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antony and cleopatra(安东尼和克利奥帕格拉)-第27章

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Antony;   He'll   make   demand   of   her;   and   spend   that   kiss   Which   is   my 

heaven to have。 Come; thou mortal wretch; 'To an asp; which she applies 

to   her   breast'   With   thy   sharp   teeth   this   knot   intrinsicate   Of   life   at   once 

untie。 Poor venomous fool; Be angry and dispatch。 O couldst thou speak; 

That I might hear thee call great Caesar ass Unpolicied! CHARMIAN。 O 

Eastern star! CLEOPATRA。 Peace; peace! Dost thou not see my baby at 

my breast That sucks the nurse asleep? CHARMIAN。 O; break! O; break! 

CLEOPATRA。 As sweet as balm; as soft as air; as gentle… O Antony! Nay; 

I will take thee too: 'Applying another asp to her arm' What should I stay… 

'Dies' CHARMIAN。 In this vile world? So; fare thee well。 Now boast thee; 

death; in thy possession lies A lass unparallel'd。 Downy windows; close; 

And golden Phoebus never be beheld Of eyes again so royal! Your crown's 

awry; I'll mend it and then play… 

       Enter the guard; rushing in 


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                              ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA 

       FIRST   GUARD。   Where's   the   Queen?   CHARMIAN。   Speak   softly; 

wake her not。 FIRST GUARD。 Caesar hath sent… CHARMIAN。 Too slow 

a messenger。 'Applies an asp' O; come apace; dispatch。 I partly feel thee。 

FIRST      GUARD。       Approach;      ho!   All's  not   well:   Caesar's    beguil'd。 

SECOND GUARD。 There's Dolabella sent from Caesar; call him。 FIRST 

GUARD。 What work is here! Charmian; is this well done? CHARMIAN。 

It is well done; and fitting for a princes Descended of so many royal kings。 

Ah; soldier! 'CHARMIAN dies' 

       Re…enter DOLABELLA 

       DOLABELLA。         How   goes   it   here?  SECOND   GUARD。          All   dead。 

DOLABELLA。 Caesar; thy thoughts Touch their effects in this。 Thyself art 

coming To see perform'd the dreaded act which thou So sought'st to hinder。 

'Within: 'A way there; a way for Caesar!'' 

       Re…enter CAESAR and all his train 

       DOLABELLA。 O sir; you are too sure an augurer: That you did fear 

is done。   CAESAR。   Bravest   at   the   last;   She   levell'd at   our purposes;   and 

being royal; Took her own way。 The manner of their deaths? I do not see 

them bleed。 DOLABELLA。 Who was last with them? FIRST GUARD。 A 

simple countryman that brought her figs。 This was his basket。 CAESAR。 

Poison'd then。 FIRST  GUARD。 O  Caesar; This Charmian   liv'd but now; 

she   stood   and   spake。   I   found   her   trimming   up   the   diadem   On   her   dead 

mistress。 Tremblingly she stood; And on the sudden dropp'd。 CAESAR。 O 

noble weakness! If they had swallow'd poison 'twould appear By external 

swelling; but she looks like sleep; As she would catch another Antony In 

her strong toil of grace。 DOLABELLA。 Here on her breast There is a vent 

of blood; and something blown; The like is on her arm。 FIRST GUARD。 

This is an aspic's trail; and these fig…leaves Have slime upon them; such as 

th' aspic leaves Upon the caves of Nile。 CAESAR。 Most probable That so 

she died; for her physician tells me She hath pursu'd conclusions infinite 

Of   easy   ways   to   die。   Take   up   her   bed;   And   bear   her   women   from   the 

monument。 She shall be buried by her Antony; No grave upon the earth 

shall   clip   in   it A  pair   so   famous。   High   events   as   these   Strike   those   that 

make them; and their story is No less in pity than his glory which Brought 

them to be lamented。 Our army shall In solemn show attend this funeral; 


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                            ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA 

And    then   to  Rome。   Come;    Dolabella;   see  High   order  in  this  great 

solemnity。 Exeunt 

      THE END 


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