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under western eyes-第17章

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fell over his glazed eyes and he slept again。


Approaching this part of Mr。 Razumov's story; my mind; the decent

mind of an old teacher of languages; feels more and more the

difficulty of the task。

The task is not in truth the writing in the narrative form a

_precis_ of a strange human document; but the renderingI

perceive it now clearlyof the moral conditions ruling over a

large portion of this earth's surface; conditions not easily to

be understood; much less discovered in the limits of a story;

till some key…word is found; a word that could stand at the back

of all the words covering the pages; a word which; if not truth

itself; may perchance hold truth enough to help the moral

discovery which should be the object of every tale。

I turn over for the hundredth time the leaves of Mr。 Razumov's record;

I lay it aside; I take up the penand the pen being ready for its office

of setting down black on white I hesitate。  For the word that persists

in creeping under its point is no other word than 〃cynicism。〃

For that is the mark of Russian autocracy and of Russian revolt。

In its pride of numbers; in its strange pretensions of sanctity;

and in the secret readiness to abase itself in suffering; the

spirit of Russia is the spirit of cynicism。  It informs the

declarations of her statesmen; the theories of her

revolutionists; and the mystic vaticinations of prophets to the

point of making freedom look like a form of debauch; and the

Christian virtues themselves appear actually indecent。 。 。 。

But I must apologize for the digression。  It proceeds from the

consideration of the course taken by the story of Mr。 Razumov

after his conservative convictions; diluted in a vague liberalism

natural to the ardour of his age; had become crystallized by the

shock of his contact with Haldin。

Razumov woke up for the tenth time perhaps with a heavy shiver。

Seeing the light of day in his window; he resisted the

inclination to lay himself down again。  He did not remember

anything; but he did not think it strange to find himself on the

sofa in his cloak and chilled to the bone。  The light coming

through the window seemed strangely cheerless; containing no

promise as the light of each new day should for a young man。  It

was the awakening of a man mortally ill; or of a man ninety years

old。  He looked at the lamp which had burnt itself out。  It stood

there; the extinguished beacon of his labours; a cold object of

brass and porcelain; amongst the scattered pages of his notes and

small piles of booksa mere litter of blackened paperdead

matterwithout significance or interest。

He got on his feet; and divesting himself of his cloak hung

it on the peg; going through all the motions mechanically。  An

incredible dullness; a ditch…water stagnation was sensible to his

perceptions as though life had withdrawn itself from all things

and even from his own thoughts。  There was not a sound in the house。

Turning away from the peg; he thought in that same lifeless

manner that it must be very early yet; but when he looked at the

watch on his table he saw both hands arrested at twelve o'clock。

〃Ah! yes;〃 he mumbled to himself; and as if beginning to get

roused a little he took a survey of his room。  The paper stabbed

to the wall arrested his attention。  He eyed it from the distance

without approval or perplexity; but when he heard the

servant…girl beginning to bustle about in the outer room with the

_samovar_ for his morning tea; he walked up to it and took it

down with an air of profound indifference。

While doing this he glanced down at the bed on which he had not

slept that night。  The hollow in the pillow made by the weight of

Haldin's head was very noticeable。

Even his anger at this sign of the man's passage was dull。  He

did not try to nurse it into life。  He did nothing all that day;

he neglected even to brush his hair。  The idea of going out never

occurred to himand if he did not start a connected train of

thought it was not because he was unable to think。  It was

because he was not interested enough。

He yawned frequently。  He drank large quantities of tea; he

walked about aimlessly; and when he sat down he did not budge for

a long time。  He spent some time drumming on the window with his

finger…tips quietly。  In his listless wanderings round about the

table he caught sight of his own face in the looking…glass and

that arrested him。  The eyes which returned his stare were

the most unhappy eyes he had ever seen。  And this was the first

thing which disturbed the mental stagnation of that day。

He was not affected personally。  He merely thought that life

without happiness is impossible。  What was happiness?  He yawned

and went on shuffling about and about between the walls of his

room。  Looking forward was happinessthat's allnothing more。

To look forward to the gratification of some desire; to the

gratification of some passion; love; ambition; hatehate too

indubitably。  Love and hate。  And to escape the dangers of

existence; to live without fear; was also happiness。  There was

nothing else。  Absence of fear looking forward。  〃Oh! the

miserable lot  of humanity!〃 he exclaimed mentally; and added at

once in his thought; 〃I ought to be happy enough as far as that

goes。〃  But he was not excited by that assurance。  On the

contrary;he yawned again as he had been yawning all day。  He was

mildly surprised to discover himself being overtaken by night。

The room grew dark swiftly though time had seemed to stand still。

How was it that he had not noticed the passing of that

day?  Of course; it was the watch being stopped。 。 。 。

He did not light his lamp; but went over to the bed and threw

himself on it without any hesitation。  Lying on his back; he put

his hands under his head and stared upward。  After a moment he

thought; 〃I am lying here like that man。  I wonder if he slept

while I was struggling with the blizzard in the streets。  No; he

did not sleep。  But why should I not sleep?〃 and he felt the

silence of the night press upon all his limbs like a weight。

In the calm of the hard frost outside; the clear…cut strokes

of the town clock counting off midnight penetrated the quietness

of his suspended animation。

Again he began to think。  It was twenty…four hours since that man

left his room。  Razumov had  a distinct feeling that Haldin in

the fortress was sleeping that night。  It was a certitude which

made him angry because he did not want to think of Haldin; but he

justified it to himself by physiological and psychological

reasons。  The fellow had hardly slept for weeks on his own

confession; and now every incertitude was at an end for him。  No

doubt he was looking forward to the consummation of his

martyrdom。  A man who resigns himself to kill need not go very

far for resignation to die。  Haldin slept perhaps more soundly

than General T…; whose taskweary work toowas not done; and

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