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under western eyes-第6章

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innocent peoplescattering deathI!  I!。 。 。I wouldn't hurt a fly!〃

〃Not so loud;〃 warned Razumov harshly。

Haldin sat down abruptly; and leaning his head on his folded arms

burst into tears。  He wept for a long time。  The dusk had

deepened in the room。  Razumov; motionless in sombre wonder;

listened to the sobs。

The other raised his head; got up and with an effort mastered his voice。

〃Yes。  Men like me leave no posterity;〃  he repeated in a

subdued tone。〃  I have a sister though。  She's with my old

motherI persuaded them to go abroad this yearthank God。

Not a bad little girl my sister。  She has the most trustful eyes of

any human being that ever walked this earth。  She will marry

well; I hope。  She may have childrensons perhaps。  Look at me。

My father was a Government official in the provinces;  He had a

little land too。  A simple servant of Goda true Russian in his

way。  His was the soul of obedience。 But I am not like him。  They

say I resemble my mother's eldest brother; an officer。  They shot

him in '28。  Under Nicholas; you know。  Haven't I told you that

this is war; war。 。 。 。  But God of Justice!  This is weary work。〃

Razumov; in his chair; leaning his head on his hand; spoke as if

from the bottom of an abyss。

〃You believe in God; Haldin?〃

〃There you go catching at words that are wrung from one。  What

does it matter?  What was it the Englishman said : 'There is a

divine soul in things 。 。 。' Devil take himI don't remember

now。  But he spoke the truth。  When the day of you thinkers comes

don't you forget what's divine in the Russian souland that's

resignation。  Respect that in your intellectual restlessness and

don't let your arrogant wisdom spoil its message to the world。  I

am speaking to you now like a man with a rope round his neck。

What do you imagine I am? A being in revolt?  No。  It's you

thinkers who are in everlasting revolt。  I am one of the

resigned。 When the necessity of this heavy work came to me and I

understood that it had to be donewhat did I do? Did I exult?

Did I take pride in my purpose?  Did I try to weigh its worth and

consequences?  No!  I was resigned。  I thought 'God's will be


He threw himself full length on Razumov's bed and putting the

backs of his hands over his eyes remained perfectly motionless

and silent。  Not even the sound of his breathing could be heard。

The dead stillness or the room remained undisturbed till in the

darkness Razumov said gloomily


〃Yes;〃 answered the other readily; quite invisible now on the bed

and without the slightest stir。

〃Isn't it time for me to start?〃

〃Yes; brother。〃  The other was heard; lying still in the darkness

as though he were talking in his sleep。  〃The time has come to

put fate to the test。〃

He paused; then gave a few lucid directions in the quiet

impersonal voice of a man in a trance。  Razumov made ready

without a word of answer。  As he was leaving the room the voice

on the bed said after him

〃Go with God; thou silent soul。〃

On the landing; moving softly; Razumov locked the door and put

the key in his pocket。


The words and events of that evening must have been graven as if

with a steel tool on Mr。 Razumov's brain since he was able to

write his relation with such fullness and precision a good many

months afterwards。

The record of the thoughts which assailed him in the street is

even more minute and abundant。  They seem to have rushed upon him

with the greater freedom because his thinking powers were no

longer crushed by Haldin's presencethe appalling presence of a

great crime and the stunning force of a great fanaticism。  On

looking through the pages of Mr。 Razumov's diary I own that a

〃rush of thoughts〃 is not an adequate image。

The more adequate description would be a tumult of thoughtsthe

faithful reflection of the state of his feelings。  The thoughts

in themselves were not numerousthey were like the thoughts of

most human beings; few and simplebut they cannot be reproduced

here in all their exclamatory repetitions which went on in an

endless and weary turmoilfor the walk was long。

If to the Western reader they appear shocking; inappropriate; or

even improper; it must be remembered that as to the first this

may be the effect of my crude statement。  For the rest I will

only remark here that this is not a story of the West of Europe。

Nations it may be have fashioned their Governments; but the

Governments have paid them back in the same coin。  It is

unthinkable that any young Englishman should find himself in

Razumov's situation。  This being so it would be a vain enterprise

to imagine what he would think。  The only safe surmise to make is

that he would not think as Mr。 Razumov thought at this crisis of

his fate。  He would not have an hereditary and personal knowledge

or the means by which historical autocracy represses ideas;

guards its power; and defends its existence。  By an act of mental

extravagance he might imagine himself arbitrarily thrown into

prison; but it would never occur to him unless he were delirious

(and perhaps not even then) that he could be beaten with whips as

a practical measure either of investigation or of punishment。

This is but a crude and obvious example of the different

conditions of Western thought。  I don't know that this danger

occurred; specially to Mr。 Razumov。  No doubt it entered

unconsciously into the general dread and the general

appallingness  of this crisis。  Razumov; as has been seen; was

aware of more subtle ways in which an individual may be undone by

the proceedings of a despotic Government。  A simple expulsion

from the University (the very least that could happen to him);

with an impossibility to continue his studies anywhere; was

enough to ruin utterly a young man depending entirely upon the

development of his natural abilities for his place in the world。

He was a Russian: and for him to be implicated meant simply

sinking into the lowest social depths amongst the hopeless and

the destitutethe night birds of the city。

The peculiar circumstances of Razumov's parentage; or rather of

his lack of parentage; should be taken into the account of his

thoughts。  And he remembered them too。  He had been lately

reminded  of them in a peculiarly atrocious way by this fatal

Haldin。  〃Because I haven't that; must everything else be

taken away from me?〃 he thought。

He nerved himself for another effort to go on。 Along the roadway

sledges glided phantom…like and jingling through a fluttering

whiteness on the black face of the night。  〃For it is a crime;〃

he was saying to himself。  〃A murder is a murder。  Though; of

course; some sort of liberal institutions。 。 。 。〃

A feeling of horrible sickness came over him。  〃I must be

courageous;〃 he exhorted himself mentally。  All his strength was

suddenly gone as if taken out by a hand。  Then by a mighty effort

of will it c
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