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the wreck of the golden mary-第5章

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instead of our destruction; had so smashed and pounded the ship that

she got off in this same instant and righted。  I did not want the

carpenter to tell me she was filling and going down; I could see and

hear that。  I gave Rames the word to lower the Long…boat and the

Surf…boat; and I myself told off the men for each duty。  Not one

hung back; or came before the other。  I now whispered to John

Steadiman; 〃John; I stand at the gangway here; to see every soul on

board safe over the side。  You shall have the next post of honour;

and shall be the last but one to leave the ship。  Bring up the

passengers; and range them behind me; and put what provision and

water you can got at; in the boats。  Cast your eye for'ard; John;

and you'll see you have not a moment to lose。〃

My noble fellows got the boats over the side as orderly as I ever

saw boats lowered with any sea running; and; when they were

launched; two or three of the nearest men in them as they held on;

rising and falling with the swell; called out; looking up at me;

〃Captain Ravender; if anything goes wrong with us; and you are

saved; remember we stood by you!〃〃We'll all stand by one another

ashore; yet; please God; my lads!〃 says I。  〃Hold on bravely; and be

tender with the women。〃

The women were an example to us。  They trembled very much; but they

were quiet and perfectly collected。  〃Kiss me; Captain Ravender;〃

says Mrs。 Atherfield; 〃and God in heaven bless you; you good man!〃

〃My dear;〃 says I; 〃those words are better for me than a life…boat。〃

I held her child in my arms till she was in the boat; and then

kissed the child and handed her safe down。  I now said to the people

in her; 〃You have got your freight; my lads; all but me; and I am

not coming yet awhile。  Pull away from the ship; and keep off!〃

That was the Long…boat。  Old Mr。 Rarx was one of her complement; and

he was the only passenger who had greatly misbehaved since the ship

struck。  Others had been a little wild; which was not to be wondered

at; and not very blamable; but; he had made a lamentation and uproar

which it was dangerous for the people to hear; as there is always

contagion in weakness and selfishness。  His incessant cry had been

that he must not be separated from the child; that he couldn't see

the child; and that he and the child must go together。  He had even

tried to wrest the child out of my arms; that he might keep her in

his。  〃Mr。 Rarx;〃 said I to him when it came to that; 〃I have a

loaded pistol in my pocket; and if you don't stand out of the gang…

way; and keep perfectly quiet; I shall shoot you through the heart;

if you have got one。〃  Says he; 〃You won't do murder; Captain

Ravender!〃   〃No; sir;〃 says I; 〃I won't murder forty…four people to

humour you; but I'll shoot you to save them。〃  After that he was

quiet; and stood shivering a little way off; until I named him to go

over the side。

The Long…boat being cast off; the Surf…boat was soon filled。  There

only remained aboard the Golden Mary; John Mullion the man who had

kept on burning the blue…lights (and who had lighted every new one

at every old one before it went out; as quietly as if he had been at

an illumination); John Steadiman; and myself。  I hurried those two

into the Surf…boat; called to them to keep off; and waited with a

grateful and relieved heart for the Long…boat to come and take me

in; if she could。  I looked at my watch; and it showed me; by the

blue…light; ten minutes past two。  They lost no time。  As soon as

she was near enough; I swung myself into her; and called to the men;

〃With a will; lads!  She's reeling!〃  We were not an inch too far

out of the inner vortex of her going down; when; by the blue…light

which John Mullion still burnt in the bow of the Surf…boat; we saw

her lurch; and plunge to the bottom head…foremost。  The child cried;

weeping wildly; 〃O the dear Golden Mary!  O look at her!  Save her!

Save the poor Golden Mary!〃  And then the light burnt out; and the

black dome seemed to come down upon us。

I suppose if we had all stood a…top of a mountain; and seen the

whole remainder of the world sink away from under us; we could

hardly have felt more shocked and solitary than we did when we knew

we were alone on the wide ocean; and that the beautiful ship in

which most of us had been securely asleep within half an hour was

gone for ever。  There was an awful silence in our boat; and such a

kind of palsy on the rowers and the man at the rudder; that I felt

they were scarcely keeping her before the sea。  I spoke out then;

and said; 〃Let every one here thank the Lord for our preservation!〃

All the voices answered (even the child's); 〃We thank the Lord!〃  I

then said the Lord's Prayer; and all hands said it after me with a

solemn murmuring。  Then I gave the word 〃Cheerily; O men; Cheerily!〃

and I felt that they were handling the boat again as a boat ought to

be handled。

The Surf…boat now burnt another blue…light to show us where they

were; and we made for her; and laid ourselves as nearly alongside of

her as we dared。  I had always kept my boats with a coil or two of

good stout stuff in each of them; so both boats had a rope at hand。

We made a shift; with much labour and trouble; to got near enough to

one another to divide the blue…lights (they were no use after that

night; for the sea…water soon got at them); and to get a tow…rope

out between us。  All night long we kept together; sometimes obliged

to cast off the rope; and sometimes getting it out again; and all of

us wearying for the morningwhich appeared so long in coming that

old Mr。 Rarx screamed out; in spite of his fears of me; 〃The world

is drawing to an end; and the sun will never rise any more!〃

When the day broke; I found that we were all huddled together in a

miserable manner。  We were deep in the water; being; as I found on

mustering; thirty…one in number; or at least six too many。  In the

Surf…boat they were fourteen in number; being at least four too

many。  The first thing I did; was to get myself passed to the

rudderwhich I took from that timeand to get Mrs。 Atherfield; her

child; and Miss Coleshaw; passed on to sit next me。  As to old Mr。

Rarx; I put him in the bow; as far from us as I could。  And I put

some of the best men near us in order that if I should drop there

might be a skilful hand ready to take the helm。

The sea moderating as the sun came up; though the sky was cloudy and

wild; we spoke the other boat; to know what stores they had; and to

overhaul what we had。  I had a compass in my pocket; a small

telescope; a double…barrelled pistol; a knife; and a fire…box and

matches。  Most of my men had knives; and some had a little tobacco:

some; a pipe as well。  We had a mug among us; and an iron spoon。  As

to provisions; there were in my boat two bags of biscuit; one piece

of raw beef; one piece of raw pork; a bag of coffee; roasted but not

ground (thrown in; I imagine; by mistake; for something else); two

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