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letters of cicero-第28章

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tendered practically my zeal; duty; exertions; and labours: all the more so now that Caesar daily receives me with more open arms; while his intimate friends distinguish me above everyone。 Any influence or favour I may gain with him I will employ in your service。 Be sure; for your part; to support yourself not only with courage; but also with the brightest hopes。




WHEN I received the news of your daughter Tullia's death; I …was indeed much grieved and distressed as I was bound to be; and looked upon it as a calamity in which I shared。 For; if I had been at home; I should not have failed to be at your side; and should have made my sorrow plain to you face to face。 That kind of consolation involves much distress and pain; because the relations and friends; whose part it is to offer it; are themselves overcome by an equal sorrow。 They cannot attempt it without many tears; so that they seem to require consolation themselves rather than to be able to afford it to others。 Still I have decided to set down briefly for your benefit such thoughts as have occurred to my mind; not because I suppose them to be unknown to you; but because your sorrow may perhaps hinder you from being so keenly alive to them。

Why is it that a private grief should agitate you so deeply? Think how fortune has hitherto dealt with us。 Reflect that we have had snatchcd from us what ought to be no less dear to human beings than their childrencountry; honour; rank; every political distinction。 What additional wound to your feelings could be inflicted by this particular loss? Or where is the heart that should not by this time have lost all sensibility and learn to regard everything else as of minor importance? Is it on her account; pray; that you sorrow? How many times have you recurred to the thoughtand I have often been struck with the same ideathat in times like these theirs is far from being the worst fate to whom it has been granted to exchange life for a painless death? Now what was there at such an epoch that could greatly tempt her to live? What scope; what hope; what heart's solace? That she might spend her life with some young and distinguished husband? How impossible for a man of your rank to select from the present generation of young men a son…in…law; to whose honour you might think yourself safe in trusting your child! Was it that she might bear children to cheer her with the sight of their vigorous youth? who might by their own character maintain the position handed down to them by their parent; might be expected to sta~id for the offices in their order; might exercise their freedom in supporting their friends? What single one of these prospects has not been taken away before it was given? But; it will be said; after all it is an evil to lose one's children。 Yes; it is: only it is a worse one to endure and submit to the present state of things。

I wish to mention to you a circumstance which gave me no common consolation; on the chance of its also proving capable of diminishing your sorrow。 On my voyage from Asia; as I was sailing from Aegina towards Megara; I began to survey the localities that were on every side of me。 Behind me was Aegina; in front Megara; on the right Piraeus; on my left Corinth: towns which at one time were most flourishing; but now lay before my eyes in ruin and decay。 I began to reflect to myself thus: 〃Hah! do we mannikins feel rebellious if one of us perishes or is killedwe whose life ought to be still shorterwhen the corpses of so many towns lie in helpless ruin? Will you please; Servius; restrain yourself and recollect that you are born a mortal man?〃 Believe me; I was no little strengthened by that reflection。 Now take the trouble; if you agree with me; to put this thought before your eyes。 Not long ago all those most illustrious men perished at one blow: the empire of the Roman people suffered that huge loss: all the provinces were shaken to their foundations。 If you have become the poorer by the frail spirit of one poor girl; are you agitated thus violently? If she had not died now; she would yet have had to die a few years hence; for she was mortal born。 You; too; withdraw soul and thought from such things and rather remember those which become the part you have played in life: that she lived as long as life had anything to give her; that her life outlasted that of the Republic; that she lived to see youher own fatherpraetor; consul; and augur; that she married young men of the highest rank; that she had enjoyed nearly every possible blessing; that; when the Republic fell; she departed from life。 What fault have you or she to find with fortune on this score? In fine; do not forget that you are Cicero; and a man accustomed to instruct and advise others; and do not imitate bad physicians; who in the diseases of others profess to understand the art of healing; but are unable to prescribe for themselves。 Rather suggest to yourself and bring home to your own mind the very maxims which you are accustomed to impress upon others。 There is no sorrow beyond the power of time at length to diminish and soften: it is a reflexion on yea that you should wait for this period; and not rather anticipate that restmlt by the aid of your wisdom。 But if here is any consciousness still existing in the world below; such was her love for you and her dutiful affection for all her family; that she certainly does not wish you to act as you are acting。 Grant this to heryour lost one! Grant it to your friends and comrades who mourn with you in your sorrow! Grant it to your country; that if the need arises she may have the use of your services and advice。

Finallysince we are reduced by fortune to the necessity of taking precautions on this point alsodo not allow anyone to think that you are not mourning so much for your daughter as for the state of public affairs and the victory of others。 I am ashamed to say any more to you on this subject; lest I should appear to distrust your wisdom。 Therefore I will only make one suggestion before bringing my letter to an end。 We have seen you on many occasions bear good fortune with a noble dignity which greatly enhanced yotmr fame: now is the time for you to convince us that you are able to bear bad fortune equally well; and that it does not appear to you to be a heavier burden than you ought to think it。 I would not have this to be the only one of all the virtues that you do not possess。

As far as I am concerned; when I learn that your mind is more composed; I will write you an account of what is going on here; and of the condition of th。 province。 Good…bye。




YES; indeed; my dear Servius; I would have wishedas you saythat you had been by my side at the time of my grievous loss。 How much help your presence might have given me; both by consolation and by your taking an almost equal share in my sorrow; I can easily gather from the fact that after reading your letter I experienced a great feeling of relief。 For not only was what you wrote calculated to soothe a mourner; but in offering me consolation you manifested no slight sorrow of heart yourself。 Yet; after all;
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