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other's brains out with clubbed muskets; bayonets were driven into men's
bodies up to the muzzle of the gun; officers ran their swords through
their opponents; and revolvers; after being emptied into the faces of the
Rebels; were thrown with desperate force into the ranks。  In our regiment
was a stout German butcher named Frank Fleck。  He became so excited that
he threw down his sword; and rushed among the Rebels with his bare fists;
knocking down a swath of them。  He yelled to the first Rebel he met

〃Py Gott; I've no patience mit you;' and knocked him sprawling。
He caught hold of the commander of the Rebel Brigade; and snatched him
back over the works by main strength。  Wonderful to say; he escaped
unhurt; but the boys will probably not soon let him hear the last of

〃Py Gott; I've no patience mit you。'

〃The Tenth Kentucky; by the queerest luck in the world; was matched
against the Rebel Ninth Kentucky。  The commanders of the two regiments
were brothers…in…law; and the men relatives; friends; acquaintances and
schoolmates。  They hated each other accordingly; and the fight between
them was more bitter; if possible; than anywhere else on the line。
The Thirty…Eighth Ohio and Seventy…fourth Indiana put in some work that
was just magnificent。  We hadn't time to look at it then; but the dead
and wounded piled up after the fight told the story。

〃We gradually forced our way over the works; but the Rebels were game to
the last; and we had to make them surrender almost one at a time。
The artillerymen tried to fire on us when we were so close we could lay
our hands on the guns。

〃Finally nearly all in the works surrendered; and were disarmed and
marched back。  Just then an aid came dashing up with the information that
we must turn the works; and get ready to receive Hardee; who was
advancing to retake the position。  We snatched up some shovels lying
near; and began work。  We had no time to remove the dead and dying Rebels
on the works; and the dirt we threw covered them up。  It proved a false
alarm。  Hardee had as much as he could do to save his own hide; and the
affair ended about dark。

〃When we came to count up what we had gained; we found that we had
actually taken more prisoners from behind breastworks than there were in
our brigade when we started the charge。  We had made the only really
successful bayonet charge of the campaign。  Every other time since we
left Chattanooga the party standing on the defensive had been successful。
Here we had taken strong double lines; with ten guns; seven battle flags;
and over two thousand prisoners。  We had lost terriblynot less than
one…third of the brigade; and many of our best men。  Our regiment went
into the battle with fifteen officers; nine of these were killed or
wounded; and seven of the nine lost either their limbs or lives。
The Thirty…Eighth Ohio; and the other regiments of the brigade lost
equally heavy。  We thought Chickamauga awful; but Jonesboro discounted

〃Do you know;〃 said another of the Fourteenth; 〃I heard our Surgeon
telling about how that Colonel Grower; of the Seventeenth New York;
who came in so splendidly on our left; died?  They say he was a Wall
Street broker; before the war。  He was hit shortly after he led his
regiment in; and after the fight; was carried back to the hospital。
While our Surgeon was going the rounds Colonel Grower called him; and
said quietly; 'When you get through with the men; come and see me;

〃The Doctor would have attended to him then; but Grower wouldn't let him。
After he got through he went back to Grower; examined his wound; and told
him that he could only live a few hours。  Grower received the news
tranquilly; had the Doctor write a letter to his wife; and gave him his
things to send her; and then grasping the Doctor's hand; he said:

〃Doctor; I've just one more favor to ask; will you grant it?'

〃The Doctor said; 'Certainly; what is it?'

〃You say I can't live but a few hours?'

〃Yes; that is true。'
〃And that I will likely be in great pain!'

〃I am sorry to say so。'

〃Well; then; do give me morphia enough to put me to sleep; so that I will
wake up only in another world。'

〃The Doctor did so; Colonel Grower thanked him; wrung his hand; bade him
good…by; and went to sleep to wake no more。〃

〃Do you believe in presentiments and superstitions?〃 said another of the
Fourteenth。  There was Fisher Pray; Orderly Sergeant of Company I。  He
came from Waterville; O。; where his folks are now living。  The day before
we started out he had a presentiment that we were going into a fight; and
that he would be killed。  He couldn't shake it off。  He told the
Lieutenant; and some of the boys about it; and they tried to ridicule him
out of it; but it was no good。  When the sharp firing broke out in front
some of the boys said; 'Fisher; I do believe you are right;' and he
nodded his head mournfully。  When we were piling knapsacks for the
charge; the Lieutenant; who was a great friend of Fisher's; said:

〃Fisher; you stay here and guard the knapsacks。'

〃Fisher's face blazed in an instant。

〃No; sir;' said he; I never shirked a fight yet; and I won't begin now。'

〃So he went into the fight; and was killed; as he knew he would be。  Now;
that's what I call nerve。〃

〃The same thing was true of Sergeant Arthur Tarbox; of Company A;〃 said
the narrator; 〃he had a presentiment; too; he knew he was going to be
killed; if he went in; and he was offered an honorable chance to stay
out; but he would not take it; and went in and was killed。〃

〃Well; we staid there the next day; buried our dead; took care of our
wounded; and gathered up the plunder we had taken from the Johnnies。
The rest of the army went off; 'hot blocks;' after Hardee and the rest of
Hood's army; which it was hoped would be caught outside of entrenchments。
But Hood had too much the start; and got into the works at Lovejoy; ahead
of our fellows。  The night before we heard several very loud explosions
up to the north。  We guessed what that meant; and so did the Twentieth
Corps; who were lying back at the Chattahoochee; and the next morning the
General commandingSlocumsent out a reconnaissance。  It was met by the
Mayor of Atlanta; who said that the Rebels had blown up their stores and
retreated。  The Twentieth Corps then came in and took 'possession of the
City; and the next daythe 3dSherman came in; and issued an order
declaring the campaign at an end; and that we would rest awhile and

〃We laid around Atlanta a good while; and things quieted down so that it
seemed almost like peace; after the four months of continual fighting we
had gone through。  We had been under a strain so long that now we boys
went in the other direction; and became too careless; and that's how we
got picked up。  We went out about five miles one night after a lot of
nice smoked hams that a nigger told us were stored in an old cotton
press; and which we knew would be enough sight better eating for Company
C; than the commissary pork we had lived on so long。  We found the cotton
press; and the hams; just as the nigger told us; and we hitched up a team
to take them into camp。  As we hadn't se
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