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Man and Superman
Mrs。 Warren's Profession 
O'Flaherty V。 C。
The Perfect Wagnerite: A Commentary on the Niblung's Ring 
A Treatise on Parents and Children 
An Unsocial Socialist 
You Never Can Tell
Shelly; Mary W。  (1797…1851) 
Shepherd; William Robert  (1871…1934)
The Hispanic Nations of the New World

Sheridan; Philip Henry  (1831…1888) 
Personal Memoirs of P。 H。 Sheridan ( 2 Volumes )
Sheridan; Richard Brinsley  (1751…1816) 
School For Scandal
Sherman; William Tecumseh  (1820…1891) 
Memoirs of General William T。 Sherman ( 2 Volumes )
Sidgwick; Henry  (1838…1900) 
Methods of Ethics
Sidney; Margaret  (1844…1924) 
        Five Little Peppers And How They Grew 

Sidney; Philip; Sir  (1554…1586) 
A Defence of Poesie and Poems
Simms; W。 Gilmore  (1806…1870) 
The Life of Francis Marion
Sismondi; J。 C。 L。 Simonde de  (1773…1842) 
  Political Economy
Skelton; Oscar Douglas  (1878…1941)  
        The Canadian Dominion 

Skinner; Constance Lindsay  (1882…1939)
Pioneers of the Old Southwest

Smiles; Samuel  (1812…1904) 
  Industrial Biography; Iron Workers and Tool Makers 
  Jasmin: Barber; Poet; Philanthropist 
  Life of Thomas Telford 
  Men of Invention and Industry 
  Self Help
Smith; Adam  (1723…1790) 
  The Theory of Moral Sentiments 
  Wealth of Nations
Smith; F。 Hopkinson  (1838…1915) 
The Fortunes of Oliver Horn
Tom Grogan
Smith; George  (1833…1919) 
The Life of William Carey
Smith; Uriah  (1832…1903) 
Modern Spiritualism
Smith; William  (1813…1893) 
A Smaller History of Greece (from the Earliest Times to the Roman Conquest)
Smollett; Tobias George  (1721…1771) 
The Expedition of Humphry Clinker 
Travels through France and Italy
Smyrnaeus; Quintus (4th century) 
       The Fall of Troy 

Snelling; Henry Hunt  (1816…1897) 
History and Practice of the Art of Photography
Snow; Charles M。  (1868…1933) 
On the Throne of Sin
Sophocles ( 496…406BC ) 
  Oedipus the King 
  The Trachiniae
Sousa; John Philip  (1854…1932) 
The Experiences of a Bandmaster
  The Fifth String

Speke; John Hanning  (1827…1864)
The Discovery of The Source of the Nile

Spencer; Herbert  (1820…1903) 
  First Principles 
  The Man Versus the State
Spinoza; Benedict  de  (1632…1677) 
  The Ethics (1…5) 
  On the Improvement of the Understanding 
  A Theologico…Political Treatise (1…4)
Spurgeon; C。 H。  (    …1892) 
Till He Come
Spyri; Johanna  (1827…1901) 
Stanton; Elizabeth Cady  (1815…1902) 
Eighty Years and More: Reminiscences 1815…1897
Steele; Richard; Sir  (1672…1729) 
        Isaac Bickerstaff; Physician and Astrologer 

Steinmetz; Andrew  (1816…1877) 
  The Gaming Table 
Stephen; Leslie   (1832 … 1904) 
The English Utilitarians 
      Volume One: Jeremy Bentham 
      Volume Two: James Mill 
      Volume Three: John Stuart Mill
Stephens; James  (1882…1950) 
The Crock of Gold 
Irish Fairy Tales
Stephenson; Nathaniel W。  (1867…1935) 
Abraham Lincoln and the Union 
The Day of the Confederacy
Lincoln's Personal Life
Sterne; Laurence  (1713…1768) 
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy; Gentleman 
A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy
Steuart; James  (1712…1780) 
  An Inquiry into the Principles of Political Economy
Stevens; Bertram   (Editor; 1872…   ) 
An Anthology of Australian Verse

