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I told him; Yes; very well; but as I concealed my face; so I 

counterfeited my voice; that he had not the least guess at who 

I was。  He asked me where I had seen him。  I told him between 

Dunstable and Brickhill; but turning to the keeper that stood 

by; I asked if I might not be admitted to talk with him alone。  

He said Yes; yes; as much as I pleased; and so very civilly 


As soon as he was gone; I had shut the door; I threw off my 

hood; and bursting out into tears; 'My dear;' says I; 'do you not 

know me?'  He turned pale; and stood speechless; like one 

thunderstruck; and; not able to conquer the surprise; said no 

more but this; 'Let me sit down'; and sitting down by a table; 

he laid his elbow upon the table; and leaning his head on his 

hand; fixed his eyes on the ground as one stupid。  I cried so 

vehemently; on the other hand; that it was a good while ere I 

could speak any more; but after I had given some vent to my 

passion by tears; I repeated the same words; 'My dear; do you 

not know me?'  At which he answered; Yes; and said no more 

a good while。

After some time continuing in the surprise; as above; he cast 

up his eyes towards me and said; 'How could you be so cruel?'  

I did not readily understand what he meant; and I answered; 

'How can you call me cruel?  What have I been cruel to you in?'  

'To come to me;' says he; 'in such a place as this; is it not to 

insult me?  I have not robbed you; at least not on the highway。'

I perceived by this that he knew nothing of the miserable 

circumstances I was in; and thought that; having got some 

intelligence of his being there; I had come to upbraid him 

with his leaving me。  But I had too much to say to him to be 

affronted; and told him in few words; that I was far from 

coming to insult him; but at best I came to condole mutually; 

that he would be easily satisfied that I had no such view; 

when I should tell him that my condition was worse than his; 

and that many ways。  He looked a little concerned at the 

general expression of my condition being worse than his; but; 

with a kind smile; looked a little wildly; and said; 'How can 

that be?  When you see me fettered; and in Newgate; and two 

of my companions executed already; can you can your condition 

is worse than mine?'

'Come; my dear;' says I; 'we have along piece of work to do; 

if I should be to related; or you to hear; my unfortunate history; 

but if you are disposed to hear it; you will soon conclude with 

me that my condition is worse than yours。'  'How is that possible;' 

says he again; 'when I expect to be cast for my life the very 

next sessions?'  'Yes; says I; ''tis very possible; when I shall 

tell you that I have been cast for my life three sessions ago; 

and am under sentence of death; is not my case worse than yours?' 

Then indeed; he stood silent again; like one struck dumb; and 

after a while he starts up。  'Unhappy couple!' says he。  'How 

can this be possible?'  I took him by the hand。  'Come; my 

dear;' said I; 'sit down; and let us compare our sorrows。  I am 

a prisoner in this very house; and in much worse circumstances 

than you; and you will be satisfied I do not come to insult you; 

when I tell you the particulars。'  Any with this we sat down 

together; and I told him so much of my story as I thought was 

convenient; bringing it at last to my being reduced to great 

poverty; and representing myself as fallen into some company 

that led me to relieve my distresses by way that I had been 

utterly unacquainted with; and that they making an attempt at 

a tradesman's house; I was seized upon for having been but 

just at the door; the maid…servant pulling me in; that I neither 

had broke any lock nor taken anything away; and that 

notwithstanding that; I was brought in guilty and sentenced 

to die; but that the judges; having been made sensible of the 

hardship of my circumstances; had obtained leave to remit the 

sentence upon my consenting to be transported。

I told him I fared the worse for being taken in the prison for 

one Moll Flanders; who was a famous successful thief; that 

all of them had heard of; but none of them had ever seen; but 

that; as he knew well; was none of my name。  But I placed all 

to the account of my ill fortune; and that under this name I 

was dealt with as an old offender; though this was the first 

thing they had ever known of me。  I gave him a long particular 

of things that had befallen me since I saw him; but I told him 

if I had seen him since he might thing I had; and then gave 

him an account how I had seen him at Brickhill; how furiously 

he was pursued; and how; by giving an account that I knew 

him; and that he was a very honest gentleman; one Mr。; 

the hue…and…cry was stopped; and the high constable went 

back again。

He listened most attentively to all my story; and smiled at 

most of the particulars; being all of them petty matters; and 

infinitely below what he had been at the head of; but when I 

came to the story of Brickhill; he was surprised。  'And was it 

you; my dear;' said he; 'that gave the check to the mob that 

was at our heels there; at Brickhill?'  'Yes;' said I; 'it was I 

indeed。'  And then I told him the particulars which I had 

observed him there。  'Why; then;' said he; 'it was you that 

saved my life at that time; and I am glad I owe my life to you; 

for I will pay the debt to you now; and I'll deliver you from 

the present condition you are in; or I will die in the attempt。'

I told him; by no means; it was a risk too great; not worth his 

running the hazard of; and for a life not worth his saving。  

'Twas no matter for that; he said; it was a life worth all the 

world to him; a life that had given him a new life; 'for;' says 

he; 'I was never in real danger of being taken; but that time; 

till the last minute when I was taken。'  Indeed; he told me his 

danger then lay in his believing he had not been pursued that 

way; for they had gone from Hockey quite another way; and 

had come over the enclosed country into Brickhill; not by the 

road; and were sure they had not been seen by anybody。

Here he gave me a long history of his life; which indeed would 

make a very strange history; and be infinitely diverting。  He 

told me he took to the road about twelve years before he 

married me; that the woman which called him brother was not 

really his sister; or any kin to him; but one that belonged to 

their gang; and who; keeping correspondence with him; lived 

always in town; having good store of acquaintance; that she 

gave them a perfect intelligence of persons going out of town; 

and that they had made several good booties by her correspondence; 

that she thought she had fixed a fortune for him when she brought 

me to him; but happened to be disappointed; which he really 

could not blame her for; that if it had been his good luck that 

I had had the estate; which 
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