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letters of cicero-第12章

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o you was dated earlier than that to Caesar。 Oppius at times cannot help this: the reason is that; having settled to send letter…carriers; and having received a letter from me; he is hindered by something turning up; and obliged to despatch them later than he had intended; and I don't take the trouble to have the day altered on a letter which I have once handed to him。 You write about Caesar's extreme affection for us。 This affection you must on your part keep warm; and I for mine will endeavour to increase it by every means in my power。 About Pompey; I am carefully acting; and shall continue to act; as you advise。 That my permission to you to stay longer is a welcome one; though I grieve at your absence and miss you exceedingly; 1 am yet partly glad。 What you can be thinking of in sending for such people as Hippodamus and some others; I do not understand。 There is not one of those fellows that won't expect a present from you equal to a suburban estate。 However; there is no reason for your classing my friend Trebatius with them。 I sent him to Caesar; and Caesar has done all I expected。 If he has not done quite what he expected himself; I am not bound to make it up to him; and I in like manner free and absolve you from all claims on his part。 Your remark; that you are a greater favourite with Caesar every day; is a source of undying satisfaction to me。 As to Balbus; who; as you say; promotes that state of things; he is the apple of my eye。 I am indeed glad that you and my friend Trebonius like each other。 As to what you say about the military tribuneship; I; indeed; asked for it definitely for Curtius; and Caeesar wrote back definitely to say that there was one at Curtius's service; and chided me for my modesty in making the request。 If I have asked one for anyone elseas I told Oppius to write and tell CaesarI shall not be at all annoyed by a refusal; since those who pester me for letters are annoyed at a refusal from me。 I like Curtius; as I have told him; not only because you asked me to do so; but from the character you gave of him; for from your letter I have gathered the zeal he shewed for my restoration。 As for the British expedition; I conclude from your letter that we have no occasion either for fear or exultation。 As to public affairs; about which you wish Tiro to write to you; I have written to you hitherto somewhat more carelessly than usual; because I knew that all events; small or great; were reported to Caesar。 I have now answered your longest letter。

Now hear what I have to say to your small one。 The first point is about Clodius's letter to Caesar。 In that matter I approve of Caesar's policy; in not having given way to your request so far as to write a single word to that Fury。 The next thing is about the speech of Calventius 〃Marius。〃 I am surprised at your saying that you think I ought to answer it; particularly as; while no one is likely to read that speech; unless I write an answer to it; every schoolboy learns mine against him as an exercise。 My books; all of which you are expecting; I have begun; but I cannot finish them for some days yet。 The speeches for Scaurus and Plancius which you clamour for I have finished。 The poem to Caesar; which I had begun; I have cut short。 I will write what you ask me for; since your poetic springs are running dry; as soon as I have time。

Now for the third letter。 It is very pleasant and welcome news to hear from you that Balbus is soon coming to Rome; and so well accompanied! and will stay with me continuously till the 15th of May。 As to your exhorting me in the same letter; as in many previous ones; to ambition and labour; I shall; of course; do as you say: but when am I to enjoy any real life?

Your fourth letter reached me on the 13th of September; dated on the ioth of August from Britain。 In it there was nothing new except about your Erigona; and if I get that from Oppius I will write and tell you what I think of it。 I have no doubt I shall like it。 Oh yes! I had almost forgotten to remark as to the man who; you say in your letter; had written to Qesar about the applause given to Milo I am not unwilling that Caesar should think that it was as warm as possible。 And in point of fact it was so; and yet that applause; which is given to him; seems in a certain sense to be given to me。

I have also received a very old letter; but which was late in coming into my hands; in which you remind me about the temple of Tellus and the colonnade of Catulus。 Both of these matters are being actively carried out。 At the temple of Tellus I have even got your statue placed。 So; again; as to your reminder about a suburban villa and gardens; I was never very keen for one; and now my town house has all the charm of such a pleasure…ground。 On my arrival in Rome on the 18th of September I found the roof on your house finished: the part over the sitting…rooms; which you did not wish to have many gables; now slopes gracefully towards the roof of the lower colonnade。 Our boy; in my absence; did not cease working with his rhetoric master。 You have no reason for being anxious about his education; for you know his ability; and I see his application。 Everything else I take it upon myself to guarantee; with full consciousness that I am bound to make it good。

As yet there are three parties prosecuting Gabinius: first; L。 Lentulus; son of the flainen; who has entered a prosecution for l?se majest?; secondly; Tib。 Nero with good names at the back of his indictment; thirdly; C。 Memmius the tribune in conjunction with L。 Capito。 He came to the walls of the city on the 19th of September; undignified and neglected to the last degree。 But in the present state of the law courts I do not venture to be confident of anything。 As Cato is unwell; he has not yet been formally indicted for extortion。 Pompey is trying hard to persuade me to be reconciled to him; but as yet he has not yet succeeded at all; nor; if I retain a shred of liberty; will he succeed。 I am very anxious for a letter from you。 You say that you have been told that I was a party to the coalition of the consular candidatesit is a lie。 The compacts male in that coalition afterwards made public by Memmius; were of such a nature that no loyal man ought to have been a party to them; nor at the same time was it possible for me to be a party to a coalition from which Messalla was excluded; who is thoroughly satisfied with my conduct in every particular; as also; I think; is Memmius。 To Domitius himself I have rendered many services which he desired and asked of me。 I have put Scaurus under a heavy obligation by my defence of him。 It is as yet very uncertain both when the elections will be and who will be consuls。

Just as I was folding up this epistle letter…carriers arrived from you and Caesar (20th September) after a journey of twenty days。 How anxious I was! How painfully I was affected by Caesar's most kind letter! But the kinder it was; the more sorrow did his loss occasion me。 But to turn to your letter。 To begin with; I reiterate my approval of your staying on; especially as; according to your account; you have consulted Caesar on the subject。 I wonder that Oppius has anything to do with Publius for I advised against it。 Farther on in your 
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