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  The New Revelation 
  The Poison Belt 
  The Return of Sherlock Holmes 
  The Sign of Four 
  Sir Nigel 
  A Study in Scarlet 
  The Valley of Fear 
  The Vital Message
Drake; Joseph Rodman  (1795…1820) 
The Culprit Fay and Other Poems
Dreiser; Theodore  (1871…1945) 
  The Financier 
  Sister Carrie 
The Titan
Drummond; Henry (1851…1897) 
The Lowell Lectures on the Ascent of Man
Dryden; John  (1631…1700) 
All For Love 
Discourses on Satire and Epic Poetry
Du Hausset; Mme。  (1720…    )
The Memoirs of Louis XV/XVI

Duff Gordon; Lucie; Lady  (1821…1869) 
Letters from the Cape
Dufferin; Lord  (1826…1902)
Letters From High Latitudes

Dumas; Alexandre; pere  (1802…1870) 
Ali Pacha
  The Black Tulip 
  The Borgias 
  The Cenci 
La Constantin
  The Count of Monte Cristo 
  The Countess of Saint Geran 
  Joan of Naples 
  Karl Ludwig Sand 
  Louise de la Valliere 
  The Man in the Iron Mask 
  Marquise de Brinvilliers 
  Marquise de Ganges 
  Martin Guerre 
  Mary Stuart 
  Massacres of the South 
  The Three Musketeers 
  The Vicomte de Bragelonne 
  Ten Years Later 
  Twenty Years After 
  Urbain Grandier 
Dumas; Alexandre; fils  (1824…1895) 
Dunbar; Alice Ruth Moore  (1875…1935) 
The Goodness of St。 Rocque and Other Stories
Duncan; Sara Jeannette  (1861…1922) 
The Pool in the Desert
Dyer; Frank Lewis  (1870…1941) 
Edison; His Life and Inventions


Earls; Michael  (1873…1937)
Ballads of Peace in War

Eastman; Charles  (1858…1939) 
  Indian Boyhood 
  Indian Heroes and Great Chieftains 
  Old Indian Days 
  The Soul of the Indian
Ebbinghaus; Hermann (1850…1909) 
Memory: A Contribution to Experimental Psychology
Edgeworth; Maria  (1767…1849) 
The Absentee 
Castle Rackrent 
Murad the Unlucky and Other Tales
The Parent's Assistant
Edwards; Owen Morgan  (1858…1920)
A Short History of Wales

Eliot; George  (1819…1880) 
  Adam Bede 
  Brother Jacob 
  The Lifted Veil 
  The Mill on the Floss 
  Silas Marner
Elizabeth  (1866…1941) 
Elizabeth and her German Garden
Emerson; Ralph W。  (1803…1882) 
  The Conduct of Life 
  English Traits 
Epictetus   (ca。 55…135 AD) 
The Discourses 
The Enchiridion; or Manual 
The Golden Sayings of Epictetus
Euripides ( 480…406BC ) 
  Iphigenia at Aulis 
  Iphigenia in Tauris 
  The Bacchantes 
  The Cyclops 
  The Heracleidae 
  The Phoenissae 
  The Suppliants 
  The Trojan Women


Fabre; Jean…Henri   (1823…1915) 
Bramble…bees and Others
The Life of the Caterpillar 
The Life of the Fly
The Life of the Spider 
The Mason…bees
More Hunting Wasps
Fa…Hien (ca。 337…ca。 422) 
Record of Buddhistic Kingdoms
Fairless; Michael  (1869…1901) 
The Gathering of Brother Hilarius 
The Grey Brethren and Other Fragments in Prose and Verse 
The Roadmender
Farrand; Max  (1869…1945)
The Fathers of the Constitution

Farrer; James Anson 
Adam Smith (1881)
Ferdowsi (ca。935…1020) 
  The Epic of Kings
Ferguson; Adam  (1723…1816) 
  An Essay On The History OF Civil Society
Ferguson; W。 B。 M。 (1882…    ) 
Garrison's Finish; A Romance of the Race…Course 

Ferri; Enrico  (1856…1929) 
  Criminal Sociology
Field; Edward Salisbury  (1878…1936)
Cupid's Understudy

