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Davis; was lying in works at Utoy Creek; a couple of miles from Atlanta。
We could see the tall steeples and the high buildings of the City quite
plainly。  Things had gone on dull and quiet like for about ten days。
This was longer by a good deal than we had been at rest since we left
Resaca in the Spring。  We knew that something was brewing; and that it
must come to a head soon。

〃I belong to Company C。  Our little messnow reduced to three by the
loss of two of our best soldiers and cooks; Disbrow and Sulier; killed
behind head…logs in front of Atlanta; by sharpshootershad one fellow
that we called 'Observer;' because he had such a faculty of picking up
news in his prowling around headquarters。  He brought us in so much of
this; and it was generally so reliable that we frequently made up his
absence from duty by taking his place。  He was never away from a fight;
though。  On the night of the 25th of August; 'Observer' came in with the
news that something was in the wind。  Sherman was getting awful restless;
and we had found out that this always meant lots of trouble to our
friends on the other side。

〃Sure enough; orders came to get ready to move; and the next night we all
moved to the right and rear; out of sight of the Johnnies。  Our well
built works were left in charge of Garrard's Cavalry; who concealed their
horses in the rear; and came up and took our places。  The whole army
except the Twentieth Corps moved quietly off; and did it so nicely that
we were gone some time before the enemy suspected it。  Then the Twentieth
Corps pulled out towards the North; and fell back to the Chattahoochie;
making quite a shove of retreat。  The Rebels snapped up the bait
greedily。  They thought the siege was being raised; and they poured over
their works to hurry the Twentieth boys off。  The Twentieth fellows let
them know that there was lots of sting in them yet; and the Johnnies were
not long in discovering that it would have been money in their pockets if
they had let that 'moon…and…star' (that's the Twentieth's badge; you
know) crowd alone。

〃But the Rebs thought the rest of us were gone for good and that Atlanta
was saved。  Naturally they felt mighty happy over it; and resolved to
have a big celebrationa ball; a meeting of jubilee; etc。  Extra trains
were run in; with girls and women from the surrounding country; and they
just had a high old time。

〃In the meantime we were going through so many different kinds of tactics
that it looked as if Sherman was really crazy this time; sure。  Finally
we made a grand left wheel; and then went forward a long way in line of
battle。  It puzzled us a good deal; but we knew that Sherman couldn't get
us into any scrape that Pap Thomas couldn't get us out of; and so it was
all right。

〃Along on the evening of the 31st our right wing seemed to have run
against a hornet's nest; and we could hear the musketry and cannon speak
out real spiteful; but nothing came down our way。  We had struck the
railroad leading south from Atlanta to Macon; and began tearing it up。
The jollity at Atlanta was stopped right in the middle by the appalling
news that the Yankees hadn't retreated worth a cent; but had broken out
in a new and much worse spot than ever。  Then there was no end of trouble
all around; and Hood started part of his army back after us。

〃Part of Hardee's and Pat Cleburne's command went into position in front
of us。  We left them alone till Stanley could come up on our left; and
swing around; so as to cut off their retreat; when we would bag every one
of them。  But Stanley was as slow as he always was; and did not come up
until it was too late; and the game was gone。

〃The sun was just going down on the evening of the 1st of September; when
we began to see we were in for it; sure。  The Fourteenth Corps wheeled
into position near the railroad; and the sound of musketry and artillery
became very loud and clear on our front and left。  We turned a little and
marched straight toward the racket; becoming more excited every minute。
We saw the Carlin's brigade of regulars; who were some distance ahead of
us; pile knapsacks; form in line; fix bayonets; and dash off with
arousing cheer。

〃The Rebel fire beat upon them like a Summer rain…storm; the ground shook
with the noise; and just as we reached the edge of the cotton field; we
saw the remnant of the brigade come flying back out of the awful;
blasting shower of bullets。  The whole slope was covered with dead and

〃Yes;〃 interrupts one of the Fourteenth; 〃 and they made that charge
right gamely; too; I can tell you。  They were good soldiers; and well
led。  When we went over the works; I remember seeing the body of a little
Major of one of the regiments lying right on the top。  If he hadn't been
killed he'd been inside in a half…a…dozen steps more。  There's no mistake
about it; those regulars will fight。〃

〃When we saw this;〃 resumed the narrator; 〃it set our fellows fairly
wild; they became just crying mad; I never saw them so before。  The order
came to strip for the charge; and our knapsacks were piled in half a
minute。  A Lieutenant of our company; who was then on the staff of Gen。
Baird; our division commander; rode slowly down the line and gave us our
instructions to load our guns; fix bayonets; and hold fire until we were
on top of the Rebel works。  Then Colonel Este sang out clear and steady
as a bugle signal:

〃'Brigade; forward!  Guide center! MARCH!!'

〃and we started。  Heavens; how they did let into us; as we came up into
range。  They had ten pieces of artillery; and more men behind the
breastworks than we had in line; and the fire they poured on us was
simply withering。  We walked across the hundreds of dead and dying of the
regular brigade; and at every step our own men fell down among them。
General Baud's horse was shot down; and the General thrown far over his
head; but he jumped up and ran alongside of us。  Major Wilson; our
regimental commander; fell mortally wounded; Lieutenant Kirk was killed;
and also Captain Stopfard; Adjutant General of the brigade。  Lieutenants
Cobb and Mitchell dropped with wounds that proved fatal in a few days。
Captain Ugan lost an arm; one…third of the enlisted men fell; but we went
straight ahead; the grape and the musketry becoming worse every step;
until we gained the edge of the hill; where we were checked a minute by
the brush; which the Rebels had fixed up in the shape of abattis。  Just
then a terrible fire from a new direction; our left; swept down the whole
length of our line。  The Colonel of the Seventeenth New Yorkas gallant
a man as ever lived saw the new trouble; took his regiment in on the run;
and relieved us of this; but he was himself mortally wounded。  If our
boys were half…crazy before; they were frantic now; and as we got out of
the entanglement of the brush; we raised a fearful yell and ran at the
works。  We climbed the sides; fired right down into the defenders; and
then began with the bayonet and sword。  For a few minutes it was simply
awful。  On both sides men acted like infuriated devils。  They dashed each
other's brains out with clubbed muskets; bayonets were driven into men'
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