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the wreck of the golden mary-第3章

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cot; off Saugar Point。  But he was; and give him his back against a

bulwark; he would have done the same by half a dozen of them。  The

name of the young mother was Mrs。 Atherfield; the name of the young

lady in black was Miss Coleshaw; and the name of the old gentleman

was Mr。 Rarx。

As the child had a quantity of shining fair hair; clustering in

curls all about her face; and as her name was Lucy; Steadiman gave

her the name of the Golden Lucy。  So; we had the Golden Lucy and the

Golden Mary; and John kept up the idea to that extent as he and the

child went playing about the decks; that I believe she used to think

the ship was alive somehowa sister or companion; going to the same

place as herself。  She liked to be by the wheel; and in fine

weather; I have often stood by the man whose trick it was at the

wheel; only to hear her; sitting near my feet; talking to the ship。

Never had a child such a doll before; I suppose; but she made a doll

of the Golden Mary; and used to dress her up by tying ribbons and

little bits of finery to the belaying…pins; and nobody ever moved

them; unless it was to save them from being blown away。

Of course I took charge of the two young women; and I called them

〃my dear;〃 and they never minded; knowing that whatever I said was

said in a fatherly and protecting spirit。  I gave them their places

on each side of me at dinner; Mrs。 Atherfield on my right and Miss

Coleshaw on my left; and I directed the unmarried lady to serve out

the breakfast; and the married lady to serve out the tea。  Likewise

I said to my black steward in their presence; 〃Tom Snow; these two

ladies are equally the mistresses of this house; and do you obey

their orders equally;〃 at which Tom laughed; and they all laughed。

Old Mr。 Rarx was not a pleasant man to look at; nor yet to talk to;

or to be with; for no one could help seeing that he was a sordid and

selfish character; and that he had warped further and further out of

the straight with time。  Not but what he was on his best behaviour

with us; as everybody was; for we had no bickering among us; for'ard

or aft。  I only mean to say; he was not the man one would have

chosen for a messmate。  If choice there had been; one might even

have gone a few points out of one's course; to say; 〃No!  Not him!〃

But; there was one curious inconsistency in Mr。 Rarx。  That was;

that he took an astonishing interest in the child。  He looked; and I

may add; he was; one of the last of men to care at all for a child;

or to care much for any human creature。  Still; he went so far as to

be habitually uneasy; if the child was long on deck; out of his

sight。  He was always afraid of her falling overboard; or falling

down a hatchway; or of a block or what not coming down upon her from

the rigging in the working of the ship; or of her getting some hurt

or other。  He used to look at her and touch her; as if she was

something precious to him。  He was always solicitous about her not

injuring her health; and constantly entreated her mother to be

careful of it。  This was so much the more curious; because the child

did not like him; but used to shrink away from him; and would not

even put out her hand to him without coaxing from others。  I believe

that every soul on board frequently noticed this; and not one of us

understood it。  However; it was such a plain fact; that John

Steadiman said more than once when old Mr。 Rarx was not within

earshot; that if the Golden Mary felt a tenderness for the dear old

gentleman she carried in her lap; she must be bitterly jealous of

the Golden Lucy。

Before I go any further with this narrative; I will state that our

ship was a barque of three hundred tons; carrying a crew of eighteen

men; a second mate in addition to John; a carpenter; an armourer or

smith; and two apprentices (one a Scotch boy; poor little fellow)。

We had three boats; the Long…boat; capable of carrying twenty…five

men; the Cutter; capable of carrying fifteen; and the Surf…boat;

capable of carrying ten。  I put down the capacity of these boats

according to the numbers they were really meant to hold。

We had tastes of bad weather and head…winds; of course; but; on the

whole we had as fine a run as any reasonable man could expect; for

sixty days。  I then began to enter two remarks in the ship's Log and

in my Journal; first; that there was an unusual and amazing quantity

of ice; second; that the nights were most wonderfully dark; in spite

of the ice。

For five days and a half; it seemed quite useless and hopeless to

alter the ship's course so as to stand out of the way of this ice。

I made what southing I could; but; all that time; we were beset by

it。  Mrs。 Atherfield after standing by me on deck once; looking for

some time in an awed manner at the great bergs that surrounded us;

said in a whisper; 〃O! Captain Ravender; it looks as if the whole

solid earth had changed into ice; and broken up!〃  I said to her;

laughing; 〃I don't wonder that it does; to your inexperienced eyes;

my dear。〃  But I had never seen a twentieth part of the quantity;

and; in reality; I was pretty much of her opinion。

However; at two p。m。 on the afternoon of the sixth day; that is to

say; when we were sixty…six days out; John Steadiman who had gone

aloft; sang out from the top; that the sea was clear ahead。  Before

four p。m。 a strong breeze springing up right astern; we were in open

water at sunset。  The breeze then freshening into half a gale of

wind; and the Golden Mary being a very fast sailer; we went before

the wind merrily; all night。

I had thought it impossible that it could be darker than it had

been; until the sun; moon; and stars should fall out of the Heavens;

and Time should be destroyed; but; it had been next to light; in

comparison with what it was now。  The darkness was so profound; that

looking into it was painful and oppressivelike looking; without a

ray of light; into a dense black bandage put as close before the

eyes as it could be; without touching them。  I doubled the look…out;

and John and I stood in the bow side…by…side; never leaving it all

night。  Yet I should no more have known that he was near me when he

was silent; without putting out my arm and touching him; than I

should if he had turned in and been fast asleep below。  We were not

so much looking out; all of us; as listening to the utmost; both

with our eyes and ears。

Next day; I found that the mercury in the barometer; which had risen

steadily since we cleared the ice; remained steady。  I had had very

good observations; with now and then the interruption of a day or

so; since our departure。  I got the sun at noon; and found that we

were in Lat。 58 degrees S。; Long。 60 degrees W。; off New South

Shetland; in the neighbourhood of Cape Horn。  We were sixty…seven

days out; that day。  The ship's reckoning was accurately worked and

made up。  The ship did her duty admirably; all on board were well;

and all hands were as smart; eff
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