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letters of cicero-第31章

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uld be offensive for me to express an opinion on a decision of my father's。 However; your interest and advice are welcome and acceptable。 Your apology for lack of time I quite accept; for I know how busy you always are。 I am very glad that you have bought an estate; and you have my best wishes for the success of your purchase。 Don't be surprised at my congratulations coming in at this point in my letter; for it was at the corresponding point in yours that you told me of your purchase。 You are a man of property! You must drop your city manners: you have become a Roman country…gentleman。 How clearly I have your dearest face before my eyes at this moment! For I seem to see you buying things for the farm; talking to your bailiff; saving the seeds at dessert in the corner of your cloak。 But as to the matter of money; I am as sorry as you that I was not on the spot to help you。 But do not doubt; my dear Tiro; of my assisting you in the future; if fortune does but stand by me; especially as I know that this estate has been purchased for our joint advantage。 As to my commissions about which you are taking troublemany thanks! But I beg you to send me a secretary at the earliest opportunityif possible a Greek; for he will save me a great deal of trouble in copying out notes。 Above all; take care of your health; that we may have some literary talk together hereafter。 I commend Anteros to you。




I HAVE castigated you; at least with the silent reproach of my thoughts; because this is the second packet that has arrived without a letter from you。 You cannot escape the penalty for this crime by your own advocacy: you will have to call Marcus to your aid; and don't be too sure that even he; though he should compose a speech after long study and a great expenditure of midnight oil; would be able to establish your innocence。 In plain terms; I beg you to do as I remember my mother used to do。 It was her custom to put a seal on wine…jars even when empty to prevent any being labelled empty that had been surreptitiously drained。 In the same way; I beg you; even if you have nothing to write about; to write all the same; lest you be thought to have sought a cover for idleness: for I always find the news in your letters trustworthy and welcome。 Love me; and goodbye。




YOU have Messalla with you。 What letter; therefore; can I write with such minute care as to enable me to explain to you what is being done and what is occurring in public affairs; more thoroughly than he will describe them to you; who has at once the most intimate knowledge of everything; and the talent for unfolding and conveying it to you in the best possible manner? For beware of thinking; Brutusfor though it is unnecessary for me to write to you what you know already; yet I cannot pass over in silence such eminence in every kind of greatnessbeware of thinking; I say; that he has any parallel in honesty and firmness; care and zeal for the Republic。 So much so that in him eloquencein which he is extraordinarily eminentscarcely seems to offer any opportunity for praise。 Yet in this accomplishment itself his wisdom is made more evident; with such excellent judgment and with so much acuteness has he practised himself in the most genuine style of rhetoric。 Such also is his industry; and so great the amount of midnight labour that he bestows on this study; that the chief thanks would not seem to be due to natural genius; great as it is in his case。 But my affection carries me away: for it is not the purpose of this letter to praise Mesalla; especially to Brutus; to whom his excellence is not less known than it is to me; and these particular accomplishments of his which I am praising even better。 Grieved as I was to let him go from my side; my one consolation was that in going to you who are to me a second self; he was performing a duty and following the path of the truest glory。 But enough of this。 I now come; after a long interval of time; to a certain letter of yours; in which; while paying me many compliments; you find one fault with methat I was excessive and; as it were; extravagant in proposing votes of honour。 That is your criticism: another's; perhaps; might be that I was too stern in inflicting punishment and exacting penalties; unless by chance you blame me for both。 If that is so; I desire that my principle in both these things should be very clearly known to you。 And I do not rely solely on the dictum of Solon; who was at once the wisest of the Seven and the only lawgiver among them。 He said that a state was kept together by two thingsreward and punishment。 Of course there is a certain moderation to be observed in both; as in everything else; and what we may call a golden mean in both these things。 But I have no intention to dilate on such an important subject in this place。

But what has been my aim during this war in the motions I have made in the senate I think it will not be out of place to explain。 After the death of Caesar and your ever memorable Ides of March; Brutus; you have not forgotten what I said had been omitted by you and your colleagues; and what a heavy cloud I declared to be hanging over the Republic。 A great pest had been removed by your means; a great blot on the Roman people wiped out; immense glory in truth acquired by yourselves: but an engine for exercising kingly power had been put into the hands of Lepidus and Antony; of whom the former was the more fickle of the two; the latter the more corrupt; but both of whom dreaded peace and were enemies to quiet。 Against these men; inflamed with the ambition of revolutionizing the state; we had no protecting force to oppose。 For the fact of the matter was this: the state had become roused as one man to maintain its liberty; I at the time was even excessively warlike; you; perhaps with more wisdom; quitted the city which you had liberated; and when Italy offered you her services declined them。 Accordingly; when I saw the city in the possession of parricides; and that neither you nor Cassius could remain in it with safety; and that it was held down by Antony's armed guards; I thought that I too ought to leave it: for a city held down by traitors; with all opportunity of giving aid cut off; was a shocking spectacle。 But the same spirit as always had animated me; staunch to the love of country; did not admit the thought of a departure from its dangers。 Accordingly; in the very midst of my voyage to Achaia; when in the period of the Etesian gales a south windas though remonstrating against my designhad brought me back to Italy; I saw you at Velia and was much distressed: for you were on the point of leaving the country; Brutusleaving it; I say; for our friends the Stoics deny that wise men ever 〃flee。〃 As soon as I reached Rome I at once threw myself in opposition to Antony's treason and insane policy: and having roused his wrath against me; I began entering upon a policy truly Brutus…likefor this is the distinctive mark of your familythat of freeing my country。 The rest of the story is too long to tell; and must be passed over by me; for it is about myself。 I will only say this much: 
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