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Veblen; Thorstein B。  (1857…1929) 
  The Higher Learning in America 
  Theory of Business Enterprise 
  The Theory of Leisure Class 
  The Vested Interests and the Common Man
Venables; Edmund  (1819…1895) 
The Life of John Bunyan 
Verne; Jules  (1828…1905) 
  Around the World in 80 Days 
Five Weeks in a Balloon
  From the Earth to the Moon 
  In Search of the Castaways; or; The Children of Captain Grant 
  A Journey to the Centre of the Earth 
  Michael Strogoff 
  The Mysterious Island 
  Off on a Comet 
  Round the Moon 
  The Survivors of the Chancellor 
  Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea 
  The Underground City 
Vinogradoff; Paul  (1854…1925) 
  Villeinage in England 
Virgil (70…19BC) 
  The Aeneid 
  The Bucolics and Eclogues 
  The Georgics
Voltaire  (1694…1778) 
Letters on England 
The Philosophical Dictionary

Wairy; Louis Constant  (1778…1845)
Recollections of the Private Life of Napoleon Bonaparte(12 volumes)

Wallace; Alfred Russell  (1823…1913) 
The Malay Archipelago ( 2 Volumes )
Wallace; Donald Mackenzie  (1841…1919) 
Wallace; Edgar  (1875…1932) 
The Clue of the Twisted Candle
Wallace; Lewis  (1827…1905) 
Ben…Hur: A Tale of the Christ
Walpole; Horace  (1717…1797) 
  The Castle of Otranto
Walpole; Hugh  (1884…1941)
The Captives

Walton; Izaak  (1593…1683) 
The Compleat Angler
Ward; Adolphus William  (1837…1924)

Warner; Charles Dudley  (1829…1900) 
The Complete Writings of Charles Dudley Warner ( 4 Volumes )
Washington; Booker T。  (1856…1915) 
Up from Slavery: An Autobiography
Waterlow; Sydney Philip Perigal  (1878…1944) 
Webster; Jean  (1876…1916) 
Dear Enemy
Weems; M。 L。   (1759…1825) 
  The Life of General Francis Marion
Wells; Carolyn  (    …1942) 
    The Gold Bag 

Wells; H。 G。  (1866…1946) 
  Ann Veronica 
  The Door in the Wall and Other Stories 
  The First Man in the Moon 
  God the Invisible King 
  The Invisible Man 
  The Island of Doctor Moreau 
  The New Machiavelli 
  The Research Magnificent 
  Secret Places of the Heart 
  Soul of A Bishop 
  The Time Machine 
  Tono Bungay 
  Twelve Stories and a Dream 
  War and the Future : Italy; France and Britain at War 
  The War in the Air 
  The War of the Worlds 
  The Wheels of Chance 
  When the Sleeper Wakes 
  The World Set Free
Weyman; Stanley John  (1855…1928) 
From the Memoirs of a Minister of France 
A Gentleman of France 
The House of the Wolf 
Under the Red Robe

Wharton; Edith  (1862…1937) 
  The Age of Innocence 
  Bunner Sisters 
The Early Short Fiction of Edith Wharton 
  The Glimpses of the Moon 
  House of Mirth 
  The Reef 
  The Touchstone
Wheatley; Phillis  (1753…1784) 
Poems on Various Subjects; Religious and Moral
Whewell; William  (1794…1866) 
Six Lectures on Political Economy
Whibley; Charles  (1859…1930) 
A Book of Scoundrels

