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under western eyes-第4章

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stove of white tiles gleaming in the dusk; stood a strange

figure; wearing a skirted; close…fitting; brown cloth coat

strapped round the waist; in long boots; and with a little

Astrakhan cap on its head。  It loomed lithe and martial。 Razumov

was utterly confounded。  It was only when the figure advancing

two paces asked in an untroubled; grave voice if the outer door

was closed that he regained his power of speech。

〃Haldin!。 。 。Victor Victorovitch!。 。 。Is that you? 。 。 。Yes。  The

outer door is shut all right。  But this is indeed unexpected。〃

Victor Haldin; a student older than most of his contemporaries at

the University; was not one of the industrious set。  He was

hardly ever seen at lectures; the authorities had marked him as

〃restless〃 and 〃unsound 〃very bad notes。  But he had a

great personal prestige with his comrades and influenced their

thoughts。  Razumov had never been intimate with him。  They had

met from time to time at gatherings in other students' houses。

They had even had a discussion togetherone of those discussions

on first principles dear to the sanguine minds of youth。

Razumov wished the man had chosen some other time to come for a

chat。  He felt in good trim to tackle the prize essay。  But as

Haldin could not be slightingly dismissed Razumov adopted the

tone of hospitality; asking him to sit down and smoke。

〃Kirylo Sidorovitch;〃 said the other; flinging off his cap; 〃we

are not perhaps in exactly the same camp。  Your judgment is more

philosophical。  You are a man of few words; but I haven't met

anybody who dared to doubt the generosity of your sentiments。

There is a solidity about your character which cannot exist

without courage。

Razumov felt flattered and began to murmur shyly something about

being very glad of his good opinion; when Haldin raised his hand。

〃That is what I was saying to myself;〃 he continued; 〃as I dodged

in the woodyard down by the river…side。  'He has a strong

character this young man;' I said to myself。  'He does not throw

his soul to the winds。'  Your reserve has always fascinated me;

Kirylo Siderovitch。  So I tried to remember your address。  But

look hereit was a piece of luck。  Your dvornik was away from

the gate talking to a sleigh…driver on the other side of the

street。  I met no one on the stairs; not a soul。  As I came up

to your floor I caught sight of your landlady coming out of your

rooms。  But she did not see me。  She crossed the landing to her

own side; and then I slipped in。  I have been here two hours

expecting you to come in every moment。

Razumov had listened in astonishment; but before he could

open his mouth Haldin added; speaking deliberately;〃  It was I

who removed de P… this morning。〃 Razumov kept down a cry of

dismay。  The sentiment of his life being utterly ruined by this

contact with such a crime expressed itself quaintly by a sort of

half…derisive mental exclamation;  〃There goes my silver medal!〃

Haldin continued after waiting a while

〃You say nothing; Kirylo Sidorovitch!  I understand your silence。

To be sure; I cannot expect you with your frigid English manner

to embrace me。  But never mind your manners。  You have enough

heart to have heard the sound of weeping and gnashing of teeth

this man raised in the land。  That would be enough to get over

any philosophical hopes。  He was uprooting the tender plant。  He

had to be stopped。  He was a dangerous mana convinced man。

Three more years of his work would have put us back fifty years

into bondageand look at all the lives wasted; at all the souls

lost in that time。〃

His curt; self…confident voice suddenly lost its ring and it was

in a dull tone that he added; 〃Yes; brother; I have killed him。

It's weary work。〃

Razumov had sunk into a chair。  Every moment he expected a crowd

of policemen to rush in。  There must have been thousands of them

out looking for that man walking up and down in his room。  Haldin

was talking again in a restrained; steady voice。  Now and then he

flourished an arm; slowly; without excitement。

He told Razumov how he had brooded for a year; how he had not

slept properly for weeks。 He and 〃Another〃 had a warning of the

Minister's movements from 〃a certain person〃 late the evening

before。  He and  that Another〃 prepared their 〃engines〃 and

〃resolved to have no sleep till 〃the deed〃 was done。 They

walked the streets under the falling snow with the 〃engines〃

on them; exchanging not a word the livelong night。  When they

happened to meet a police patrol they took each other by the

arm and pretended to be a couple of peasants on the spree。

They reeled and talked in drunken hoarse voices。  Except for

these strange outbreaks they kept silence; moving on ceaselessly。

Their plans had been previously arranged。  At daybreak they made

their way to the spot which they knew the sledge must pass。

When it appeared in sight they exchanged a muttered good…bye

and separated。  The 〃other〃 remained at the corner; Haldin

took up a position a little farther up the street。 。 。 。

After throwing his 〃engine〃 he ran off and in a moment was

overtaken by the panic…struck people flying away from the spot

after the second explosion。  They were wild with terror。  He was

jostled once or twice。 He slowed down for the rush to pass him and

then turned to the left into a narrow street。  There he was alone。

He marvelled at this immediate escape。  The work was done。  He

could hardly believe it。  He fought with an almost irresistible

longing to lie down on the pavement and sleep。  But this sort of

faintnessa drowsy faintnesspassed off quickly。  He walked

faster; making his way to one of the poorer parts of the town in

order to look up Ziemianitch。

This Ziemianitch; Razumov understood; was a sort of town…peasant

who had got on; owner of a small number of sledges and horses for

hire。  Haldin paused in his narrative to exclaim

〃A bright spirit ! A hardy soul! The best driver in St。 Petersburg。

He has a team of three horses there。 。 。 。  Ah!  He's a fellow!〃

This man had declared himself willing to take out safely; at

any time; one or two persons to the second or third railway

station on one of the southern lines。  But there had been no time

to warn him the night before。 His usual haunt seemed to be a

low…class eating…house on the outskirts of the town。  When Haldin

got there the man was not to be found。  He was not expected to

turn up again till the evening。  Haldin wandered away restlessly。

He saw the gate of a woodyard open and went in to get out of the

wind which swept the bleak broad thoroughfare。  The great

rectangular piles of cut wood loaded with snow resembled the huts

of a village。  At first the watchman who discovered him crouching

amongst them talked in a friendly manner。  He was a dried…up old

man wearing two ragged army coats one over the other; his wizened

little face; tied up under the jaw and over the ears in a dirty

red handk
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