Field; Eugene  (1850…1895) 
  The Love Affairs of A Bibliomaniac 
  Love…Songs of Childhood
Fielding; Henry  (1707…1754) 
  From This World to the Next 
  The History of Tom Jones; A Foundling 
  Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon
Fielding; Sarah  (1710…1768) 
The Governess; or; Little Female Academy
Filson; John  (ca。1747…1788) 
Life and Adventures of Colonel Daniel Boone
Fish; Carl Russell  (1876…1932)
The Path Of Empire

Fisher; Sydney George  (1856…1927)
The Quaker Colonies

Fiske; John  (1842…1901) 
  The Unseen World and Other Essays 
  Myth and Myth…Makers
Fitzgerald ; F。 Scott (1896…1940) 
  This Side of Paradise
Flaubert; Gustave  (1821…1880) 
  Madame Bovary 
  A Simple Soul
Flecker; James Elroy  (1884…1915)
Forty…Two Poems

Fleming; Mary Agnes (1840…1880) 
        The Midnight Queen 

Fleming; Walter Lynwood  (1874…1932)
The Sequel of Appomattox

Flipper; Henry Ossian  (1856…1940) 
Henry Ossian Flipper; The Colored Cadet at West Point (Autobiography)
Ford; Ford Madox (1873…1939) 
        The Good Soldier 
Ford; Henry Jones  (1851…1925)
The Cleveland Era; A Chronicle of the New Order in Politics

Fox; John  (1863…1919) 
A Cumberland Vendetta
Hell…Fer…Sartain and Other Stories 
A Knight of the Cumberland 
The Last Stetson
The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come
A Mountain Europa
France; Anatole  (1844…1924) 
  The Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard 
  Penguin Island 
Franklin; Benjamin  (1706…1790) 
  The Autobiography 
  Poor Richard's Almanack (1733…1758)
Frazer; James George  (1854…1941)
The Golden Bough

Frederic; Harold  (1856…1898) 
  The Damnation of Theron Ware 
  The Market…Place

Freeman Edward Augustus  (1823…1892)  
William the Conqueror

Freeman; Mary Eleanor Wilkins  (1852…1930) 
Copy…Cat and Other Stories 
The Wind in the Rose…bush and Other Stories of the Supernatural 
The Yates Pride
Freud; Sigmund  (1865…1939) 
  The Interpretation of Dreams 
  Psychopathology of Everyday Life 
  The History of the Psychoanalytic Movement
Fries; Adelaide L。  (1871…1949) 
The Moravians in Georgia; 1735…1740


Gaboriau; Emile  (1832…1873) 
Baron Trigault's Vengeance 
Caught in the Net 
The Champdoce Mystery
The Count's Millions 
The Mystery of Orcival 
Other People's Money
Within an Inch of His Life
Galdos; B。 Perez  (1843…1920) 
Dona Perecta
Galsworthy; John  (1867…1933) 
Awakening and To Let 
A Bit O' Love 
The Burning Spear 
The Dark Flower 
The Eldest Son 
The First and Last
Five Tales 
The Foundations 
Four Short Plays 
The Freelands 
The Fugitive 
Indian Summer of a Forsyte 
The Island Pharisees 
The Little Dream 
The Little Man 
Man of Property 
The Mob 
The Patrician 
The Pigeon 
Saint's Progress 
The Silver Box 
The Skin Game 
Studies and Essays: 
         Censorship and Art 
Concerning Letters
         The Inn of Tranquility and Others 
         Quality and Others 
Villa Rubein and Other Stories
Galt; John  (1779…1839) 
  The Annals of the Parish 
  The Ayrshire Legatees 
  The Provost
Gardner; William  (1861…    ) 
The Life of Stephen A。 Douglas
Garland; Hamlin (1860…1940) 
     Main…Travelled Roads 

Gaskell; Elizabeth C。  (1810…1865) 
  An Accursed Race 
  Cousin Phillis 
  A Dark Night's Work 
  The Doom of the Griffiths 
  The Half…Brothers 
  Half a Life…Time Ago 
  Life of Charlotte Bronte 
  Lizzie L
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