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under western eyes-第21章

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festive soul should have fallen too under the revolutionary curse

affected him as an ominous symptom of the time。  He reproached

himself for feeling troubled。  Personally he ought to have felt

reassured。  There was an obvious advantage in this conspiracy of

mistaken judgment taking him for what he was not。  But was it not


Again he experienced that sensation of his conduct being taken

out of his hands by Haldin's revolutionary tyranny。  His solitary

and laborious existence had been destroyedthe only thing he

could call his own on this earth。  By what right?  he asked

himself furiously。  In what name?

What infuriated him most was to feel that the 〃thinkers〃 of the

University were evidently connecting him with Haldinas a sort

of confidant in the background apparently。  A  mysterious connexion!

Ha ha!。 。 。He had been made a personage without knowing anything

about it。  How that wretch Haldin must have talked about him!

Yet it was likely that Haldin had said very little。  The fellow's

casual utterances were caught up and treasured and pondered over

by all these imbeciles。  And was not all secret revolutionary action

based upon folly; self…deception; and lies?

〃Impossible to think of anything else;〃 muttered Razumov to

himself。  〃I'll become an idiot if this goes on。  The scoundrels

and the fools are murdering my intelligence。〃

He lost all hope of saving his future; which depended on the free

use of his intelligence。

He reached the doorway of his house in a state of mental

discouragement which enabled him to receive with apparent

indifference an official…looking envelope from the dirty hand of

the dvornik。

〃A gendarme brought it;〃 said the man。  〃He asked if you were

at home。  I told him  'No; he's not at home。'  So he left it。

'Give it into his own hands;' says he。 Now you've got iteh?〃

He went back to his sweeping; and Razumov climbed his stairs;

envelope in hand。  Once in his room he did not hasten to open it。

Of course this official missive was from the superior direction

of the police。  A suspect!  Asuspect!

He stared in dreary astonishment at the absurdity of his

position。  He thought with a sort of dry; unemotional melancholy;

three years of good work gone; the course of forty more perhaps

jeopardizedturned from hope to terror; because events started

by human folly link themselves into a sequence which no sagacity

can foresee and no courage can break through。 Fatality enters

your rooms while your landlady's back is turned; you come home

and find it in possession bearing a man's name; clothed in

fleshwearing a brown cloth coat and long bootslounging

against the stove。  It asks you; 〃Is the outer door closed?〃and

you don't know enough to take it by the throat and fling it

downstairs。  You don't know。  You welcome the crazy fate。  〃Sit

down;〃 you say。  And it is all over。  You cannot shake it off any

more。  It will cling to you for ever。  Neither halter nor bullet

can give you back the freedom of your life and the sanity of

your thought。 。 。 。  It was enough to dash one's head

against a wall。

Razumov looked slowly all round the walls as if to select a spot

to dash his head against。  Then he opened the letter。  It

directed the student Kirylo Sidorovitch Razumov to present

himself without delay at the General Secretariat。

Razumov had a vision of General T…'s goggle eyes waiting for

himthe embodied power of autocracy; grotesque and terrible。  He

embodied the whole power of autocracy because he was its

guardian。  He was the incarnate suspicion; the incarnate anger;

the incarnate ruthlessness of a political and social regime on

its defence。  He loathed rebellion by instinct。 And Razumov

reflected that the man was simply unable to understand a

reasonable adherence to the doctrine of absolutism。

〃What can he want with me preciselyI wonder?〃 he asked himself。

As if that mental question had evoked the familiar phantom;

Haldin stood suddenly before him in the room with an

extraordinary completeness of detail。  Though the short winter

day had passed already into the sinister twilight of a land

buried in snow; Razumov saw plainly the narrow leather strap

round the Tcherkess coat。  The illusion of that hateful presence

was so perfect that he half expected it to ask; 〃Is the outer

door closed?〃 He looked at it with hatred and contempt。 Souls do

not take a shape of clothing。  Moreover; Haldin could not be

dead yet。 Razumov stepped forward menacingly; the vision

vanishedand turning short on his heel he walked out

of his room with infinite disdain。

But after going down the first flight of stairs it occurred to

him that perhaps the superior authorities of police meant to

confront him with Haldin in the flesh。  This thought struck him

like a bullet; and had he not clung with both hands to the

banister he would have rolled down to the next landing most

likely。  His legs were of no use for a considerable time。 。 。 。

But why?  For what conceivable reason?  To what end?

There could be no rational answer to these questions; but Razumov

remembered the promise made by the General to Prince K…。  His

action was to remain unknown。

He got down to the bottom of the stairs; lowering himself as it

were from step to step; by the banister。 Under the gate he

regained much of his firmness of thought and limb。  He went out

into the street without staggering visibly。  Every moment he felt

steadier mentally。  And yet he was saying to himself that General

T… was perfectly capable of shutting him up in the fortress for

an indefinite time。  His temperament fitted his remorseless task;

and his omnipotence made him inaccessible to reasonable argument。

But when Razumov arrived at the Secretariat he discovered that he

would have nothing to do with General T…。  It is evident from

Mr。 Razumov's diary that this dreaded personality was to remain

in the background。  A civilian of superior rank received him in a

private room after a period of waiting in outer offices where a

lot of scribbling went on at many tables in a heated and stuffy


The clerk in uniform who conducted him said in the corridor

〃You are going before Gregor Matvieitch Mikulin。〃

There was nothing formidable about the man bearing that name。

His mild; expectant glance was turned on the door already when

Razumov entered。  At once; with the penholder he was holding in

his hand; he pointed to a deep sofa between two windows。  He

followed Razumov with his eyes while that last crossed the room

and sat down。 The mild gaze rested on him; not curious; not

inquisitivecertainly not suspiciousalmost without expression。

In its passionless persistence there was something resembling


Razumov; who had prepared his will and his intelligence to

encounter General T… himself; was profoundly troubled。  All the

moral bracing up against the possible excesses of power and

passion went for
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