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under western eyes-第8章

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the spoke…like shadows on the walls。  And only the sound of blows

was heard。  It was a weird scene。

Suddenly there was a sharp crack。  The stick broke and half of it

flew far away into the gloom beyond the light。  At the same time

Ziemianitch sat up。  At this Razumov became as motionless as the

man with the lanternonly his breast heaved for air as if ready

to burst。

Some dull sensation of pain must have penetrated at last the

consoling night of drunkenness enwrapping the 〃bright Russian

soul〃 of Haldin's enthusiastic praise。  But Ziemianitch evidently

saw nothing。  His eyeballs blinked all white in the light once;

twicethen the gleam went out。  For a moment he sat in the straw

with closed eyes with a strange air of weary meditation; then

fell over slowly on his  side without making the slightest sound。

Only the straw rustled a little。  Razumov stared wildly; fighting

for his breath。  After a second or two he heard a light snore。

He flung from him the piece of stick remaining in his grasp; and

went off with great hasty strides without looking back once。

After going heedlessly for some fifty yards along the street he

walked into a snowdrift and was up to his knees before he stopped。

This recalled him to himself; and glancing about he discovered he

had been going in the wrong direction。 He retraced his steps; but

now at a more moderate pace。 When passing before the house he had

just left he flourished his fist at the sombre refuge of

misery and crime rearing its sinister bulk on the white ground。

It had an air of brooding。  He let his arm fall by his


Ziemianitch's passionate surrender to sorrow and consolation had

baffled him。  That was the people。  A true Russian man!  Razumov

was glad he had beaten that brutethe 〃bright soul〃 of the

other。  Here they were: the people and the enthusiast。

Between the two he was done for。  Between the drunkenness of the

peasant incapable of action and the dream…intoxication of the

idealist incapable of perceiving the reason of things; and the

true character of men。  It was a sort of terrible childishness。

But children had their masters。  〃Ah! the stick; the stick; the

stern hand;〃 thought Razumov; longing for power to hurt and


He was glad he had thrashed that brute。  The physical exertion

had left his body in a comfortable glow。  His mental agitation

too was clarified as if all the feverishness had gone out of him

in a fit of outward violence。 Together with the persisting sense

of terrible danger he was conscious now of a tranquil;

unquenchable hate。

He walked slower and slower。  And indeed; considering the guest

he had in his rooms; it was no wonder he lingered on the way。  It

was like harbouring a pestilential disease that would not perhaps

take your life; but would take from you all that made life worth

living a subtle pest that would convert earth into a hell。

What was he doing now?  Lying on the bed as if dead; with the

back of his hands over his eyes?  Razumov had a morbidly vivid

vision of Haldin on his bedthe white pillow hollowed by the

head; the legs in long boots; the upturned feet。  And in his

abhorrence he said to himself; 〃I'll kill him when I get home。〃

But he knew very well that that was of no use。  The corpse

hanging round his neck would be nearly as fatal as the living

man。  Nothing short of complete annihilation would do。  And that

was impossible。  What then?  Must one kill oneself to escape this


Razumov's despair was too profoundly tinged with hate to accept

that issue。

And yet it was despairnothing lessat the thought of having to

live with Haldin for an indefinite number of days in mortal alarm

at every sound。  But perhaps when he heard that this 〃bright

soul〃 of Ziemianitch suffered from a drunken eclipse the fellow

would take his infernal resignation somewhere else。  And that was

not likely on the face of it。

Razumov thought:〃I am being crushedand I can't even run away。〃

Other  men had somewhere a corner of the earthsome little house

in the provinces where they had a right to take their troubles。

A material refuge。  He had nothing。  He had not even a moral

refugethe refuge of confidence。  To whom could he go with this

talein all this great; great land?

Razumov stamped his footand under the soft carpet of snow felt

the hard ground of Russia; inanimate; cold; inert; like a sullen

and tragic mother hiding her face under a winding…sheethis

native soil!his very ownwithout a fireside; without a heart!

He cast his eyes upwards and stood amazed。 The snow had ceased to

fall; and now; as if by a miracle; he saw above his head the

clear black sky of the northern winter; decorated with the

sumptuous fires of the stars。  It was a canopy fit for the

resplendent purity of the snows。

Razumov received an almost physical impression of endless space

and of countless millions。

He responded to it with the readiness of a Russian who is born to

an inheritance of space and numbers。 Under the sumptuous

immensity of the sky; the snow covered the endless forests;

the frozen rivers; the plains of an immense country; obliterating

the landmarks; the accidents of the ground; levelling everything

under its uniform whiteness; like a monstrous blank page awaiting

the record of an inconceivable history。  It covered the passive

land with its lives of  countless people like Ziemianitch and its

handful of agitators like this Haldin murdering foolishly。

It was a sort of sacred inertia。  Razumov felt a respect for it。

A voice seemed   to cry within him; 〃Don't touch it。〃  It was a

guarantee of duration;  of safety; while the travail of maturing

destiny went ona work not of revolutions with their passionate

levity of action and their shifting impulsesbut of peace。  What

it needed was not the conflicting aspirations of a people; but a

will strong and one: it wanted not the babble of many voices; but

a manstrong and one!

Razumov stood on the point of conversion。  He was fascinated by

its approach; by its overpowering logic。  For a train of thought

is never false。  The falsehood lies deep in the necessities of

existence; in secret fears and half…formed ambitions; in the

secret confidence combined with a secret mistrust of ourselves;

in the love of hope and the dread of uncertain days。

In Russia; the land of spectral ideas and disembodied

aspirations; many brave minds have turned away at last from the

vain and endless conflict to the one great historical fact of the

land。  They turned to autocracy for the peace of their patriotic

conscience as a weary unbeliever; touched by grace; turns to the

faith of his fathers for the blessing of spiritual rest。  Like

other Russians before him; Razumov; in conflict with himself;

felt the touch of grace upon his forehead。

〃Haldin means disruption;〃 he thought to himself; beginning to

walk again。  〃What is he with his indign
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