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Prevost; Abbe  (1697…1763) 
Manon Lescaut
Proctor; Adelaide Anne  (1825…1864) 
Legends and Lyrics 
Proudhon; P。 J。  (1809…1865) 
System of Economical Contradications (or; The Philosophy of Misery) 
  What is Property?
Punshon; E。 R。  (1872…     ) 
The Bittermeads Mystery
Pyle; Howard  (1853…1911) 
Book of Pirates 
Men of Iron 
The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood 
Otto Of the Silver Hand 
The Ruby of Kishmoor
Twilight Land

Pyle; Katharine  (    …1938)
The Counterpane Fairy


Rabelais; Francis  (1494… ca。1553) 
  Gargantua and Pantagruel

Racine; Jean Baptiste  (1639…1699) 
Radcliffe; Ann Ward  (1764…1823)
The Mysteries of Udolpho

Rae; John  (1796…1872) 
New Principles on the Subject of Political Economy
Raleigh; Walter  (1861…1922) 
  The Discovery of Guiana 
  Robert Louis Stevenson 
Ralphson; G。 Harvey   (1879…     ) 
Boy Scouts in Mexico; or; On Guard with Uncle Sam
Raspe; Rudolph Erich  (1737…1794)
The Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen

Rawle; William  (1759…1836) 
A View of the Constitution of the United States of America
Ray; Anna Chapin  (1865…1945)
On The Firing Line

Reade; Charles  (1814…1884) 
Christie Johnstone
The Cloister and the Hearth 
Foul Play
Hard Cash
Peg Woffington
Put Yourself in His Place 
A Simpleton 
White Lies
A Woman…Hater
Redgrove; H。 Stanley  (1887…1943) 
Bygone Beliefs
Reed; Myrtle  (1874…1911) 
Lavender and Old Lace
Reeve; Arthur B。  (1880…1936) 
The Poisoned Pen 
The Silent Bullet
Retz; Cardinal de  (1613…1679)
The Memoirs of Cardinal de Retz

Reynolds; Joshua; Sir  (1723…1792) 
Seven Discourses on Art
Rhodius; Apollonius  (ca。 3rd Century BC) 
The Argonautica
Ricardo; David  (1772…1823) 
  An Essay on Profits 
  The High Price of Bullion 
  On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation
Ridpath; John Clark  (1840…1900) 
James Otis; The Pre…Revolutionist
Robinson; Edwin Arlington (1869…1935) 
  The Children of the Night 
  The Man against the Sky 
  The Three Taverns
Roe; Edward Payson  (1838…1888) 
A Face Illumined 
He Fell In Love With His Wife
Roosevelt; Theodore  (1858…1919)
Hunting the Grisly and Other Sketches
An autobiography

Ross; Edmund Gibson  (1826…1907) 
        History of the Impeachment of Andrew Johnson 
                President of the United States 

Rossetti; Dante Gabriel  (1828…1882)
The House of Life

Rostand; Edmond  (1868…1918)
Cyrano de Bergerac

Rougemont; Louis de  (1844…    ) 
Adventures of Louis de Rougemont
Rousseau; Jean…Jacques  (1712…1778) 
  The Confessions of Jean…Jacques Rousseau 
  A Discourse on the Origin of Inequality 
  The Social Contract
Rowlandson; Mary White  (1637…1711) 
Narrative of the Captivity and Removes of Mrs。 Mary Rowlandson 
Rowson; Susanna  (1762…1824) 
  Charlotte Temple 
Rudd; Steele  (1899…1935)
On Our Selection

Rumford; Benjamin; Graf von  (1753…1814) 
Essays ( Political; Economical; and Philosophical )
Ruskin; John  (1819…1900) 
  The King of the Golden River 
  Sesame And Lilies
  Unto This Last 


Sabatini; Rafael (1875…1950) 
Bardelys the Magnificent 
Captain Blood 
The Historical Nights' Entertainment 
The Lion's Skin 
Mistress Wilding 
The Snare 
St。 Martin's Summer 
The Trampling of the Lilies

