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Lafayette;  Madame de   (1634…1693) 
The Princess de Montpensier 
The Princess of Cleves
Lamb; Charles  (1775…1834) and Mary 
  Tales from Shakespeare
La Mettrie; Julien Offray de  (1709…1751) 
Man a Machine
La Motte…Fouque; Fredrich de (1777…1843)
Aslauga's Knight
Sintram and His Companions
The Two Captains

Lamothe…Langon; Etienne Leon; baron de  (1786…1864) 
Memoirs of the Comtesse du Barry
Lang; Andrew  (1844…1912) 
Adventures Among Books 
Alfred Tennyson
Angling Sketches 
The Arabian Nights Entertainments 
Aucassin and Nicolete 
Ballads in Blue China and Verses and Translations
Ballads Lyrics and Poems of Old France 
Ban and Arriere Ban 
Books and Bookmen 
A Collection of Ballads 
Essays in Little 
The Fairy Books: 
  The Blue Fairy Book 
The Brown Fairy Book
  The Crimson Fairy Book 
The Lilac Fairy Book
  The Orange Fairy Book
The Red Fairy Book 
  The Violet Fairy Book 
  The Yellow Fairy Book
Grass of Parnassus 
Helen of Troy
How to Fail in Literature 
Introduction to The Compleat Angler
Letters on Literature 
Letters to Dead Authors 
The Library 
A Monk of Fife 
Myth; Ritual; and Religion (Volume One)
New Collected Rhymes 
Old Friends; Epistolary Parody 
The Puzzle of Dickens's Last Plot 
R。 F。 Murray : His Poems with a Memoir 
Rhymes a la Mode 
Tales of Troy
The Valet's Tragedy and Other Stories 
Lanier; Sidney  (1842…1881) 
The Poems of Sidney Lanier 
Select Poems of Sidney Lanier
Larcom; Lucy  (1824…1893) 
A New England Girlhood
Laveleye; Emile  (1822 … 1892) 
Primitive Property
Law; John  (1671 … 1729) 
Money and Trade Considered
Lawrence; D。 H。  (1855…1930) 
  Lady Chatterlay's Lover 
  Sons and Lovers 
  Women in Love
Lawson; Henry  (1867…1922) 
  In the Days When the World Was Wide 
  Joe Wilson and His Mates 
  On the Track 
  Over the Sliprails
Lear; Edward  (1812…1888) 
  The Book of Nonsense
Le Bon; Gustave  (1841…1931) 
The Crowd; Study of Popular Mind 
The Psychology of Revolution
LeBlanc; Maurice  (1864…1941) 
  The Crystal Stopper
Le Fanu; Joseph Sheridan  (1814…1873) 
The Purcell Papers  ( 3 Volumes )
Le Gallienne; Richard  (1866…1947) 
Quest of the Golden Girl
Leacock; Stephen  (1869…1944)
My Discovery of England
Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town

Lee; Robert Edward; General  (1807…1870) 
Recollections and Letters of General Robert E。 Lee
Legros; Georges Victor  (1862…    )
Fabre; Poet of Science

Lermontov; M。 Y。  (1814…1841) 
  A Hero of Our Time
Leroux; Gaston  (1868…1927) 
Mystery of the Yellow Room 
The Phantom of the Opera 
The Secret of the Night
Lessing; Gotthold Ephraim (1729…1781) 
Minna von Barnhelm
Lewis; Alfred Henry  (1857…1914)
Wolfville Days

