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letters of cicero-第20章

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triumph; and finally the priesthood; though; as I think you will agree with me; I could have obtained it without much difficulty; I did not try to get。 Yet after my unjust disgracealways stigmatized by you as a disaster to the Republic; and rather an honour than a disaster to myselfI was anxious that some very signal marks of the approbation of the senate and Roman people should be put on record。 Accordingly; in the first place; I did subsequently wish for the augurship; about which I had not troubled myself before; and the compliment usually paid by the senate in the case of success in war; though passed over by me in old times; I now think an object to be desired。 That you should approve and support this wish of mine; in which you may trace a strong desire to heal the wounds inflicted upon me by my disgrace; though I a little while ago declared that I would not ask it; I now do earnestly ask of you: but only on condition that you shall not think my humble services paltry and insignificant; but of such a nature and importance; that many for far less signal successes have obtained the highest honours from the senate。 I have; too; I think; noticed thisfor you know how attentively I ever listen to youthat in granting or withholding honours you are accustomed to look not so much to the particular achievements as to the character; the principles' and conduct of commanders。 Well; if you apply this test to my case; you will find that; with a weak army; my strongest support against the threat of a very formidable war has been my equity and purity of conduct。 With these as my aids I accomplished what I never could have accomplished by any amount of legions: among the allies I have created the warmest devotion in place of the most extreme alienation; the most complete loyalty in place of the most dangerous disaffection; and their spirits fluttered by the prospect of change I have brought back to feelings of affection for the old rule。

But I have said too much of myself; especially to you; in whom singly the grievances of all our allies alike find a listener。 You will learn the truth from those who think themselves restored to life by my administration。 And while all with nearly one consent will praise me in your hearing as I most desire to be praised; so will your two chief client statesthe island of Cyprus and the kingdom of Cappadociahave something to say to you about me also。 So; too; I think; will Deiotarus; who is attached to you with special warmth。 Now; if these things are above the common run; and if in all ages it has been rarer to find men capable of conquering their own desires than capable of conquering an enemy's army; it is quite in harmony with your principles; when you find these rarer and more difficult virtues combined with success in war; to regard that success itself as more complete and glorious。

I have only one last resourcephilosophy: and to make her plead for me; as though I doubted the efficacy of a mere request: philosophy; the best friend I have ever had in all my life; the greatest gift which has been bestowed by the gods upon mankind。 Yes! this common sympathy in tastes and studiesour inseparable devotion and attachment to which from boyhood have caused us to become almost unique examples of men bringing that true and ancient philosophy (which some regard as only the employment of leisure and idleness) down to the forum; the council chamber; and the very camp itselfpleads the cause of my glory with you: and I do not think a Cato can; with a good conscience; say her nay。 Wherefore I would have you convince yourself that; if my despatch is made the ground of paying me this compliment with your concurrence; I shall consider that the dearest wish of my heart has been fulfilled owing at once to your influence and to your friendship。




I RECEIVED your letter on the fifth day before the Terminalia (19th of February) at Laodicea。 I was delighted to read it; for it teemed with affection; kindness; and an active and obliging temper。 I will; therefore; answer it sentence by sentencefor such is your requestand I will not introduce an arrangement of my own; but will follow your order。

You say that the last letter you had of mine was from Cybistra; dated 21st September; and you want to know which of yours I have received。 Nearly all you mention; except the one that you say that you delivered to Lentulus's messengers at Equotuticus and Brundisium。 Wherefore your industry has not been thrown away; as you fear; but has been exceedingly well laid out; if; that is to say; your object was to give me pleasure。 For I have never been more delighted with anything。 I am exceedingly glad that you approve of my self…restraint in the case of Appius; and of my independence even in the case of Brutus: and I had thought that it might be somewhat otherwise。 For Appius; in the course of his journey; had sent me two or three rather querulous letters; because I rescinded some of his decisions。 It is exactly as if a doctor; upon a patient having been placed under another doctor; should choose to be angry with the latter if he changed some of his prescriptions。 Thus Appius; having treated the province on the system of depletion; bleeding; and removing everything he could; and having handed it over to me in the last state of exhaustion; he cannot bear seeing it treated by me on the nutritive system。 Yet he is sometimes angry with me; at other times thanks me; for nothing I ever do is accompanied with any reflexion upon him。 It is only the dissimilarity of my system that annoys him。 For what could be a more striking differenceunder his rule a province drained by charges for maintenance and by losses; under mine; not a penny exacted either from private persons or public bodies? Why speak of his praefecti; staff; and legates? Or even of acts of plunder; licentiousness; and insult? While as things actually are; no private house; by Hercules; is governed with so much system; or on such strict principles; nor is so well disciplined; as is my whole province。 Some of Appius's friends put a ridiculous construction on this; holding that I wish for a good reputation to set off his bad one; and act rightly; not for the sake of my own credit; but in order to cast reflexion upon him。 But if Appius; as Brutus's letter forwarded by you indicated; expresses gratitude to me; I am satisfied。 Nevertheless; this very day on which I write this; before dawn; I am thinking of rescinding many of his inequitable appointments and decisions。

I now come to Brutus; whose friendship I embraced with all possible earnestness on your advice。 I had even begun to feel genuine affection for himbut here I pull myself up short; lest I should offend you: for don't imagine that there is anything I wish more than to fulfil his commissions; or that there is anything about which I have taken more trouble。 Now he gave me a volume of commissions; and you had already spoken with me about the same matters。 I have pushed them on with the greatest energy。 To begin with; I put such pressure on Ariobarzanes; that he paid him the talents which he promised me。 As long as the king was with me; the business was in excellent train: la
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