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under western eyes-第14章

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against the white pillow。  There he was; lying flat on his back。

Razumov thought suddenly; 〃I have walked over his chest。〃

He continued to stare till the match burnt itself out; then

struck another and lit the lamp in silence without looking

towards the bed any more。  He had turned his back on it and was

hanging his coat on a peg when he heard Haldin sigh profoundly;

then ask in a tired voice

〃Well!  And what have you arranged?〃

The emotion was so great that Razumov was glad to put his hands

against the wall。  A diabolical impulse to say; 〃I have given you

up to the police;〃 frightened him exceedingly。  But he did not

say that。  He said; without turning round; in a muffled voice

〃It's done。〃

Again he heard Haldin sigh。  He walked to the table; sat down

with the lamp before him; and only then looked towards the bed。

In the distant corner of the large room far away from the lamp;

which was small and provided with a very thick china shade;

Haldin appeared like a dark and elongated shaperigid with the

immobility of death。  This body seemed to have less substance

than its own phantom walked over by Razumov in the street white

with snow。  It was more alarming in its shadowy; persistent

reality than the distinct but vanishing illusion。

Haldin was heard again。

〃You must have had a walksuch a walk。 。 。〃 he murmured

deprecatingly。〃  This weather。 。 。〃

Razumov answered with energy

〃Horrible walk。 。 。 。  A nightmare of a walk。〃

He shuddered audibly。  Haldin sighed once more; then

〃And so you have seen Ziemianitchbrother?〃

〃I've seen  him。〃

Razumov; remembering the time he had spent with the Prince;

thought it prudent to add; 〃I had to wait some time。〃

〃A charactereh?  It's extraordinary what a sense of the

necessity of freedom there is in that man。  And he has sayings

toosimple; to the point; such as only the people can invent in

their rough sagacity。  A character that。 。 。〃

〃I; you understand; haven't had much opportunity。 。 。〃  Razumov

muttered through his teeth。

Haldin continued to stare at the ceiling。

〃You see; brother; I  have been a  good  deal in that house of

late。  I used to take there booksleaflets。  Not a few of the

poor people who live there can read。  And; you see; the guests

for the feast of freedom must be sought for in byways and hedges。

The truth is; I have almost lived in that house of late。  I slept

sometimes in the stable。  There is a stable。 。 。〃

〃That's where I had my interview with Ziemianitch;〃 interrupted

Razumov gently。  A mocking spirit entered into him and he added;

〃It was satisfactory in a sense。  I came away from it much relieved。〃

〃Ah! he's a fellow;〃 went on Haldin; talking slowly at the

ceiling。  〃I came to know him in that way; you see。  For some

weeks now; ever since I resigned myself to do what had to be

done; I tried to isolate myself。  I gave up my rooms。  What was

the good of exposing a decent widow woman to the risk of being

worried out of her mind by the police?  I gave up seeing any of

our comrades。 。 。〃

Razumov drew to himself a half…sheet of paper and began to trace

lines on it with a pencil。

〃Upon my word;〃 he thought angrily; 〃he seems to have thought of

everybody's safety but mine。〃

Haldin was talking on。

〃This  morningah! this morningthat was different。  How can I

explain to you?  Before the deed was done I wandered at night and

lay hid in the day; thinking it out; and I felt restful。

Sleepless but restful。  What was there for me to torment myself

about?  But this morningafter!  Then it was that I became

restless。  I could not have stopped in that big house full of

misery。  The miserable of this world can't give you peace。

Then when that silly caretaker began to shout; I said to myself;

'There is a young man in this town head and shoulders above

common prejudices。'〃

〃Is he laughing at mei?〃 。Razumov asked himself; going on with

his aimless drawing of triangles and squares。  And suddenly he

thought: 〃My behaviour must appear to him strange。  Should he

take fright at my manner and rush off somewhere I shall be

undone completely。  That infernal General。 。 。〃

He dropped the pencil and turned abruptly towards the bed with

the shadowy figure extended full length on itso much more

indistinct than the one over whose breast he had walked without

faltering。  Was this; too; a phantom?

The silence had lasted a long time。  〃He is no longer here;〃 was

the thought against which Razumov struggled desperately; quite

frightened at its absurdity。  〃He is already gone and this。 。 。

only。 。 。〃

He could resist no longer。  He sprang to his feet; saying aloud;

〃I am intolerably anxious;〃 and in a few headlong strides stood

by the side of the bed。  His hand fell lightly on Haldin's

shoulder; and directly he felt its reality he was beset by an

insane temptation to grip that exposed throat and squeeze the

breath out of that body; lest it should escape his custody;

leaving only a phantom behind。

Haldin did not stir a limb; but his overshadowed eyes moving a

little gazed upwards at Razumov with wistful gratitude for this

manifestation of feeling。

Razumov turned away and strode up and down the room。  〃It would

have been possibly a kindness;〃 he muttered to himself; and was

appalled by the nature of that apology for a murderous intention

his mind had found somewhere within him。  And all the same he

could not give it up。  He  became lucid  about  it。 〃What can he

expecti?〃 he thought。  〃The halterin the end。  And I。 。 。〃

This argument was interrupted by Haldin's voice。

〃Why be anxious for me? They can kill my body; but they cannot

exile my soul from this world。  I tell you whatI believe in

this world so much that I cannot conceive eternity otherwise than

as a very long life。  That is perhaps the reason I am so

ready to die。〃

〃H'm;〃muttered Razumov;and biting hislower lip he continued to

walk up and down and to carry on his strange argument。

Yes; to a man in such a situationof course it would be an act

of kindness。  The question; however; was not how to be kind; but

how to be firm。  He was a slippery customer

〃I too; Victor Victorovitch; believe in this world of ours;〃 he

said with force。  〃I too; while I live。 。 。 。  But you seem

determined to haunt it。  You can't seriously。 。 。mean〃

The voice of the motionless Haldin began

〃Haunt it!  Truly; the oppressors of thought which quickens the

world; the destroyers of souls which aspire to perfection of

human dignity; they shall be haunted。  As to the destroyers of my

mere body; I have forgiven them beforehand。〃

Razumov had stopped apparently to listen; but at the same time he

was observing his own sensations。  He was vexed with himself for

attaching so much importance to what Haldin said。

〃The fellow's mad;〃 he thought firmly; but this opinion did not

mollify him t
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