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the essays of montaigne, v8-第5章

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which I myself have seen some) wherein all their service was carried
about with them:

               〃Has vobis epulas habete; lauti
               Nos offendimur ambulante caena。〃

     '〃Do you; if you please; esteem these feasts: we do not like the
     ambulatory suppers。〃Martial; vii。 48; 4。'

In summer they had a contrivance to bring fresh and clear rills through
their lower rooms; wherein were great store of living fish; which the
guests took out with their own hands to be dressed every man according to
his own liking。  Fish has ever had this pre…eminence; and keeps it still;
that the grandees; as to them; all pretend to be cooks; and indeed the
taste is more delicate than that of flesh; at least to my fancy。  But in
all sorts of magnificence; debauchery; and voluptuous inventions of
effeminacy and expense; we do; in truth; all we can to parallel them;
for our wills are as corrupt as theirs: but we want ability to equal
them。  Our force is no more able to reach them in their vicious; than in
their virtuous; qualities; for both the one and the other proceeded from
a vigour of soul which was without comparison greater in them than in us;
and souls; by how much the weaker they are; by so much have they less
power to do either very well or very ill。

The highest place of honour amongst them was the middle。  The name going
before; or following after; either in writing or speaking; had no
signification of grandeur; as is evident by their writings; they will as
soon say Oppius and Caesar; as Caesar and Oppius; and me and thee; as
thee and me。  This is the reason that made me formerly take notice in the
life of Flaminius; in our French Plutarch; of one passage; where it seems
as if the author; speaking of the jealousy of honour betwixt the
AEtolians and Romans; about the winning of a battle they had with their
joined forces obtained; made it of some importance; that in the Greek
songs they had put the AEtolians before the Romans: if there be no
amphibology in the words of the French translation。

The ladies; in their baths; made no scruple of admitting men amongst
them; and moreover made use of their serving…men to rub and anoint them:

          〃Inguina succinctus nigri tibi servus aluta
          Stat; quoties calidis nuda foveris aquis。〃

     '〃A slavehis middle girded with a black apronstands before you;
     when; naked; you take a hot bath。〃Martial; vii。 35; i。'

They all powdered themselves with a certain powder; to moderate their

The ancient Gauls; says Sidonius Apollinaris; wore their hair long before
and the hinder part of the head shaved; a fashion that begins to revive
in this vicious and effeminate age。

The Romans used to pay the watermen their fare at their first stepping
into the boat; which we never do till after landing:

               〃Dum aes exigitur; dum mula ligatur;
               Tota abit hora。〃

     '〃Whilst the fare's paying; and the mule is being harnessed; a whole
     hour's time is past。〃Horace; Sat。 i。 5; 13。'

The women used to lie on the side of the bed next the wall: and for that
reason they called Caesar;

                    〃Spondam regis Nicomedis;〃

     '〃The bed of King Nicomedes。〃Suetonius; Life of Caesar; 49。'

They took breath in their drinking; and watered their wine

                   〃Quis puer ocius
                    Restinguet ardentis Falerni
                    Pocula praetereunte lympha?〃

     '〃What boy will quickly come and cool the heat of the Falernian
     wine with clear water?〃Horace; Od。; ii。 z; 18。'

And the roguish looks and gestures of our lackeys were also in use
amongst them:

          O Jane; a tergo quern nulls ciconia pinsit;
          Nec manus; auriculas imitari est mobilis albas;
          Nec lingua; quantum sitiat canis Appula; tantum。〃

     '〃O Janus; whom no crooked fingers; simulating a stork; peck at
     behind your back; whom no quick hands deride behind you; by
     imitating the motion of the white ears of the ass; against whom no
     mocking tongue is thrust out; as the tongue of the thirsty Apulian
     dog。〃Persius; i。 58。'

The Argian and Roman ladies mourned in white; as ours did formerly and
should do still; were I to govern in this point。  But there are whole
books on this subject。



The judgment is an utensil proper for all subjects; and will have an oar
in everything: which is the reason; that in these Essays I take hold of
all occasions where; though it happen to be a subject I do not very well
understand; I try; however; sounding it at a distance; and finding it too
deep for my stature; I keep me on the shore; and this knowledge that a
man can proceed no further; is one effect of its virtue; yes; one of
those of which it is most proud。  One while in an idle and frivolous
subject; I try to find out matter whereof to compose a body; and then to
prop and support it; another while; I employ it in a noble subject; one
that has been tossed and tumbled by a thousand hands; wherein a man can
scarce possibly introduce anything of his own; the way being so beaten on
every side that he must of necessity walk in the steps of another: in
such a case; 'tis the work of the judgment to take the way that seems
best; and of a thousand paths; to determine that this or that is the
best。  I leave the choice of my arguments to fortune; and take that she
first presents to me; they are all alike to me; I never design to go
through any of them; for I never see all of anything: neither do they who
so largely promise to show it others。  Of a hundred members and faces
that everything has; I take one; onewhile to look it over only; another
while to ripple up the skin; and sometimes to pinch it to the bones: I
give a stab; not so wide but as deep as I can; and am for the most part
tempted to take it in hand by some new light I discover in it。  Did I
know myself less; I might perhaps venture to handle something or other to
the bottom; and to be deceived in my own inability; but sprinkling here
one word and there another; patterns cut from several pieces and
scattered without design and without engaging myself too far; I am not
responsible for them; or obliged to keep close to my subject; without
varying at my own liberty and pleasure; and giving up myself to doubt and
uncertainty; and to my own governing method; ignorance。

All motion discovers us: the very same soul of Caesar; that made itself
so conspicuous in marshalling and commanding the battle of Pharsalia; was
also seen as solicitous and busy in the softer affairs of love and
leisure。  A man makes a judgment of a horse; not only by seeing him when
he is showing off his paces; but by his very walk; nay; and by seeing him
stand in the stable。

Amongst the functions of the soul; there are some of a lower and meaner
form; he who does not see her in those inferior offices as well as in
those of nobler note; never fully discovers her; and; peradventure; she
is best shown where she moves her simpler pace。  The winds of passions
take most hold of her in her highest flights; and the rather by reason
that she wholly app
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