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he was; I had no habitation。  He told me I should go home 

with him; and live with him; if I pleased; as long as I lived; 

that as to his father; he knew nobody; and would never so 

much as guess at me。  I considered of that a little; and told 

him; that though it was really no concern to me to live at a 

distance from him; yet I could not say it would be the most 

comfortable thing in the world to me to live in the house with 

him; and to have that unhappy object always before me; which 

had been such a blow to my peace before; that though I should 

be glad to have his company (my son); or to be as near him as 

possible while I stayed; yet I could not think of being in the 

house where I should be also under constant restraint for fear 

of betraying myself in my discourse; nor should I be able to 

refrain some expressions in my conversing with him as my 

son; that might discover the whole affair; which would by no 

means be convenient。

He acknowledged that I was right in all this。  'But then; dear 

mother;' says he; 'you shall be as near me as you can。'  So he 

took me with him on horseback to a plantation next to his own; 

and where I was as well entertained as I could have been in his 

own。  Having left me there he went away home; telling me we 

would talk of the main business the next day; and having first 

called me his aunt; and given a charge to the people; who it 

seems were his tenants; to treat me with all possible respect。  

About two hours after he was gone; he sent me a maid…servant 

and a Negro boy to wait on me; and provisions ready dressed 

for my supper; and thus I was as if I had been in a new world; 

and began secretly now to wish that I had not brought my 

Lancashire husband from England at all。 

However; that wish was not hearty neither; for I lived my 

Lancashire husband entirely; as indeed I had ever done from 

the beginning; and he merited from me as much as it was 

possible for a man to do; but that by the way。

The next morning my son came to visit me again almost as 

soon as I was up。  After a little discourse; he first of all pulled 

out a deerskin bag; and gave it me; with five…and…fifty Spanish 

pistoles in it; and told me that was to supply my expenses from 

England; for though it was not his business to inquire; yet he 

ought to think I did not bring a great deal of money out with 

me; it not being usual to bring much money into that country。  

Then he pulled out his grandmother's will; and read it over to 

me; whereby it appeared that she had left a small plantation; 

as he called it; on York River; that is; where my mother lived; 

to me; with the stock of servants and cattle upon it; and given 

it in trust to this son of mine for my use; whenever he should 

hear of my being alive; and to my heirs; if I had any children; 

and in default of heirs; to whomsoever I should by will dispose 

of it; but gave the income of it; till I should be heard of; or 

found; to my said son; and if I should not be living; then it was 

to him; and his heirs。

This plantation; though remote from him; he said he did not 

let out; but managed it by a head…clerk (steward); as he did 

another that was his father's; that lay hard by it; and went over 

himself three or four times a year to look after it。  I asked him 

what he thought the plantation might be worth。  He said; if I 

would let it out; he would give me about 60 a year for it; but 

if I would live on it; then it would be worth much more; and; 

he believed; would bring me in about #150 a year。  But seeing 

I was likely either to settle on the other side of the bay; or 

might perhaps have a mind to go back to England again; if I 

would let him be my steward he would manage it for me; as 

he had done for himself; and that he believed he should be 

able to send me as much tobacco to England from it as would 

yield me about #100 a year; sometimes more。

This was all strange news to me; and things I had not been 

used to; and really my heart began to look up more seriously 

than I think it ever did before; and to look with great thankfulness 

to the hand of Providence; which had done such wonders for 

me; who had been myself the greatest wonder of wickedness 

perhaps that had been suffered to live in the world。  And I must 

again observe; that not on this occasion only; but even on all 

other occasions of thankfulness; my past wicked and abominable 

life never looked so monstrous to me; and I never so completely 

abhorred it; and reproached myself with it; as when I had a 

sense upon me of Providence doing good to me; while I had 

been making those vile returns on my part。

But I leave the reader to improve these thoughts; as no doubt 

they will see cause; and I go on to the fact。  My son's tender 

carriage and kind offers fetched tears from me; almost all the 

while he talked with me。  Indeed; I could scarce discourse 

with him but in the intervals of my passion; however; at length 

I began; and expressing myself with wonder at my being so 

happy to have the trust of what I had left; put into the hands 

of my own child; I told him ;that as to the inheritance of it; I 

had no child but him in the world; and was now past having 

any if I should marry; and therefore would desire him to get 

a writing drawn; which I was ready to execute; by which I 

would; after me; give it wholly to him and to his heirs。  And 

in the meantime; smiling; I asked him what made him continue 

a bachelor so long。  His answer was kind and ready; that 

Virginia did not yield any great plenty of wives; and that since 

I talked of going back to England; I should send him a wife 

from London。

This was the substance of our first day's conversation; the 

pleasantest day that ever passed over my head in my life; and

which gave me the truest satisfaction。  He came every day 

after this; and spent great part of his time with me; and carried 

me about to several of his friends' houses; where I was 

entertained with great respect。  Also I dines several times at 

his own house; when he took care always to see his half…dead 

father so out of the way that I never saw him; or he me。  I 

made him one present; and it was all I had of value; and that 

was one of the gold watches; of which I mentioned above; 

that I had two in my chest; and this I happened to have with 

me; and I gave it him at his third visit。  I told him I had nothing 

of any value to bestow but that; and I desired he would now 

and then kiss it for my sake。  I did not indeed tell him that I 

had stole it from a gentlewoman's side; at a meeting…house in 

London。  That's by the way。

He stood a little while hesitating; as if doubtful whether to 

take it or no; but I pressed it on him; and made him accept it; 

and it was not much less worth than his leather pouch full of 

Spanish gold; no; though it were to be reckoned as if at London; 

whereas it was worth twice as much there; where I g
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