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the wreck of the golden mary-第1章

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The Wreck of the Golden Mary

by Charles Dickens


I was apprenticed to the Sea when I was twelve years old; and I have

encountered a great deal of rough weather; both literal and

metaphorical。  It has always been my opinion since I first possessed

such a thing as an opinion; that the man who knows only one subject

is next tiresome to the man who knows no subject。  Therefore; in the

course of my life I have taught myself whatever I could; and

although I am not an educated man; I am able; I am thankful to say;

to have an intelligent interest in most things。

A person might suppose; from reading the above; that I am in the

habit of holding forth about number one。  That is not the case。

Just as if I was to come into a room among strangers; and must

either be introduced or introduce myself; so I have taken the

liberty of passing these few remarks; simply and plainly that it may

be known who and what I am。  I will add no more of the sort than

that my name is William George Ravender; that I was born at Penrith

half a year after my own father was drowned; and that I am on the

second day of this present blessed Christmas week of one thousand

eight hundred and fifty…six; fifty…six years of age。

When the rumour first went flying up and down that there was gold in

Californiawhich; as most people know; was before it was discovered

in the British colony of AustraliaI was in the West Indies;

trading among the Islands。  Being in command and likewise part…owner

of a smart schooner; I had my work cut out for me; and I was doing

it。  Consequently; gold in California was no business of mine。

But; by the time when I came home to England again; the thing was as

clear as your hand held up before you at noon…day。  There was

Californian gold in the museums and in the goldsmiths' shops; and

the very first time I went upon 'Change; I met a friend of mine (a

seafaring man like myself); with a Californian nugget hanging to his

watch…chain。  I handled it。  It was as like a peeled walnut with

bits unevenly broken off here and there; and then electrotyped all

over; as ever I saw anything in my life。

I am a single man (she was too good for this world and for me; and

she died six weeks before our marriage…day); so when I am ashore; I

live in my house at Poplar。  My house at Poplar is taken care of and

kept ship…shape by an old lady who was my mother's maid before I was

born。  She is as handsome and as upright as any old lady in the

world。  She is as fond of me as if she had ever had an only son; and

I was he。  Well do I know wherever I sail that she never lays down

her head at night without having said; 〃Merciful Lord! bless and

preserve William George Ravender; and send him safe home; through

Christ our Saviour!〃  I have thought of it in many a dangerous

moment; when it has done me no harm; I am sure。

In my house at Poplar; along with this old lady; I lived quiet for

best part of a year:  having had a long spell of it among the

Islands; and having (which was very uncommon in me) taken the fever

rather badly。  At last; being strong and hearty; and having read

every book I could lay hold of; right out; I was walking down

Leadenhall Street in the City of London; thinking of turning…to

again; when I met what I call Smithick and Watersby of Liverpool。  I

chanced to lift up my eyes from looking in at a ship's chronometer

in a window; and I saw him bearing down upon me; head on。

It is; personally; neither Smithick; nor Watersby; that I here

mention; nor was I ever acquainted with any man of either of those

names; nor do I think that there has been any one of either of those

names in that Liverpool House for years back。  But; it is in reality

the House itself that I refer to; and a wiser merchant or a truer

gentleman never stepped。

〃My dear Captain Ravender;〃 says he。  〃Of all the men on earth; I

wanted to see you most。  I was on my way to you。〃

〃Well!〃 says I。  〃That looks as if you WERE to see me; don't it?〃

With that I put my arm in his; and we walked on towards the Royal

Exchange; and when we got there; walked up and down at the back of

it where the Clock…Tower is。  We walked an hour and more; for he had

much to say to me。  He had a scheme for chartering a new ship of

their own to take out cargo to the diggers and emigrants in

California; and to buy and bring back gold。  Into the particulars of

that scheme I will not enter; and I have no right to enter。  All I

say of it is; that it was a very original one; a very fine one; a

very sound one; and a very lucrative one beyond doubt。

He imparted it to me as freely as if I had been a part of himself。

After doing so; he made me the handsomest sharing offer that ever

was made to me; boy or manor I believe to any other captain in the

Merchant Navyand he took this round turn to finish with:

〃Ravender; you are well aware that the lawlessness of that coast and

country at present; is as special as the circumstances in which it

is placed。  Crews of vessels outward…bound; desert as soon as they

make the land; crews of vessels homeward…bound; ship at enormous

wages; with the express intention of murdering the captain and

seizing the gold freight; no man can trust another; and the devil

seems let loose。  Now;〃 says he; 〃you know my opinion of you; and

you know I am only expressing it; and with no singularity; when I

tell you that you are almost the only man on whose integrity;

discretion; and energy〃 &c。; &c。  For; I don't want to repeat what

he said; though I was and am sensible of it。

Notwithstanding my being; as I have mentioned; quite ready for a

voyage; still I had some doubts of this voyage。  Of course I knew;

without being told; that there were peculiar difficulties and

dangers in it; a long way over and above those which attend all

voyages。  It must not be supposed that I was afraid to face them;

but; in my opinion a man has no manly motive or sustainment in his

own breast for facing dangers; unless he has well considered what

they are; and is able quietly to say to himself; 〃None of these

perils can now take me by surprise; I shall know what to do for the

best in any of them; all the rest lies in the higher and greater

hands to which I humbly commit myself。〃  On this principle I have so

attentively considered (regarding it as my duty) all the hazards I

have ever been able to think of; in the ordinary way of storm;

shipwreck; and fire at sea; that I hope I should be prepared to do;

in any of those cases; whatever could be done; to save the lives

intrusted to my charge。

As I was thoughtful; my good friend proposed that he should leave me

to walk there as long as I liked; and that I should dine with him

by…and…by at his club in Pall Mall。  I accepted the invitation and I

walked up and down there; quarter…deck fashion; a matter of a couple

of hours; now and then looking up at the weathercock as I might have

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