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〃First Division; about〃

Said we:

〃First Hundred; about〃

〃Second Hundred; about〃

〃Third Hundred; about〃

〃Fourth Hundred; about〃 etc。; etc。

Said he:


Ten Sergeants repeated 〃Face!〃 one after the other; and each man in the
hundreds turned on his heel。  Then our leader commanded

〃First Division; forward!  MARCH!〃 and we strode back into the Stockade;
followed immediately by all the other divisions; leaving the orator still
standing on the stump。

The Rebels were furious at this curt way of replying。  We had scarcely
reached our quarters when they came in with several companies; with
loaded guns and fixed bayonets。  They drove us out of our tents and huts;
into one corner; under the pretense of hunting axes and spades; but in
reality to steal our blankets; and whatever else they could find that
they wanted; and to break down and injure our huts; many of which;
costing us days of patient labor; they destroyed in pure wantonness。

We were burning with the bitterest indignation。  A tall; slender man
named Lloyd; a member of the Sixty…First Ohioa rough; uneducated
fellow; but brim full of patriotism and manly common sense; jumped up on
a stump and poured out his soul in rude but fiery eloquence: 〃Comrades;〃
he said; 〃do not let the blowing of these Rebel whelps discourage you;
pay no attention to the lies they have told you to…day; you know well
that our Government is too honorable and just to desert any one who
serves it; it has not deserted us; their hell…born Confederacy is not
going to succeed。  I tell you that as sure as there is a God who reigns
and judges in Israel; before the Spring breezes stir the tops of these
blasted old pines their Confederacy and all the lousy graybacks who
support it will be so deep in hell that nothing but a search warrant from
the throne of God Almighty can ever find it again。  And the glorious old
Stars and Stripes〃

Here we began cheering tremendously。  A Rebel Captain came running up;
said to the guard; who was leaning on his gun; gazing curiously at Lloyd:

〃What in  are you standing gaping there for?  Why don't you shoot the
  Yankee son  … …?〃 and snatching the gun away from
him; cocked and leveled it at Lloyd; but the boys near jerked the speaker
down from the stump and saved his life。

We became fearfully; wrought up。  Some of the more excitable shouted out
to charge on the line of guards; snatch they guns away from them; and
force our way through the gate The shouts were taken up by others; and;
as if in obedience to the suggestion; we instinctively formed in line…of…
battle facing the guards。  A glance down the line showed me an array of
desperate; tensely drawn faces; such as one sees who looks a men when
they are summoning up all their resolution for some deed of great peril。
The Rebel officers hastily retreated behind the line of guards; whose
faces blanched; but they leveled the muskets and prepared to receive us。

Captain Bowes; who was overlooking the prison from an elevation outside;
had; however; divined the trouble at the outset; an was preparing to meet
it。  The gunners; who had shotted the pieces and trained them upon us
when we came out to listen t the speech; had again covered us with them;
and were ready to sweep the prison with grape and canister at the instant
of command。  The long roll was summoning the infantry regiments back into
line; and some of the cooler…headed among us pointed these facts out and
succeeded in getting the line to dissolve again into groups of muttering;
sullen…faced men。  When this was done; the guards marched out; by a
cautious indirect maneuver; so as not to turn their backs to us。

It was believed that we had some among us who would like to avail
themselves of the offer of the Rebels; and that they would try to inform
the Rebels of their desires by going to the gate during the night and
speaking to the Officer…of…the…Guard。  A squad armed themselves with
clubs and laid in wait for these。  They succeeded in catching several
snatching some of then back even after they had told the guard their
wishes in a tones( loud that all near could hear distinctly。  The
Officer…of…the…Guard rushed in two or three times in a vain attempt to
save the would be deserter from the cruel hands that clutched him and
bore him away to where he had a lesson in loyalty impressed upon the
fleshiest part of his person by a long; flexible strip of pine wielded by
very willing hands。

After this was kept up for several nights different ideas began I to
prevail。  It was felt that if a man wanted to join the Rebels; the best
way was to let him go and get rid of him。  He was of no benefit to the
Government; and would be of none to the Rebels。  After this no
restriction was put upon any one who desired to go outside and take the
oath。  But very few did so; however; and these were wholly confined to
the Raider crowd。



Leroy L。 Key; the heroic Sergeant of Company M; Sixteenth Illinois
Cavalry; who organized and led the Regulators at Andersonville in their
successful conflict with and defeat of the Raiders; and who presided at
the execution of the six condemned men on the 11th of July; furnishes;
at the request of the author; the following story of his prison career
subsequent to that event:

On the 12th day of July; 1864; the day after the hanging of the six
Raiders; by the urgent request of my many friends (of whom you were one);
I sought and obtained from Wirz a parole for myself and the six brave men
who assisted as executioners of those desperados。  It seemed that you
were all fearful that we might; after what had been done; be assassinated
if we remained in the Stockade; and that we might be overpowered;
perhaps; by the friends of the Raiders we had hanged; at a time possibly;
when you would not be on hand to give us assistance; and thus lose our
lives for rendering the help we did in getting rid of the worst
pestilence we had to contend with。

On obtaining my parole I was very careful to have it so arranged and
mutually understood; between Wirz and myself; that at any time that my
squad (meaning the survivors of my comrades; with whom I was originally
captured) was sent away from Andersonville; either to be exchanged or to
go to another prison; that I should be allowed to go with them。  This was
agreed to; and so written in my parole which I carried until it
absolutely wore out。  I took a position in the cook…house; and the other
boys either went to work there; or at the hospital or grave…yard as
occasion required。  I worked here; and did the best I could for the many
starving wretches inside; in the way of preparing their food; until the
eighth day of September; at which time; if you remember; quite a train
load of men were removed; as many of us thought; for the purpose of
exchange; but; as we afterwards discovered; to be taken to another
prison。  Among 
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