Stevenson; Burton Egbert (Editor) 
The Home Book of Verse ( 4 Volumes )
Stevenson; Robert L。  (1850…1894) 
  Across the Plains 
  The Art of Writing 
  The Black Arrow 
  Catriona (Kidnapped2) 
  A Child's Garden of Verses 
  The Dynamiter 
  The Ebb…Tide 
  Edinburgh Picturesque Notes 
  Essays of Travel 
  Familiar Studies of Men and Books 
Father Damien; An Open Letter to the Reverend Dr。 Hyde of Honolulu 
  A Footnote to History 
  In the South Seas 
  An Inland Voyage 
  Island Nights' Entertainments 
  Lay Morals 
  Letters of Robert Louis Stevenson 
  The Master of Ballantrae 
  Memoir of Fleeming Jenkin 
  Memories and Portraits 
  Merry Men 
  Moral Emblems 
  New Arabian Nights 
  New Poems 
  Prince Otto 
  Records of a Family of Engineers 
  The Silverado Squatters 
  Songs of Travel 
  St。 Ives; Being the Adventures of a French Prisoner in England 
  The Strange Case of Dr。 Jekyll and Mr。 Hyde 
  Tales and Fantasies 
  Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes 
  Treasure Island 
  Vailima Letters 
  Prayers Written at Vailimaibus and A Lowden Sabbath Morn 
  Virginibus Puerisque and Other Papers 
  Weir of Hermiston 
  The Wrecker 
  The Wrong Box
Stewart; Cal  (1856…1919) 
Uncle Josh's Punkin Centre Stories
Stockton; Frank  (1834…1902) 
  The Great War Syndicate 
  The Lady; or the Tiger? 
  The Magic Egg and Other Stories 
  Rudder Grange
Stoker; Bram (1847…1912) 
The Lady of the Shroud
  The Lair of the White Worm 
  The Man
Stone; Louis  (1871…1935)

Story; Joseph 
Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States (1833)
Stowe; Harriet B。  (1811…1896) 
  Queer Little Folks 
  Uncle Tom's Cabin
Southey; Robert  (1774…1843) 
  The Life of Horatio Lord Nelson
Strachey; Lytton  (1880…1932) 
  Eminent Victorians 
  Queen Victoria
Stratton…Porter; Gene  (1863…1924) 
  At the Foot of the Rainbow 
  A Girl of the Limberlost 
  The Harvester 
  Her Father's Daughter 
  The Song of the Cardinal
Sturlason; Snorri  (1179…1241) 
Heimskringla; or The Chronicle of the Kings of Norway
Sue; Eugene  (1804…1857)
The Wandering Jew (11 volumes)

Sun; Tzu 
The Art of War
Suso; Henry  (ca。 1296…1366) 
A Little Book of Eternal Wisdom
Swift; Jonathan  (1667…1745) 
  The Battle of the Books and Others 
  The Bickerstaff…Partridge Papers 
  Gulliver's Travels 
  A Modest Proposal
Swinburne; Algernon Charles  (1837…1909) 
A Century of Roundels
LocrineA Tragedy
The Tale of Balen
Synge; J。 M。   (1871…1909) 
  Deirdre of the Sorrows 
  In Shadow of the Glen 
  The Playboy of the Western World 
  Riders to the Sea 
  The Tinker's Wedding 
  The Well of the Saints


Tacitus; P。 Cornelius  ( ca。56…120 ) 
  The Annals 
  Tacitus on Germany
Tagore; Rabindranath  (1861…1941) 
Chitra; a Play in One Act 
The Hungry Stones And Other Stories
Taine; Hippolyte  (1828…1893) 
The Origins of Contemporary France 
Volume One (The Ancient Regime) 
Volume Two (The French Revolution; Volume 1) 
Volume Three (The French Revolution; Volume 2) 
Volume Four (The French Revolution; Volume 3) 
Volume Five (The Modern Regime; Volume 1   'Napoleon') 
Volume Six (The Modern Regime; Volume 2)
Talbot; Frederick Arthur Ambrose  (1880…    ) 
Aeroplanes and Dirigibles of War
Tarkington; Booth  (1869…1946) 
  Alice Adams 
  The Conquest of Canaan 
  The Flirt 
  His Own People 
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