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provisions; which not only gave us a good supper; but supplied us for the
next day with all that we wanted。  They then guided us on our way for
several miles; and left us; after having refused compensation for what
they had done。

We continued to travel in this way for nine long weary nights; and on the
morning of the tenth day; as we were going into the woods to hide as
usual; a little before daylight; we came to a small pond at which there
was a negro boy watering two mules before hitching them to a cane mill;
it then being cane grinding time in Georgia。  He saw us at the same time
we did him; and being frightened put whip to the animals and ran off。
We tried every way to stop him; but it was no use。  He had the start of
us。  We were very fearful of the consequences of this mishap; but had no
remedy; and being very tired; could do nothing else but go into the
woods; go to sleep and trust to luck。

The next thing I remembered was being punched in the ribs by my comrade
nearest to me; and aroused with the remark; 〃We are gone up。〃  On opening
my eyes; I saw four men; in citizens' dress; each of whom had a shot gun
ready for use。  We were ordered to get up。  The first question asked us

〃Who are you。〃

This was spoken in so mild a tone as to lead me to believe that we might
possibly be in the hands of gentlemen; if not indeed in those of friends。
It was some time before any one answered。  The boys; by their looks and
the expression of their countenances; seemed to appeal to me for a reply
to get them out of their present dilemma; if possible。  Before I had time
to collect my thoughts; we were startled by these words; coming from the
same man that had asked the original question:

〃You had better not hesitate; for we have an idea who you are; and should
it prove that we are correct; it will be the worse for you。〃

〃'Who do you think we are?' I inquired。

〃'Horse thieves and moss…backs;' was the reply。

I jumped at the conclusion instantly that in order to save our lives; we
had better at once own the truth。  In a very few words I told them who we
were; where we were from; how long we had been on the road; etc。  At this
they withdrew a short distance from us for consultation; leaving us for
the time in terrible suspense as to what our fate might be。  Soon; how
ever; they returned and informed us that they would be compelled to take
us to the County Jail; to await further orders from the Military
Commander of the District。  While they were talking together; I took a
hasty inventory of what valuables we had on hand。  I found in the crowd
four silver watches; about three hundred dollars in Confederate money;
and possibly; about one hundred dollars in greenbacks。  Before their
return; I told the boys to be sure not to refuse any request I should
make。  Said I:

〃'Gentlemen; we have here four silver watches and several hundred dollars
in Confederate money and greenbacks; all of which we now offer you; if
you will but allow us to proceed on our journey; we taking our own
chances in the future。〃

This proposition; to my great surprise; was refused。  I thought then that
possibly I had been a little indiscreet in exposing our valuables; but in
this I was mistaken; for we had; indeed; fallen into the hands of
gentlemen; whose zeal for the Lost Cause was greater than that for
obtaining worldly wealth; and who not only refused the bribe; but took us
to a well…furnished and well…supplied farm house close by; gave us an
excellent breakfast; allowing us to sit at the table in a beautiful
dining…room; with a lady at the head; filled our haversacks with good;
wholesome food; and allowed us to keep our property; with an admonition
to be careful how we showed it again。  We were then put into a wagon and
taken to Hamilton; a small town; the county seat of Hamilton County;
Georgia; and placed in jail; where we remained for two days and nights
fearing; always; that the jail would be burned over our heads; as we
heard frequent threats of that nature; by the mob on the streets。
But the same kind Providence that had heretofore watched over us; seemed
not to have deserted us in this trouble。

One of the days we were confined at this place was Sunday; and some kind…
hearted lady or ladies (I only wish I knew their names; as well as those
of the gentlemen who had us first in charge; so that I could chronicle
them with honor here) taking compassion upon our forlorn condition; sent
us a splendid dinner on a very large china platter。  Whether it was done
intentionally or not; we never learned; but it was a fact; however; that
there was not a knife; fork or spoon upon the dish; and no table to set
it upon。  It was placed on the floor; around which we soon gathered; and;
with grateful hearts; we 〃got away〃 with it all; in an incredibly short
space of time; while many men and boys looked on; enjoying our ludicrous
attitudes and manners。

From here we were taken to Columbus; Ga。; and again placed in jail; and
in the charge of Confederate soldiers。  We could easily see that we were
gradually getting into hot water again; and that; ere many days; we would
have to resume our old habits in prison。  Our only hope now was that we
would not be returned to Andersonville; knowing well that if we got back
into the clutches of Wirz our chances for life would be slim indeed。
From Columbus we were sent by rail to Macon; where we were placed in a
prison somewhat similar to Andersonville; but of nothing like its
pretensions to security。  I soon learned that it was only used as a kind
of reception place for the prisoners who were captured in small squads;
and when they numbered two or three hundred; they would be shipped to
Andersonville; or some other place of greater dimensions and strength。
What became of the other boys who were with me; after we got to Macon;
I do not know; for I lost sight of them there。  The very next day after
our arrival; there were shipped to Andersonville from this prison between
two and three hundred men。  I was called on to go with the crowd; but
having had a sufficient experience of the hospitality of that hotel;
I concluded to play 〃old soldier;〃 so I became too sick to travel。
In this way I escaped being sent off four different times。

Meanwhile; quite a large number of commissioned officers had been sent up
from Charleston to be exchanged at Rough and Ready。  With them were about
forty more than the cartel called for; and they were left at Macon for
ten days or two weeks。  Among these officers were several of my
acquaintance; one being Lieut。 Huntly of our regiment (I am not quite
sure that I am right in the name of this officer; but I think I am);
through whose influence I was allowed to go outside with them on parole。
It was while enjoying this parole that I got more familiarly acquainted
with Captain Hurtell; or Hurtrell; who was in command of the prison at
Macon; and to his honor; I here assert; that he was the only gentleman
and the only officer that had the least humane feeling in his breast;
who ever had charge of me while a prisoner of war after we were taken out
of the hands of our original captors at Jonesville; Va。

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