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Part 8

My poor afflicted governess was now as much concerned as 

I; and a great deal more truly penitent; though she had no 

prospect of being brought to trial and sentence。  Not but that 

she deserved it as much as I; and so she said herself; but she 

had not done anything herself for many years; other than 

receiving what I and others stole; and encouraging us to steal 

it。  But she cried; and took on like a distracted body; wringing 

her hands; and crying out that she was undone; that she 

believed there was a curse from heaven upon her; that she 

should be damned; that she had been the destruction of all her 

friends; that she had brought such a one; and such a one; and 

such a one to the gallows; and there she reckoned up ten or 

eleven people; some of which I have given account of; that 

came to untimely ends; and that now she was the occasion 

of my ruin; for she had persuaded me to go on; when I would 

have left off。  I interrupted her there。  'No; mother; no;' said I; 

'don't speak of that; for you would have had me left off when 

I got the mercer's money again; and when I came home from 

Harwich; and I would not hearken to you; therefore you have 

not been to blame; it is I only have ruined myself; I have 

brought myself to this misery'; and thus we spent many hours 


Well; there was no remedy; the prosecution went on; and on 

the Thursday I was carried down to the sessions…house; where 

I was arraigned; as they called it; and the next day I was 

appointed to be tried。  At the arraignment I pleaded 'Not guilty;' 

and well I might; for I was indicted for felony and burglary; 

that is; for feloniously stealing two pieces of brocaded silk; 

value #46; the goods of Anthony Johnson; and for breaking 

open his doors; whereas I knew very well they could not 

pretend to prove I had broken up the doors; or so much as 

lifted up a latch。

On the Friday I was brought to my trial。  I had exhausted my 

spirits with crying for two or three days before; so that I slept 

better the Thursday night than I expected; and had more courage 

for my trial than indeed I thought possible for me to have。

When the trial began; the indictment was read; I would have 

spoke; but they told me the witnesses must be heard first; and 

then I should have time to be heard。  The witnesses were the 

two wenches; a couple of hard…mouthed jades indeed; for 

though the thing was truth in the main; yet they aggravated it 

to the utmost extremity; and swore I had the goods wholly in 

my possession; that I had hid them among my clothes; that I 

was going off with them; that I had one foot over the threshold 

when they discovered themselves; and then I put t' other over; 

so that I was quite out of the house in the street with the goods 

before they took hold of me; and then they seized me; and 

brought me back again; and they took the goods upon me。  The 

fact in general was all true; but I believe; and insisted upon it; 

that they stopped me before I had set my foot clear of the 

threshold of the house。  But that did not argue much; for certain 

it was that I had taken the goods; and I was bringing them away; 

if I had not been taken。

But I pleaded that I had stole nothing; they had lost nothing;

that the door was open; and I went in; seeing the goods lie

there; and with design to buy。  If; seeing nobody in the house; I 

had taken any of them up in my hand it could not be concluded 

that I intended to steal them; for that I never carried them 

farther than the door to look on them with the better light。

The Court would not allow that by any means; and made a 

kind of a jest of my intending to buy the goods; that being no 

shop for the selling of anything; and as to carrying them to the 

door to look at them; the maids made their impudent mocks 

upon that; and spent their wit upon it very much; told the 

Court I had looked at them sufficiently; and approved them 

very well; for I had packed them up under my clothes; and 

was a…going with them。

In short; I was found guilty of felony; but acquitted of the 

burglary; which was but small comfort to me; the first bringing 

me to a sentence of death; and the last would have done no 

more。  The next day I was carried down to receive the dreadful 

sentence; and when they came to ask me what I had to say 

why sentence should not pass; I stood mute a while; but 

somebody that stood behind me prompted me aloud to speak 

to the judges; for that they could represent things favourably 

for me。  This encouraged me to speak; and I told them I had 

nothing to say to stop the sentence; but that I had much to say 

to bespeak the mercy of the Court; that I hoped they would 

allow something in such a case for the circumstances of it; 

that I had broken no doors; had carried nothing off; that 

nobody had lost anything; that the person whose goods they 

were was pleased to say he desired mercy might be shown 

(which indeed he very honestly did); that; at the worst; it was 

the first offence; and that I had never been before any court 

of justice before; and; in a word; I spoke with more courage 

that I thought I could have done; and in such a moving tone; 

and though with tears; yet not so many tears as to obstruct my 

speech; that I could see it moved others to tears that heard me。

The judges sat grave and mute; gave me an easy hearing; and 

time to say all that I would; but; saying neither Yes nor No to 

it; pronounced the sentence of death upon me; a sentence that 

was to me like death itself; which; after it was read; confounded 

me。  I had no more spirit left in me; I had no tongue to speak; 

or eyes to look up either to God or man。

My poor governess was utterly disconsolate; and she that was 

my comforter before; wanted comfort now herself; and sometimes 

mourning; sometimes raging; was as much out of herself; as to 

all outward appearance; as any mad woman in Bedlam。  Nor 

was she only disconsolate as to me; but she was struck with 

horror at the sense of her own wicked life; and began to look 

back upon it with a taste quite different from mine; for she 

was penitent to the highest degree for her sins; as well as 

sorrowful for the misfortune。  She sent for a minister; too; a 

serious; pious; good man; and applied herself with such 

earnestness; by his assistance; to the work of a sincere repentance; 

that I believe; and so did the minister too; that she was a true 

penitent; and; which is still more; she was not only so for the 

occasion; and at that juncture; but she continued so; as I was 

informed; to the day of her death。

It is rather to be thought of than expressed what was now my 

condition。  I had nothing before me but present death; and as 

I had no friends to assist me; or to stir for me; I expected 

nothing but to find my name in the dead warrant; which was 

to come down for the execution; the Friday afterwards; of five 

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