White; Andrew Dickson  (1832…1918) 
  Autobiography of Andrew Dickson White 
  History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom
White; Ellen G。  (1827…1915) 
The Acts of the Apostles 
The Desire of Ages 
The Great Controversy 
Patriarchs and Prophets 
Prophets and Kings 
Steps to Christ
White; Gilbert  (1720…1793) 
The Natural History of Selborne
White; Stewart Edward   (1873…1946) 
  Arizona Nights 
The Blazed Trail
  The Land of Footprints 
  The Mountains 
  The Riverman
Whitman; Walt  (1819…1892) 
  Leaves of Grass
Whittier; John Greenleaf  (1807…1892) 
  The Boy Captives 
  Yankee Gypsies
Whyte; Alexander  (1836…1921) 
Bunyan Characters 
Wieser; Friedrich  (1851…1926) 
  Natural Value
Wiggin; Kate Douglas  (1856…1923) 
  The Birds' Christmas Carol 
  A Cathedral Courtship 
  The Diary of a Goose Girl 
  The Flag…Raising 
Marm Lisa
  New Chronicles of Rebecca 
  The Old Peabody Pew 
  Penelope's English Experiences 
  Penelope's Experiences in Scotland 
  Penelope's Irish Experiences 
  Penelope's Postscripts 
  Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm 
  Rose O' the River 
  The Story Of Waitstill Baxter 
A Summer in a Canyon: A California Story
  A Village Stradivarius
The Village Watch…Tower
Wilcox; Ella Wheeler  (1850…1919)
The Kingdom of Love and Other Poems
Maurine and Other Poems
New Thought Pastels
Poems of Cheer
Poems of Progress

Wilde; Oscar  (1854…1900) 
  Charmides and Other Poems 
  De Profundis 
  The Duchess of Padua 
  Essays and Lectures 
  The Happy Prince and Other Tales 
  A House of Pomegranates 
  An Ideal Husband 
  The Importance of Being Earnest 
  Lady Windermere's Fan 
  Lord Arthur Savile's Crime and Other Stories 
  Oscar Wilde Miscellaneous 
  The Picture of Dorian Gray 
  Selected Prose of Oscar Wilde 
  Shorter Prose Pieces 
  The Soul of Man 
  A Woman of No Importance

Williams; Henry Smith  (1863…1943) 
A History of Science ( 4 Volumes )
Williams; Valentine  (1883…1946) 
Okewood of the Secret Service
Wilson; Harriet E。  (1808…ca。 1870) 
Our Nig
Wilson; Harry Leon  (1867…1939)
Merton of the Movies

Wister; Owen  (1860…1938) 
  The Jimmyjohn Boss and Other Stories 
  Lady Baltimore 
  Lin Mclean 
  Padre Ignacio; or; The Song of Temptation 
  Philosophy 4 
  A Straight Deal 
  The Virginian; A Horseman Of The Plains
Wolf; Emma  (1865…1932) 
Other Things Being Equal
Wollstonecraft; Mary  (1759…1797) 
Letters on Sweden; Norway; and Denmark
Maria; or; The Wrongs of Woman
A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
Wood; Eugene  (1840…1923) 
Back Home
Wood; Henry  (1814…1887)
East Lynne

Wood; William Charles Henry  (1864…1947) 
Captains of the Civil War; A Chronicle of the Blue and the Gray
Woolf; Virginia  (1882…1941) 
  Night and Day 
  The Voyage Out
Wrong; George McKinnon  (1860…1948) 
        The Conquest of New France 
        Washington and His Comrades in Arms 

Wu; TingFang  (1842…1922) 
  America;Through the Spectacles of an Oriental Diplomat 
Wundt; Wilhelm Max  (1832…1920) 
Outlines of Psychology 
Wurdz; Gideon  (1875…    ) 
The Foolish Dictionary


Xenophon   (431…355 BC) 
  The Apology 
  The Cavalry General 
  Cyropaedia: The Education of Cyrus 
  The Economist 
The Memorabilia or Recollections of Socrates
  On Horsemanship 
  The Polity of the Athenians and the Lacedaemonians 
  On Revenues 
  The Sportsman 
  The Symposium

Yeats; William B。  (1865…1939) 
  Poems of William B。 Yeats

Yonge; Charlotte   (1823…1901) 
A Book of Golden Deeds 
The Caged Lion 
The Clever Woman of the Family
Countess Kate
The Daisy Chain; or Aspirations
The Dove in the Eagle's Nest
Heartsease or Brother's Wife 
The Heir of Redclyffe 
Henrietta's Wish; or; Domineering: a Tale 
The Little Duke
The Pigeon Pie 
Two Penniless Princesses
The Prince and the Page
The Stokesley Secret
The Trial
Young; Daniel 
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