coast the rain ceased; but a piercing cold wind set
in; that threatened to convert our soaked rags into icicles。

Very many died on the way。  When we arrived at Savannah almost; if not
quite; every car had upon it one whom hunger no longer gnawed or disease
wasted; whom cold had pinched for the last time; and for whom the golden
portals of the Beyond had opened for an exchange that neither Davis nor
his despicable tool; Winder; could control。

We did not sentimentalize over these。  We could not mourn; the thousands
that we had seen pass away made that emotion hackneyed and wearisome;
with the death of some friend and comrade as regularly an event of each
day as roll call and drawing rations; the sentiment of grief had become
nearly obsolete。  We were not hardened; we had simply come to look upon
death as commonplace and ordinary。  To have had no one dead or dying
around us would have been regarded as singular。

Besides; why should we feel any regret at the passing away of those whose
condition would probably be bettered thereby!  It was difficult to see
where we who still lived were any better off than they who were gone
before and now 〃forever at peace; each in his windowless palace of rest。〃
If imprisonment was to continue only another month; we would rather be
with them。

Arriving at Savannah; we were ordered off the cars。  A squad from each
car carried the dead to a designated spot; and land them in a row;
composing their limbs as well as possible; but giving no other funeral
rites; not even making a record of their names and regiments。  Negro
laborers came along afterwards; with carts; took the bodies to some
vacant ground; and sunk them out of sight in the sand。

We were given a few crackers eachthe same rude imitation of 〃hard tack〃
that had been served out to us when we arrived at Savannah the first
time; and then were marched over and put upon a train on the Atlantic &
Gulf Railroad; running from Savannah along the sea coast towards Florida。
What this meant we had little conception; but hope; which sprang eternal
in the prisoner's breast; whispered that perhaps it was exchange; that
there was some difficulty about our vessels coming to Savannah; and we
were being taken to some other more convenient sea port; probably to
Florida; to deliver us to our folks there。  We satisfied ourselves that
we were running along the sea coast by tasting the water in the streams
we crossed; whenever we could get an opportunity to dip up some。  As long
as the water tasted salty we knew we were near the sea; and hope burned

The truth wasas we afterwards learnedthe Rebels were terribly puzzled
what to do with us。  We were brought to Savannah; but that did not solve
the problem; and we were sent down the Atlantic & Gulf road as a
temporary expedient

The railroad was the worst of the many bad ones which it was my fortune
to ride upon in my excursions while a guest of the Southern Confederacy。
It had run down until it had nearly reached the worn…out condition of
that Western road; of which an employee of a rival route once said; 〃that
all there was left of it now was two streaks of rust and the right of
way。〃  As it was one of the non…essential roads to the Southern
Confederacy; it was stripped of the best of its rolling…stock and
machinery to supply the other more important lines。

I have before mentioned the scarcity of grease in the South; and the
difficulty of supplying the railroads with lubricants。  Apparently there
had been no oil on the Atlantic & Gulf since the beginning of the war;
and the screeches of the dry axles revolving in the worn…out boxes were
agonizing。  Some thing would break on the cars or blow out on the engine
every few miles; necessitating a long stop for repairs。  Then there was
no supply of fuel along the line。  When the engine ran out of wood it
would halt; and a couple of negros riding on the tender would assail a
panel of fence or a fallen tree with their axes; and after an hour or
such matter of hard chopping; would pile sufficient wood upon the tender
to enable us to renew our journey。

Frequently the engine stopped as if from sheer fatigue or inanition。
The Rebel officers tried to get us to assist it up the grade by
dismounting and pushing behind。  We respectfully; but firmly; declined。
We were gentlemen of leisure; we said; and decidedly averse to manual
labor; we had been invited on this excursion by Mr。 Jeff。 Davis and his
friends; who set themselves up as our entertainers; and it would be a
gross breach of hospitality to reflect upon our hosts by working our
passage。  If this was insisted upon; we should certainly not visit them
again。  Besides; it made no difference to us whether the train got along
or not。  We were not losing anything by the delay; we were not anxious to
go anywhere。  One part of the Southern Confederacy was just as good as
another to us。  So not a finger could they persuade any of us to raise to
help along the journey。

The country we were traversing was sterile and poorworse even than that
in the neighborhood of Andersonville。  Farms and farmhouses were scarce;
and of towns there were none。  Not even a collection of houses big enough
to justify a blacksmith shop or a store appeared along the whole route。
But few fields of any kind were seen; and nowhere was there a farm which
gave evidence of a determined effort on the part of its occupants to till
the soil and to improve their condition。

When the train stopped for wood; or for repairs; or from exhaustion;
we were allowed to descend from the cars and stretch our numbed limbs。
It did us good in other ways; too。  It seemed almost happiness to be
outside of those cursed Stockades; to rest our eyes by looking away
through the woods; and seeing birds and animals that were free。  They
must be happy; because to us to be free once more was the summit of
earthly happiness。

There was a chance; too; to pick up something green to eat; and we were
famishing for this。  The scurvy still lingered in our systems; and we
were hungry for an antidote。  A plant grew rather plentifully along the
track that looked very much as I imagine a palm leaf fan does in its
green state。  The leaf was not so large as an ordinary palm leaf fan;
and came directly out of the ground。  The natives called it 〃bull…grass;〃
but anything more unlike grass I never saw; so we rejected that
nomenclature; and dubbed them 〃green fans。〃  They were very hard to pull
up; it being usually as much as the strongest of us could do to draw them
out of the ground。  When pulled up there was found the smallest bit of a
stocknot as much as a joint of on
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