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the seventh letter-第4章

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you; as also; jointly with Dion; I advised Dionysios; bidding him in

the first place to live his daily life in a way that would make him as

far as possible master of himself and able to gain faithful friends

and supporters; in order that he might not have the same experience as

his father。 For his father; having taken under his rule many great

cities of Sicily which had been utterly destroyed by the barbarians;

was not able to found them afresh and to establish in them trustworthy

governments carried on by his own supporters; either by men who had no

ties of blood with him; or by his brothers whom he had brought up when

they were younger; and had raised from humble station to high office

and from poverty to immense wealth。 Not one of these was he able to

work upon by persuasion; instruction; services and ties of kindred; so

as to make him a partner in his rule; and he showed himself inferior

to Darius with a sevenfold inferiority。 For Darius did not put his

trust in brothers or in men whom he had brought up; but only in his

confederates in the overthrow of the Mede and Eunuch; and to these

he assigned portions of his empire; seven in number; each of them

greater than all Sicily; and they were faithful to him and did not

attack either him or one another。 Thus he showed a pattern of what the

good lawgiver and king ought to be; for he drew up laws by which he

has secured the Persian empire in safety down to the present time。

  Again; to give another instance; the Athenians took under their rule

very many cities not founded by themselves; which had been hard hit by

the barbarians but were still in existence; and maintained their

rule over these for seventy years; because they had in each them men

whom they could trust。 But Dionysios; who had gathered the whole of

Sicily into a single city; and was so clever that he trusted no one;

only secured his own safety with great difficulty。 For he was badly

off for trustworthy friends; and there is no surer criterion of virtue

and vice than this; whether a man is or is not destitute of such


  This; then; was the advice which Dion and I gave to Dionysios;

since; owing to bringing up which he had received from his father;

he had had no advantages in the way of education or of suitable

lessons; in the first place。。。; and; in the second place; that;

after starting in this way; he should make friends of others among his

connections who were of the same age and were in sympathy with his

pursuit of virtue; but above all that he should be in harmony with

himself; for this it was of which he was remarkably in need。 This we

did not say in plain words; for that would not have been safe; but

in covert language we maintained that every man in this way would save

both himself and those whom he was leading; and if he did not follow

this path; he would do just the opposite of this。 And after proceeding

on the course which we described; and making himself a wise and

temperate man; if he were then to found again the cities of Sicily

which had been laid waste; and bind them together by laws and

constitutions; so as to be loyal to him and to one another in their

resistance to the attacks of the barbarians; he would; we told him;

make his father's empire not merely double what it was but many

times greater。 For; if these things were done; his way would be

clear to a more complete subjugation of the Carthaginians than that

which befell them in Gelon's time; whereas in our own day his father

had followed the opposite course of levying attribute for the

barbarians。 This was the language and these the exhortations given

by us; the conspirators against Dionysios according to the charges

circulated from various sources…charges which; prevailing as they

did with Dionysios; caused the expulsion of Dion and reduced me to a

state of apprehension。 But when…to summarise great events which

happened in no great time…Dion returned from the Peloponnese and

Athens; his advice to Dionysios took the form of action。

  To proceed…when Dion had twice over delivered the city and

restored it to the citizens; the Syracusans went through the same

changes of feeling towards him as Dionysios had gone through; when

Dion attempted first to educate him and train him to be a sovereign

worthy of supreme power and; when that was done; to be his coadjutor

in all the details of his career。 Dionysios listened to those who

circulated slanders to the effect that Dion was aiming at the

tyranny in all the steps which he took at that time his intention

being that Dionysios; when his mind had fallen under the spell of

culture; should neglect the government and leave it in his hands;

and that he should then appropriate it for himself and treacherously

depose Dionysios。 These slanders were victorious on that occasion;

they were so once more when circulated among the Syracusans; winning a

victory which took an extraordinary course and proved disgraceful to

its authors。 The story of what then took place is one which deserves

careful attention on the part of those who are inviting me to deal

with the present situation。

  I; an Athenian and friend of Dion; came as his ally to the court

of Dionysios; in order that I might create good will in place of a

state war; in my conflict with the authors of these slanders I was

worsted。 When Dionysios tried to persuade me by offers of honours

and wealth to attach myself to him; and with a view to giving a decent

colour to Dion's expulsion a witness and friend on his side; he failed

completely in his attempt。 Later on; when Dion returned from exile; he

took with him from Athens two brothers; who had been his friends;

not from community in philosophic study; but with the ordinary

companionship common among most friends; which they form as the result

of relations of hospitality and the intercourse which occurs when

one man initiates the other in the mysteries。 It was from this kind of

intercourse and from services connected with his return that these two

helpers in his restoration became his companions。 Having come to

Sicily; when they perceived that Dion had been misrepresented to the

Sicilian Greeks; whom he had liberated; as one that plotted to

become monarch; they not only betrayed their companion and friend; but

shared personally in the guilt of his murder; standing by his

murderers as supporters with weapons in their hands。 The guilt and

impiety of their conduct I neither excuse nor do I dwell upon it。

For many others make it their business to harp upon it; and will

make it their business in the future。 But I do take exception to the

statement that; because they were Athenians; they have brought shame

upon this city。 For I say that he too is an Athenian who refused to

betray this same Dion; when he had the offer of riches and many

other honours。 For his was no common or vulgar friendship; but

rested on community in liberal education; and this is the one thing in

which a wise man will put his trust; far mor
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