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a record of buddhistic kingdoms(佛都记录)-第28章

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the murder is committed by several Brahmacharins。 In this passage Beal 

makes Sundari to be the name of the murdered person (a harlot)。 But the 

text cannot be so construed。 

     '15' Eitel (p。 144) calls her Chancha; in Singhalese; Chinchi。 See the 

story about her; M。 B。; pp。 275…277。 

     '16'   〃Earth's   prison;〃   or   〃one   of   Earth's   prisons。〃   It   was   the   Avichi 

naraka   to   which   she   went;   the   last   of   the   eight   hot   prisons;   where   the 

culprits die; and are born again in uninterrupted succession (such being the 

meaning of Avichi); though not without hope of final redemption。 E。 H。 p。 


     '17' Devadatta was brother of Ananda; and a near relative therefore of 

Sakyamuni。   He   was   the   deadly   enemy;   however;   of   the   latter。   He   had 

become   so   in   an   earlier   state   of   existence;   and   the   hatred   continued   in 

every successive birth; through which they reappeared in the world。   See 

the accounts of him; and of his various devices against Buddha; and his 

own destruction at the last; in M。 B。; pp。 315…321; 326…330; and still better; 

in the Sacred Books of the East; vol。 xx; Vinaya Texts; pp。 233…265。 For 

the particular attempt referred to in the text; see 〃The Life of the Buddha;〃 

p。 107。 When he was engulphed; and the flames were around him; he cried 

out   to   Buddha   to   save   him;   and   we   are   told   that   he   is   expected   yet   to 

appear   as   a   Buddha   under   the   name   of   Devaraja;   in   a   universe   called 


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                         A RECORD OF BUDDHISTIC KINGDOMS 

Deva…soppana。 E。 H。; p。 39。 

     '18'   〃A   devalaya   ({。}   {。}   or   {。}   {。});   a   place   in   which   a   deva   is 

worshipped;a general name for all Brahmanical temples〃 (Eitel; p。 30)。 

We     read   in  the   Khang…hsi      dictionary    under    {。};  that  when     Kasyapa 

Matanga came to the Western Regions; with his Classics or Sutras; he was 

lodged   in   the   Court   of   State…Ceremonial;   and   that   afterwards   there   was 

built   for   him   〃The    Court    of   the  White…horse〃      ({。}   {。}   {。});  and   in 

consequence   the   name   of   Sze   {。}   came   to   be   given   to   all   Buddhistic 

temples。 Fa…hien; however; applies this term only to Brahmanical temples。 

     '19' Their speech was somewhat unconnected; but natural enough in 

the   circumstances。   Compare   the   whole   account   with   the   narrative   in   I 

Samuel v。 about the Ark and Dagon; that 〃twice…battered god of Palestine。〃 

     '20' 〃Entered the doctrine or path。〃 Three stages in the Buddhistic life 

are indicated by Fa…hien:〃entering it;〃 as here; by becoming monks ({。} 

{。});   〃getting   it;〃   by  becoming Arhats   ({。}   {。});   and   〃completing   it;〃   by 

becoming Buddha ({。} {。})。 

     '21' It is not quite clear whether the author had in mind here Central 

India as a whole; which I think he had; or only Kosala; the part of it where 

he   then   was。   In   the   older  teaching;  there   were only  thirty…two   sects;   but 

there    may    have    been    three   subdivisions     of  each。    See   Rhys    Davids' 

〃Buddhism;〃 pp。 98; 99。 

     '22'   This   mention   of   〃the   future   world〃   is   an   important   difference 

between the Corean and Chinese texts。 The want of it in the latter has been 

a stumbling…block in the way of all previous translators。 Remusat says in a 

note that 〃the heretics limited themselves to speak of the duties of man in 

his actual life without connecting it by the notion that the metempsychosis 

with the anterior periods of existence through which he had passed。〃 But 

this is just the opposite of what Fa…hien's meaning was; according to our 

Corean text。 The notion of 〃the metempsychosis〃 was just that in which all 

the    ninety…six    erroneous     systems    agreed    among     themselves      and   with 

Buddhism。 If he had wished to say what the French sinologue thinks he 

does say; moreover; he would probably have written {。} {。} {。} {。} {。}。 Let 

me add; however; that the connexion which Buddhism holds between the 

past    world    (including     the   present)   and    the   future   is  not   that   of  a 


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                        A RECORD OF BUDDHISTIC KINGDOMS 

metempsychosis; or transmigration of souls; for it does not appear to admit 

any separate existence of the soul。 Adhering to its own phraseology of 〃the 

wheel;〃 I would call its doctrine that of 〃The Transrotation of Births。〃 See 

Rhys Davids' third Hibbert Lecture。 

     '23' Or; more according to the phonetisation of the text; Vaidurya。 He 

was king of Kosala; the son and successor of Prasenajit; and the destroyer 

of Kapilavastu; the city of the Sakya family。 His hostility to the Sakyas is 

sufficiently established; and it may be considered as certain that the name 

Shay…e; which; according to Julien's 〃Methode;〃 p。 89; may be read Chia…e; 

is the same as Kia…e ({。} {。}); one of the phonetisations of Kapilavastu; as 

given by Eitel。 

     '24'   This   would    be  the  interview    in  the  〃Life   of  the  Buddha〃     in 

Trubner's   Oriental   Series;   p。   116;   when   Virudhaha   on   his   march   found 

Buddha under an old sakotato tree。 It afforded him no shade; but he told 

the king that the thought of the danger of 〃his relatives and kindred made 

it shady。〃 The king was moved to sympathy for the time; and went back to 

Sravasti; but the destruction of Kapilavastu was only postponed for a short 

space;    and   Buddha     himself    acknowledged       it  to  be  inevitable   in  the 

connexion of cause and effect。 


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                       A RECORD OF BUDDHISTIC KINGDOMS 

                          CHAPTER XXI 

    THE      THREE       PREDECESSORS            OF    SAKYAMUNI           IN   THE 


    Fifty le to the west of the city bring (the   traveller) to a town   named 

Too…wei;'1' the birthplace of Kasyapa Buddha。'1' At the place where he 

and his father met;'2' and at that where he attained to pari…nirvana; topes 

were erected。 Over the entire relic of the whole body of him; the Kasyapa 

Tathagata;'3' a great tope was also erected。 

    Going on south…east from the city of Sravasti for twelve yojanas; (the 

travellers)   came    to  a  town    named    Na…pei…kea;'4'     the  birthplace    of 

Krakuchanda Buddha。 At the place where he and his father met; and at that 

where   he   attained to   pari…nirvana;   topes   were   erected。   Going   north   from 

here less than a yojana; they came to a town which had been the birthplace 

of   Kanakamuni   Buddha。 At   the   place   where   he   and   his   father   met;   and 

where he attained to pari…nirvana; topes were erected。 
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