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de profundis-第6章

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terrible thing about it is not that it breaks one's heart … hearts 

are made to be broken … but that it turns one's heart to stone。  

One sometimes feels that it is only with a front of brass and a lip 

of scorn that one can get through the day at all。  And he who is in 

a state of rebellion cannot receive grace; to use the phrase of 

which the Church is so fond … so rightly fond; I dare say … for in 

life as in art the mood of rebellion closes up the channels of the 

soul; and shuts out the airs of heaven。  Yet I must learn these 

lessons here; if I am to learn them anywhere; and must be filled 

with joy if my feet are on the right road and my face set towards 

'the gate which is called beautiful;' though I may fall many times 

in the mire and often in the mist go astray。

This New Life; as through my love of Dante I like sometimes to call 

it; is of course no new life at all; but simply the continuance; by 

means of development; and evolution; of my former life。  I remember 

when I was at Oxford saying to one of my friends as we were 

strolling round Magdalen's narrow bird…haunted walks one morning in 

the year before I took my degree; that I wanted to eat of the fruit 

of all the trees in the garden of the world; and that I was going 

out into the world with that passion in my soul。  And so; indeed; I 

went out; and so I lived。  My only mistake was that I confined 

myself so exclusively to the trees of what seemed to me the sun…lit 

side of the garden; and shunned the other side for its shadow and 

its gloom。  Failure; disgrace; poverty; sorrow; despair; suffering; 

tears even; the broken words that come from lips in pain; remorse 

that makes one walk on thorns; conscience that condemns; self…

abasement that punishes; the misery that puts ashes on its head; 

the anguish that chooses sack…cloth for its raiment and into its 

own drink puts gall:… all these were things of which I was afraid。  

And as I had determined to know nothing of them; I was forced to 

taste each of them in turn; to feed on them; to have for a season; 

indeed; no other food at all。

I don't regret for a single moment having lived for pleasure。  I 

did it to the full; as one should do everything that one does。  

There was no pleasure I did not experience。  I threw the pearl of 

my soul into a cup of wine。  I went down the primrose path to the 

sound of flutes。  I lived on honeycomb。  But to have continued the 

same life would have been wrong because it would have been 

limiting。  I had to pass on。  The other half of the garden had its 

secrets for me also。  Of course all this is foreshadowed and 

prefigured in my books。  Some of it is in THE HAPPY PRINCE; some of 

it in THE YOUNG KING; notably in the passage where the bishop says 

to the kneeling boy; 'Is not He who made misery wiser than thou 

art'? a phrase which when I wrote it seemed to me little more than 

a phrase; a great deal of it is hidden away in the note of doom 

that like a purple thread runs through the texture of DORIAN GRAY; 

in THE CRITIC AS ARTIST it is set forth in many colours; in THE 

SOUL OF MAN it is written down; and in letters too easy to read; it 

is one of the refrains whose recurring MOTIFS make SALOME so like a 

piece of music and bind it together as a ballad; in the prose poem 

of the man who from the bronze of the image of the 'Pleasure that 

liveth for a moment' has to make the image of the 'Sorrow that 

abideth for ever' it is incarnate。  It could not have been 

otherwise。  At every single moment of one's life one is what one is 

going to be no less than what one has been。  Art is a symbol; 

because man is a symbol。

It is; if I can fully attain to it; the ultimate realisation of the 

artistic life。  For the artistic life is simply self…development。  

Humility in the artist is his frank acceptance of all experiences; 

just as love in the artist is simply the sense of beauty that 

reveals to the world its body and its soul。  In MARIUS THE 

EPICUREAN Pater seeks to reconcile the artistic life with the life 

of religion; in the deep; sweet; and austere sense of the word。  

But Marius is little more than a spectator:  an ideal spectator 

indeed; and one to whom it is given 'to contemplate the spectacle 

of life with appropriate emotions;' which Wordsworth defines as the 

poet's true aim; yet a spectator merely; and perhaps a little too 

much occupied with the comeliness of the benches of the sanctuary 

to notice that it is the sanctuary of sorrow that he is gazing at。

I see a far more intimate and immediate connection between the true 

life of Christ and the true life of the artist; and I take a keen 

pleasure in the reflection that long before sorrow had made my days 

her own and bound me to her wheel I had written in THE SOUL OF MAN 

that he who would lead a Christ…like life must be entirely and 

absolutely himself; and had taken as my types not merely the 

shepherd on the hillside and the prisoner in his cell; but also the 

painter to whom the world is a pageant and the poet for whom the 

world is a song。  I remember saying once to Andre Gide; as we sat 

together in some Paris CAFE; that while meta…physics had but little 

real interest for me; and morality absolutely none; there was 

nothing that either Plato or Christ had said that could not be 

transferred immediately into the sphere of Art and there find its 

complete fulfilment。

Nor is it merely that we can discern in Christ that close union of 

personality with perfection which forms the real distinction 

between the classical and romantic movement in life; but the very 

basis of his nature was the same as that of the nature of the 

artist … an intense and flamelike imagination。  He realised in the 

entire sphere of human relations that imaginative sympathy which in 

the sphere of Art is the sole secret of creation。  He understood 

the leprosy of the leper; the darkness of the blind; the fierce 

misery of those who live for pleasure; the strange poverty of the 

rich。  Some one wrote to me in trouble; 'When you are not on your 

pedestal you are not interesting。'  How remote was the writer from 

what Matthew Arnold calls 'the Secret of Jesus。'  Either would have 

taught him that whatever happens to another happens to oneself; and 

if you want an inscription to read at dawn and at night…time; and 

for pleasure or for pain; write up on the walls of your house in 

letters for the sun to gild and the moon to silver; 'Whatever 

happens to oneself happens to another。'

Christ's place indeed is with the poets。  His whole conception of 

Humanity sprang right out of the imagination and can only be 

realised by it。  What God was to the pantheist; man was to Him。  He 

was the first to conceive the divided races as a unity。  Before his 

time there had been gods and men; and; feeling through the 

mysticism of sympathy that in himself each had been made incarnate; 

he calls himself the Son of the one or t
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