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under western eyes-第20章

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suddenly; lay like a log; remembered no dream on waking。  But it

was as if his soul had gone out in the night to gather the

flowers of wrathful wisdom。  He got up in a mood of grim

determination and as if with a new knowledge of his own nature。

He looked mockingly on the heap of papers on his table; and left

his room to attend the lectures; muttering to himself; 〃We shall see。〃

He was in no humour to talk to anybody or hear himself questioned

as to his absence from lectures the day before。  But it was

difficult to repulse rudely a very good comrade with a smooth

pink face and fair hair; bearing the nickname amongst his

fellow…students of 〃Madcap Kostia。〃  He was the idolized  only

son of a very wealthy and illiterate Government contractor; and

attended the lectures only during the periodical fits of

contrition following upon tearful paternal remonstrances。

Noisily blundering like a retriever puppy; his elated voice

and great gestures filled the bare academy corridors with the

joy of thoughtless animal life; provoking indulgent smiles at

a great distance。  His usual discourses treated of trotting horses;

wine…parties in expensive restaurants; and the merits of persons

of easy virtue; with a disarming artlessness of outlook。  He

pounced upon Razumov about midday; somewhat less uproariously

than his habit was; and led him aside。

〃Just a moment; Kirylo Sidorovitch。  A few words here in this

quiet corner。〃

He felt Razumov's reluctance; and insinuated his hand under his

arm caressingly。

〃Nopray do。  I don't want to talk to you about any of my silly

scrapes。  What are my scrapes?  Absolutely nothing。  Mere

childishness。  The other night I flung a fellow out of a certain

place where I was having a fairly good time。  A tyrannical little

beast of a quill…driver from the Treasury department。  He was

bullying the people of the house。  I rebuked him。  'You are not

behaving humanely to God's creatures that are a jolly sight more

estimable than yourself;'  I said。  I can't bear to see any

tyranny; Kirylo Sidorovitch。  Upon my word I can't。  He didn't

take it in good part at all。  'Who's that impudent puppy?'

he begins to shout。  I was in excellent form as it happened;

and he went through the closed window very suddenly。  He flew

quite a long way into the yard。  I raged likelike aminotaur。

The women clung to me and screamed; the fiddlers got under the table。

。 。 。Such fun!  My dad had to put his hand pretty deep into his pocket;

I can tell you。〃  He chuckled。

〃My dad is a very useful man。  Jolly good thing it is for me; too。

I do get into unholy scrapes。〃

His elation fell。  That was just it。  What was his life?

Insignificant; no good to anyone; a mere festivity。  It

would end some fine day in his getting his skull split with a

champagne bottle in a drunken brawl。  At such times; too; when

men were sacrificing themselves to ideas。  But he could never get

any ideas into his head。  His head wasn't worth anything better

than to be split by a champagne bottle。

Razumov; protesting that he had no time; made an attempt to get

away。  The other's tone changed to confidential earnestness。

〃For God's sake; Kirylo; my dear soul; let me make some sort of

sacrifice。  It would not be a sacrifice really。  I have my rich

dad behind me。  There's positively no getting to the bottom of

his pocket。〃

And rejecting indignantly Razumov's suggestion that this was

drunken raving; he offered to lend him some money to escape

abroad with。  He could always get money from his dad。  He had

only to say that he had lost it at cards or something of that

sort; and at the same time promise solemnly not to miss a single

lecture for three months on end。  That would fetch the old man;

and he; Kostia; was quite equal to the sacrifice。  Though he

really did not see what was the good for him to attend the

lectures。  It was perfectly hopeless。

〃Won't you let me be of some use?〃 he pleaded to the silent

Razumov; who with his eyes on the ground and utterly unable to

penetrate the real drift of the other's intention; felt a strange

reluctance to clear up the point。

〃What makes you think I want to go abroad?〃 he asked at last

very quietly。

Kostia lowered his voice。

〃You had the police in your rooms yesterday。 There are three or

four of us who have heard of that。 Never mind how we know。  It is

sufficient that we do。  So we have been consulting together。〃

〃Ah!  You got to know that so soon;〃  muttered Razumov negligently。

〃Yes。  We did。  And it struck us that a man like you。 。 。〃

〃What sort of a man do you take me to be?〃 Razumov interrupted him。

〃A man of ideasand a man of action too。  But you are very deep;

Kirylo。  There's no getting to the bottom of your mind。  Not for

fellows like me。  But we all agreed that you must be preserved

for our country。  Of that we have no doubt whateverI mean all

of us who have heard Haldin speak of you on certain occasions。

A man doesn't get the police ransacking his rooms without there

being some devilry hanging over his head。 。 。 。  And so if you

think that it would be better for you to bolt at once。 。 。〃

Razumov tore himself away and walked down the corridor; leaving

the other motionless with his mouth open。  But almost at once he

returned and stood before the amazed Kostia; who shut his mouth

slowly。  Razumov looked him straight in the eyes; before saying

with marked deliberation and separating his words

〃I thankyouverymuch。〃

He went away again rapidly。 Kostia; recovering from his surprise

at these manoeuvres; ran up behind him pressingly。

〃No! Wait!  Listen。  I really mean it。  It would be like giving

your compassion to a starving fellow。  Do you hear; Kirylo?  And

any disguise you may think of; that too I could procure from a

costumier; a Jew I know。  Let a fool be made serviceable

according to his folly。  Perhaps also a false beard or something

of that kind may be needed。

Razumov turned at bay。

〃There are no false beards needed in this business;

Kostiayou good…hearted lunatic; you。  What do you know of

my ideas?  My ideas may be poison to you。〃  The other began to

shake his head in energetic protest。

〃What have you got to do with ideas?  Some of them would make an

end of your dad's money…bags。  Leave off meddling with what you

don't understand。  Go back to your trotting horses and your

girls; and then you'll be sure at least of doing no harm to

anybody; and hardly any to yourself。〃

The enthusiastic youth was overcome by this disdain。

〃You're sending me back to my pig's trough; Kirylo。  That settles

it。  I am an unlucky beastand I shall die like a beast too。

But mindit's your contempt that has done for me。〃

Razumov went off with long strides。 That this simple and grossly

festive soul should have fallen too under the revolutionary curse

affected him as an ominous symptom of the time。  He reproached

himself for 
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