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                                    by Plato

                         translated by Benjamin Jowett



  Socrates。 Welcome; Ion。 Are you from your native city of Ephesus?

  Ion。 No; Socrates; but from Epidaurus; where I attended the festival

of Asclepius。

  Soc。 And do the Epidaurians have contests of rhapsodes at the


  Ion。 O yes; and of all sorts of musical performers。

  Soc。 And were you one of the competitors… and did you succeed?

  Ion。 I obtained the first prize of all; Socrates。

  Soc。 Well done; and I hope that you will do the same for us at the


  Ion。 And I will; please heaven。

  Soc。 I often envy the profession of a rhapsode; Ion; for you have

always to wear fine clothes; and to look as beautiful as you can is

a part of your art。 Then; again; you are obliged to be continually

in the company of many good poets; and especially of Homer; who is the

best and most divine of them; and to understand him; and not merely

learn his words by rote; is a thing greatly to be envied。 And no man

can be a rhapsode who does not understand the meaning of the poet。 For

the rhapsode ought to interpret the mind of the poet to his hearers;

but how can he interpret him well unless he knows what he means? All

this is greatly to be envied。

  Ion。 Very true; Socrates; interpretation has certainly been the most

laborious part of my art; and I believe myself able to speak about

Homer better than any man; and that neither Metrodorus of Lampsacus;

nor Stesimbrotus of Thasos; nor Glaucon; nor any one else who ever

was; had as good ideas about Homer as I have; or as many。

  Soc。 I am glad to hear you say so; Ion; I see that you will not

refuse to acquaint me with them。

  Ion。 Certainly; Socrates; and you really ought to hear how

exquisitely I render Homer。 I think that the Homeridae should give

me a golden crown。

  Soc。 I shall take an opportunity of hearing your embellishments of

him at some other time。 But just now I should like to ask you a

question: Does your art extend to Hesiod and Archilochus; or to

Homer only?

  Ion。 To Homer only; he is in himself quite enough。

  Soc。 Are there any things about which Homer and Hesiod agree?

  Ion。 Yes; in my opinion there are a good many。

  Soc。 And can you interpret better what Homer says; or what Hesiod

says; about these matters in which they agree?

  Ion。 I can interpret them equally well; Socrates; where they agree。

  Soc。 But what about matters in which they do not agree?… for

example; about divination; of which both Homer and Hesiod have

something to say…

  Ion。 Very true:

  Soc。 Would you or a good prophet be a better interpreter of what

these two poets say about divination; not only when they agree; but

when they disagree?

  Ion。 A prophet。

  Soc。 And if you were a prophet; would you be able to interpret

them when they disagree as well as when they agree?

  Ion。 Clearly。

  Soc。 But how did you come to have this skill about Homer only; and

not about Hesiod or the other poets? Does not Homer speak of the

same themes which all other poets handle? Is not war his great

argument? and does he not speak of human society and of intercourse of

men; good and bad; skilled and unskilled; and of the gods conversing

with one another and with mankind; and about what happens in heaven

and in the world below; and the generations of gods and heroes? Are

not these the themes of which Homer sings?

  Ion。 Very true; Socrates。

  Soc。 And do not the other poets sing of the same?

  Ion。 Yes; Socrates; but not in the same way as Homer。

  Soc。 What; in a worse way?

  Ion。 Yes; in a far worse。

  Soc。 And Homer in a better way?

  Ion。 He is incomparably better。

  Soc。 And yet surely; my dear friend Ion; in a discussion about

arithmetic; where many people are speaking; and one speaks better than

the rest; there is somebody who can judge which of them is the good


  Ion。 Yes。

  Soc。 And he who judges of the good will be the same as he who judges

of the bad speakers?

  Ion。 The same。

  Soc。 And he will be the arithmetician?

  Ion。 Yes。

  Soc。 Well; and in discussions about the wholesomeness of food;

when many persons are speaking; and one speaks better than the rest;

will he who recognizes the better speaker be a different person from

him who recognizes the worse; or the same?

  Ion。 Clearly the same。

  Soc。 And who is he; and what is his name?

  Ion。 The physician。

  Soc。 And speaking generally; in all discussions in which the subject

is the same and many men are speaking; will not he who knows the

good know the bad speaker also? For if he does not know the bad;

neither will he know the good when the same topic is being discussed。

  Ion。 True。

  Soc。 Is not the same person skilful in both?

  Ion。 Yes。

  Soc。 And you say that Homer and the other poets; such as Hesiod

and Archilochus; speak of the same things; although not in the same

way; but the one speaks well and the other not so well?

  Ion。 Yes; and I am right in saying so。

  Soc。 And if you knew the good speaker; you would also know the

inferior speakers to be inferior?

  Ion。 That is true。

  Soc。 Then; my dear friend; can I be mistaken in saying that Ion is

equally skilled in Homer and in other poets; since he himself

acknowledges that the same person will be a good judge of all those

who speak of the same things; and that almost all poets do speak of

the same things?

  Ion。 Why then; Socrates; do I lose attention and go to sleep and

have absolutely no ideas of the least value; when any one speaks of

any other poet; but when Homer is mentioned; I wake up at once and

am all attention and have plenty to say?

  Soc。 The reason; my friend; is obvious。 No one can fail to see

that you speak of Homer without any art or knowledge。 If you were able

to speak of him by rules of art; you would have been able to speak

of all other poets; for poetry is a whole。

  Ion。 Yes。

  Soc。 And when any one acquires any other art as a whole; the same

may be said of them。 Would you like me to explain my meaning; Ion?

  Ion。 Yes; indeed; Socrates; I very much wish that you would: for I

love to hear you wise men talk。

  Soc。 O that we were wise; Ion; and that you could truly call us

so; but you rhapsodes and actors; and the poets whose verses you sing;

are wise; whereas I am a common man; who only speak the truth。 For

consider what a very commonplace and trivial thing is this which I

have said… a thing which any man might say: that when a man has

acquired a knowledge of a whole art; the enquiry into good and bad

is one and the same。 Let us consider this matter; is not the art of

painting a whole?

  Ion。 Yes。

  Soc。 And there are and have been many painters good and bad?

  Ion。 Yes。

  Soc。 And did you ever know any one who was skilful in pointing out

the excellences and defects of Polygnotus the so
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