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the essays of montaigne, v8-第10章

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     dog to smell out the hidden sow。〃Horace; Epod。; xii。  4。'

Of smells; the simple and natural seem to me the most pleasing。  Let the
ladies look to that; for 'tis chiefly their concern: amid the most
profound barbarism; the Scythian women; after bathing; were wont to
powder and crust their faces and all their bodies with a certain
odoriferous drug growing in their country; which being cleansed off; when
they came to have familiarity with men they were found perfumed and
sleek。  'Tis not to be believed how strangely all sorts of odours cleave
to me; and how apt my skin is to imbibe them。  He that complains of
nature that she has not furnished mankind with a vehicle to convey smells
to the nose had no reason; for they will do it themselves; especially to
me; my very mustachios; which are full; perform that office; for if I
stroke them but with my gloves or handkerchief; the smell will not out a
whole day; they manifest where I have been; and the close; luscious;
devouring; viscid melting kisses of youthful ardour in my wanton age left
a sweetness upon my lips for several hours after。  And yet I have ever
found myself little subject to epidemic diseases; that are caught; either
by conversing with the sick or bred by the contagion of the air; and have
escaped from those of my time; of which there have been several sorts in
our cities and armies。  We read of Socrates; that though he never
departed from Athens during the frequent plagues that infested the city;
he only was never infected。

Physicians might; I believe; extract greater utility from odours than
they do; for I have often observed that they cause an alteration in me
and work upon my spirits according to their several virtues; which makes
me approve of what is said; that the use of incense and perfumes in
churches; so ancient and so universally received in all nations and
religions; was intended to cheer us; and to rouse and purify the senses;
the better to fit us for contemplation。

I could have been glad; the better to judge of it; to have tasted the
culinary art of those cooks who had so rare a way of seasoning exotic
odours with the relish of meats; as it was particularly observed in the
service of the king of Tunis; who in our days 'Muley…Hassam; in 1543。'
landed at Naples to have an interview with Charles the Emperor。  His
dishes were larded with odoriferous drugs; to that degree of expense that
the cookery of one peacock and two pheasants amounted to a hundred ducats
to dress them after their fashion; and when the carver came to cut them
up; not only the dining…room; but all the apartments of his palace and
the adjoining streets were filled with an aromatic vapour which did not
presently vanish。

My chiefest care in choosing my lodgings is always to avoid a thick and
stinking air; and those beautiful cities; Venice and Paris; very much
lessen the kindness I have for them; the one by the offensive smell of
her marshes; and the other of her dirt。



I propose formless and undetermined fancies; like those who publish
doubtful questions; to be after a disputed upon in the schools; not to
establish truth but to seek it; and I submit them to the judgments of
those whose office it is to regulate; not my writings and actions only;
but moreover my very thoughts。  Let what I here set down meet with
correction or applause; it shall be of equal welcome and utility to me;
myself beforehand condemning as absurd and impious; if anything shall be
found; through ignorance or inadvertency; couched in this rhapsody;
contrary to the holy resolutions and prescriptions of the Catholic
Apostolic and Roman Church; into which I was born and in which I will
die。  And yet; always submitting to the authority of their censure; which
has an absolute power over me; I thus rashly venture at everything; as in
treating upon this present subject。

I know not if or no I am wrong; but since; by a particular favour of the
divine bounty; a certain form of prayer has been prescribed and dictated
to us; word by word; from the mouth of God Himself; I have ever been of
opinion that we ought to have it in more frequent use than we yet have;
and if I were worthy to advise; at the sitting down to and rising from
our tables; at our rising from and going to bed; and in every particular
action wherein prayer is used; I would that Christians always make use of
the Lord's Prayer; if not alone; yet at least always。  The Church may
lengthen and diversify prayers; according to the necessity of our
instruction; for I know very well that it is always the same in substance
and the same thing: but yet such a privilege ought to be given to that
prayer; that the people should have it continually in their mouths; for
it is most certain that all necessary petitions are comprehended in it;
and that it is infinitely proper for all occasions。  'Tis the only prayer
I use in all places and conditions; and which I still repeat instead of
changing; whence it also happens that I have no other so entirely by
heart as that。

It just now came into my mind; whence it is we should derive that error
of having recourse to God in all our designs and enterprises; to call Him
to our assistance in all sorts of affairs; and in all places where our
weakness stands in need of support; without considering whether the
occasion be just or otherwise; and to invoke His name and power; in what
state soever we are; or action we are engaged in; howsoever vicious。  He
is indeed; our sole and unique protector; and can do all things for us:
but though He is pleased to honour us with this sweet paternal alliance;
He is; notwithstanding; as just as He is good and mighty; and more often
exercises His justice than His power; and favours us according to that;
and not according to our petitions。

Plato in his Laws; makes three sorts of belief injurious to the gods; 〃
that there are none; that they concern not themselves about our affairs;
that they never refuse anything to our vows; offerings; and sacrifices。〃
The first of these errors (according to his opinion; never continued
rooted in any man from his infancy to his old age; the other two; he
confesses; men might be obstinate in。

God's justice and His power are inseparable; 'tis in vain we invoke His
power in an unjust cause。  We are to have our souls pure and clean; at
that moment at least wherein we pray to Him; and purified from all
vicious passions; otherwise we ourselves present Him the rods wherewith
to chastise us; instead of repairing anything we have done amiss; we
double the wickedness and the offence when we offer to Him; to whom we
are to sue for pardon; an affection full of irreverence and hatred。
Which makes me not very apt to applaud those whom I observe to be so
frequent on their knees; if the actions nearest to the prayer do not give
me some evidence of amendment and reformation:

              〃Si; nocturnus adulter;
               Tempora Santonico velas adoperta cucullo。〃

     '〃If a night adulterer; thou coverest thy head with a Santonic
     cowl。〃Juvenal; Sat。; viii。  144。  The Santones were the people
     who inhabited Saintonge in France
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