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the coming race(一个即临种族)-第55章

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passion; and said; as the tears gushed from her eyes; 〃Farewell for ever。 

Thou wilt not let me go into thy world… thou canst never return to mine。 


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                                          The Coming Race 

Ere   our   household   shake   off   slumber;   the   rocks   will   have   again   closed 

over the chasm not to be re…opened by me; nor perhaps by others; for ages 

yet   unguessed。       Think   of   me   sometimes;   and   with   kindness。          When   I 

reach the life that lies beyond this speck in time; I shall look round for thee。 

Even there; the world consigned to thyself and thy people may have rocks 

and gulfs which divide it from that in which I rejoin those of my race that 

have gone before; and I may be powerless to cleave way to regain thee as I 

have cloven way to lose。〃 

     Her voice ceased。         I heard the swan…like sough of her wings; and saw 

the rays of her starry diadem receding far and farther through the gloom。 

     I sate myself down for some time; musing sorrowfully; then I rose and 

took my way with slow footsteps towards the place in which I heard the 

sounds of men。         The miners I encountered were strange to me; of another 

nation than my own。           They turned to look at me with some surprise; but 

finding that I could not answer their brief questions in their own language; 

they returned to their   work   and   suffered   me   to   pass   on   unmolested。            In 

fine;    I   regained     the   mouth      of   the   mine;     little  troubled     by    other 

interrogatories;… save   those   of   a   friendly  official   to   whom  I   was   known; 

and   luckily   he   was   too   busy   to   talk   much   with   me。   I   took   care   not   to 

return     to  my    former     lodging;    but   hastened     that   very    day   to   quit   a 

neighbourhood where I could not long have escaped inquiries to which I 

could have given no satisfactory answers。                  I regained in safety my own 

country;   in   which   I   have   been   long   peacefully   settled;   and   engaged   in 

practical business; till I retired on a competent fortune; three years ago。                    I 

have     been    little  invited   and   little  tempted     to  talk  of   the  rovings     and 

adventures of my  youth。            Somewhat   157disappointed; as most men   are; 

in matters connected with household love and domestic life; I often think 

of   the   young   Gy   as   I   sit   alone   at   night;   and   wonder   how   I   could   have 

rejected     such   a   love;   no   matter   what   dangers   attended       it;   or   by   what 

conditions   it   was   restricted。     Only;   the   more  I   think   of   a  people   calmly 

developing; in regions excluded from our sight and deemed uninhabitable 

by our sages; powers surpassing our most disciplined modes of force; and 

virtues   to   which   our   life;   social   and   political;   becomes   antagonistic   in 

proportion as our civilisation advances;… the more devoutly I pray that ages 


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                                         The Coming Race 

may yet elapse before there emerge into sunlight our inevitable destroyers。 

Being;   however;   frankly   told   by   my   physician   that   I   am   afflicted   by   a 

complaint which; though it gives little pain and no perceptible notice of its 

encroachments; may at any moment be fatal; I have thought it my duty to 

my   fellow…men   to   place   on   record   these   forewarnings   of   The   Coming 



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