Saint…Simon; Duc de  (1675…1755)
The Memoirs of Louis XIV; His Court and The Regency(15 volumes)

Sand; George  (1804…1876) 
Sands; George W。  (ca。1824…1874) 
Mazelli; and Other Poems
Saunders; Marshall  (1861…1947) 
        Beautiful Joe 

Say; Jean Baptiste  (1776…1832) 
Letters to Thomas Robert Malthus on Political Economy
Schiller; J。 C。 F。  (1759…1805) 
  The History of the Thirty Years' War 
  Letters Upon the Aesthetic Education of Man 
  Wilhelm Tell
Schmoller; Gustav (1838…1917) 
The Idea of Justice in Political Economy 
The Mercantile System and its Historical Significance 
On Class Conflict in General
Schreiner; Oliver  (1855…1920) 
  Dream Life and Real Life 
  The Story of an African Farm 
  Trooper Peter Halket of Mashonaland 
  Woman and Labour
Scott; Leroy  (1875…1929)
Children of the Whirlwind

Scott; Walter  (1771…1832) 
  The Antiquary 
  The Black Dwarf 
  Bride of Lammermoor 
  Chronicles of the Canongate 
  Guy Mannering 
  The Heart of Mid…Lothian 
The Lady of the Lake
  A Legend of Montrose 
  My Aunt Margaret's Mirror 
  Rob Roy 
  The TalismanA Tale of the Crusaders 
  The Tapestried Chamber and Death of the Laird's Jock 
Seeger; Alan  (1888…1916) 
Senior; Nassau William  (1790…1864) 
Three Lectures on the Rate of Wages
Seton; Ernest Thompson   (1860…1946) 
  Animal Heroes 
  Rolf in the Woods
Severy; Melvin Linwood  (1863…     ) 
The Darrow Enigma
Seward; Albert Charles  (1863…1941) 
Darwin and Modern Science
Sewell; Anna  (1820…1878) 
  Black Beauty
Sewell; Robert  (1845…1925)
A Forgotten Empire: Vijayanagar

Shakespeare; William  (1564…1616) 
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare 
All's Well That Ends Well 
Antony and Cleopatra 
As You Like It 
The Comedy of Errors 
The History of Troilus and Cressida 
The Life and Death of Julies Caesar 
The Life of King Henry the Eighth 
King Henry the Fourth (Part 1) 
King Henry the Fourth (Part2) 
The Life of King Henry the Fifth 
King Henry the Sixth (Part1) 
King Henry the Sixth (Part2) 
King Henry the Sixth (Part3) 
The Life and Death of King John 
King Lear 
The Life and Death of King Richard II 
The Life and Death of King Richard III 
The Life of Timon of Athens 
A Lover's Complaint 
Love's Labours Lost 
The Tragedy of Macbeth 
Measure for Measure 
The Merchant of Venice 
The Merry Wives of Windsor 
A Midsummer Night's Dream 
Much Ado About Nothing 
Othello; Moor of Venice 
The Passionate Pilgrim 
Pericles; Prince of Tyre 
The Phoenix and the Turtle 
The Rape of Lucrece 
Romeo and Juliet 
The Sonnets 
The Taming of the Shrew 
The Tempest 
Titus Andronicus 
Twelfth Night 
The Two Gentlemen of Verona 
The Winter's Tale 
Venus and Adonis 
Other Spurious and doubtful works 
King Edward III 
Sir John Oldcastle 
Sir Thomas More 
The Two Noble Kinsmen

Sharp; William  (1855…1905) 
Life of Robert Browning
Shaw; Anna Howard  (1847…1919) 
  The Story of A Pioneer
Shaw; George Bernard  (1856…1950) 
Annajanska; the Bolshevik Empress
Arms and the Man
Augustus Does His Bit
Caesar and Cleopatra
Captain Brassbound's Conversion
Dark Lady of the Sonnets 
The Devil's Disciple
Great Catherine
Heartbreak House
How He Lied to Her Husband
The Inca of Perusalem
John Bull's Other Island
Man and Superman
Mrs。 Warren's Profession 
O'Flaherty V。 C。
The Perfect Wagnerite: A Comm
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