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letters of cicero-第14章

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ual enemy of his own friends; who; in spite of having been honoured with the highest compliments on your part; has selected you of all people for the object of his impotent and enfeebled violence; has saved me the trouble by punishing himself。 For he has made attempts; the disclosure of which has left him without a shred; not only of political position; but every of freedom of action。 And though I should have preferred that you should have gained your experience in my case alone; rather than in your own also; yet in the midst of my regret I am glad that you have learnt what the fidelity of mankind is worth; at no great cost to yourself; which I learnt at the price of excessive pain。 And I think that I have now an opportunity presented me; while answering the questions you have addressed to me; of also explaining my entire position and view。 You say in your letter that you have been informed that I have become reconciled to Cmesar and Appius; and you add that you have no fault to find with that。 But you express a wish to know what induced me to defend and compliment Vatinius。 In order to make my explanation plainer I must go a little farther back in the statement of my policy and its grounds。

Well; Lentulus! At firstafter the success of your efforts for my recallI looked upon myself as having been restored not alone to my friends; but to the Republic also; and seeing that I owed you an affection almost surpassing belief; and every kind of service; however great and rare; that could be bestowed on your person; I thought that to the Republic; which had much assisted you in restoring me; I at least was bound to entertain the feeling which I had in old times shewed merely from the duty incumbent on all citizens alike; and not as an obligation incurred by some special kindness to myself。 That these were my sentiments I declared to the senate when you were consul; and you had yourself a full view of them in our conversations and discussions。 Yet from the very first my feelings were hurt by many circumstances; when; on your mooting the question of the full restoration of my position; I detected the covert hatred of some and the equivocal attachment of others。 For you received no support from either in regard to my vexatious to me: but much more so was the fact that they used; before my very eyes; so to embrace; fondle; make much of; and kiss my enemy mine do I say? rather the enemy of the laws; of the law courts; of peace; of his country; of all loyal men ! that they did not indeed rouse my bile; for I have utterly lost all that; but imagined they did。 In these circumstances; having; as far as is possible for human prudeuce; thoroughly examined my whole position; and having balanced the items of the account; I arrived at a final result of all my reflexions; which; as well as I can; I will now briefly put before you。

If I had seen the Republic in the hands of bad or profligate citizens; as we know happened during the supremacy of Cinna; and on some other occasions; I should not under the pressure; I don t say of rewards; which are the last things to influence me; but even of danger; by which; after all; the bravest men are moved; have attached myself to their party; not even if their services to me had been of the very highest kind。 As it is; seeing that the leading statesman in the Republic was Pompey; a man who had gained this power and renown by the most eminent services to the state and the most glorious achievements; and one of whose postion I had been a supporter from my youth up; and in my praetorship and consulship an active promoter also; and seeing that this same statesman had assisted me; in his own person by the weight of his influence and the expression of his opinion; and; in conjunction with you; by his counsels and zeal; and that he regarded my enemy as his own supreme enemy in the state I did not think that I need fear the reproach of inconsistency; if in some of my senatorial votes I somewhat changed my standpoint; and contributed my zeal to the promotion of the dignity of a most distiii  guished man; and one to whom I am under the highest obligations。 In this sentiment I had necessarily to include Caesar; as you see; for their policy and position were inseparably united。 Here I was greatly influenced by two things the old friendship which you know that I and my brother Quintus have had with Caesar; and his own kindness and liberality; of which we have recently had clear and mistakable evidence both by his letters and his personal attentions。 I was also strongly affected by the Republic itself; which appeared to me to demand; especially considering Caesar's brilliant successes; that there should be no quarrel maintained with these men; and indeed to forbid it in the strongest manner possible。 Moreover; while entertaining these feelings; I was above all shaken by the pledge which Pompey had given for me to Caesar; and my brother to Pompey。 Besides; I was forced to take into consideration the state maxim so divinely expressed by our master Plato〃 Such as are the chief men in a republic; such are ever wont to be the other citizens。〃 I called to mind that in my consulship; from the very 1st of January; such a foundation was laid of encouragement for the senate; that no one ought to have been surprised that on the 5th of December there was so much spirit and such commanding influence in that house。 I also remember that when I became a private citizen up to the consulship of Caesar and Bibulus; when the opinions expressed by me had great weight in the senate; the feeling among all the loyalists was invariable。 Afterwards; while you were holding the province of hither Spain with imperiuni and the Republic had no genuine consuls; but mere hucksters of provinces; mere slaves and agents of sedition; an accident threw my head as an apple of discord into the midst of contending factions and civil broils。 And in that hour of danger; though a unanimity was displayed on the part of the senate that was surprising; on the part of all Italy surpassing belief; and of all the loyalists unparalleled; in standing forth in my defence; I will not say what happenedfor the blame attaches to many; and is of various shades of turpitudeI will only say briefly that it was not the rank and file; but the leaders; that played me false。 And in this matter; though some blame does attach to those who failed to defend me; no less attaches to those who abandoned me: and if those who were frightened deserve reproach; if there are such; still more are those to be blamed who pretended to be frightened。 At any rate; my policy is justly to be praised for refusing to allow my fellow citizens (preserved by me and ardently desiring to preserve me) to be exposed while bereft of leaders to armed slaves; and for preferring that it should be made manifest how much force there might be in the unanimity of the loyalists; if they had been permitted to champion my cause before I had fallen; when after that fall they had proved strong enough to raise me up again。 And the real feelings of these men you not only had the penetration to see; when bringing forward my case; but the power to encourage and keep alive。 In promoting which measureI will not merely not deny; but sh
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