Lewis; Mattew  (1775…1818) 
The Bravo of VeniceA Romance 
  The Monk
Lincoln; Abraham  (1809…1865) 
The Writings of Abraham Lincoln ( 7 Volumes )
Lincoln; Joseph Crosby  (1870…1944) 
Cap'n Eri
Cap'n Warren's Wards
Cy Whittaker's Place
The Depot Master 
Keziah Coffin 
The Portygee
The Rise of Roscoe Paine
Thankful's Inheritance 
The Woman…Haters
Lincoln; Natalie Sumner  (1885…1935) 
The Red Seal
Linderman; Frank Bird  (1869…1938) 
Indian Why Stories
Lindsay; David  (1876…1945) 
A Voyage to Arcturus
Lindsay; Vachel   (1879…1931) 
The Chinese Nightingale and Other Poems 
The Congo; and Other Poems 
General William Booth Enters into Heaven; and Other Poems
List; Frederich  (1789…1846) 
  The National System of Political Economy
Livingstone; David   (1813…1873) 
  Missionary Travels in South Africa 
A Popular Account (of Dr。 Livingstone's Expedition to the Zambesi and Its Tributaries: 
And of the Discovery of the Lakes Shirwa and Nyassa 1858…1864) 
Lobo; Jeronimo  (1596…1678) 
A Voyage to Abyssinia
Locke; John  (1632…1704) 
  Concerning Civil Government 
  An Essay Concerning Human Understanding 
  Further Considerations 
  A Letter Concerning Toleration 
  Of the Conduct of the Understanding 
  Second Treatise of Government 
  Some Considerations of the Lowering of Interest
Lodge; Henry Cabot  (1850…1924) 
Hero Tales From American History
Lofting; Hugh   (1886…1947) 
  The Story of Doctor Dolittle 
  Voyages of Dr。 Dolittle
London ; Jack (1876…1916) 
Before Adam 
Burning Daylight 
The Call of the Wild 
The Cruise of the Snark 
The Faith of Men 
The Game 
The House of Pride; and Other Tales of Hawaii 
The Human DriftA Collection of Stories 
The Iron Heel 
The Jacket (Star…Rover) 
Jerry of the Islands 
John Barleycorn 
Lost Face; and Others 
Love of Life; and Other Stories 
Martin Eden 
Michael; Brother of Jerry 
Moon…Face and Other Stories 
The Mutiny of the Elsinore 
The Night…Born 
On the Makaloa Mat (Island Tales) 
The People of the Abyss 
The Red One; and Others 
The Sea…Wolf; and Other Stories 
Smoke Bellew 
The Son of the Wolf; and Others 
South Sea Tales 
The Strength of the Strong and Other Stories 
Tales of the Fish Patrol 
Tales of the Klondyke; and Others 
The Valley of the Moon 
War of the Classes 
When God Laughs and Other Stories 
The White Fang
Longfellow; Henry Wadsworth  (1807…1882) 
The Complete Poems of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 
The Song of Hiawatha
Lord; John  (1810…1894) 
Beacon Lights of History ( Volume III ) 
Loti; Pierre  (1850…1923) 
Egypt (La Mort De Philae)
An Iceland Fisherman
Lovelace; Richard  (1618…1657) 
The Lucasta Poems
Lowell; Amy  (1874…1925) 
  Dome of Many…Coloured Glass 
  Men; Women and Ghosts 
  Sword Blades and Poppy Seed
Lowell; James Russell  (1819…1891) 
  Abraham Lincoln 
  My Garden Acquaintance 
Lowell; Percival  (1855…1916) 
  Noto; an Unexplored Corner of Japan 
  The Soul of the Far East
Lowndes; Marie Adelaide Belloc  (1868…1947) 
The Lodger
Lucanus; Marcus Annaeus  ( 39…65 ) 
  Pharsalia  'Civil War'
Lucas; E。 V。  (1868…1938) 
The Slowcoach
Lucretius  (ca。 95…55 BC) 
On the Nature of Things
Luther; Martin  (1483…1546) 
  Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians 
  Concerning Christian Liberty 
  Large Catechism 
  Martin Luther's 95 Theses 
  An Open Letter on Translating 
  The Smalcald Articles 
  Small Catechism (Luther's Little Instruction Book) 
  A Treatise on Good Works
Lyall; Edna  (1857…1903) 
The Autobiography of a Slander 
Derrick VaughanNovelist 
We Two
Lytton; Edward Bulwer   (1803…1873) 
The Coming Race 
The Lady of Lyons (or Love and Pride) 


Macaulay; Thomas Babington  (1800…1859) 
Critical and Historical Essays ( 2 Volumes )
The History of England from the Accession of James the Second  ( 5 Volumes )
Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches ( 3 Volumes )
MacCaffrey; James  (1875…1935) 
History of the Catholic Church from the Renaissance to the French Revolution 
MacClintock; William D
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