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the seventh letter-第2章

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the laborious prosecution of debauchery。 It follows necessarily that

the constitutions of such cities must be constantly changing;

tyrannies; oligarchies and democracies succeeding one another; while

those who hold the power cannot so much as endure the name of any form

of government which maintains justice and equality of rights。

  With a mind full of these thoughts; on the top of my previous

convictions; I crossed over to Syracuse…led there perhaps by

chance…but it really looks as if some higher power was even then

planning to lay a foundation for all that has now come to pass with

regard to Dion and Syracuse…and for further troubles too; I fear;

unless you listen to the advice which is now for the second time

offered by me。 What do I mean by saying that my arrival in Sicily at

that movement proved to be the foundation on which all the sequel

rests? I was brought into close intercourse with Dion who was then a

young man; and explained to him my views as to the ideals at which men

should aim; advising him to carry them out in practice。 In doing

this I seem to have been unaware that I was; in a fashion; without

knowing it; contriving the overthrow of the tyranny which;

subsequently took place。 For Dion; who rapidly assimilated my teaching

as he did all forms of knowledge; listened to me with an eagerness

which I had never seen equalled in any young man; and resolved to live

for the future in a better way than the majority of Italian and

Sicilian Greeks; having set his affection on virtue in preference to

pleasure and self…indulgence。 The result was that until the death of

Dionysios he lived in a way which rendered him somewhat unpopular

among those whose manner of life was that which is usual in the courts

of despots。

  After that event he came to the conclusion that this conviction;

which he himself had gained under the influence of good teaching;

was not likely to be confined to himself。 Indeed; he saw it being

actually implanted in other minds…not many perhaps; but certainly in

some; and he thought that with the aid of the Gods; Dionysios might

perhaps become one of these; and that; if such a thing did come to

pass; the result would be a life of unspeakable happiness both for

himself and for the rest of the Syracusans。 Further; he thought it

essential that I should come to Syracuse by all manner of means and

with the utmost possible speed to be his partner in these plans;

remembering in his own case how readily intercourse with me had

produced in him a longing for the noblest and best life。 And if it

should produce a similar effect on Dionysios; as his aim was that it

should; he had great hope that; without bloodshed; loss of life; and

those disastrous events which have now taken place; he would be able

to introduce the true life of happiness throughout the whole


  Holding these sound views; Dion persuaded Dionysios to send for

me; he also wrote himself entreating me to come by all manner of means

and with the utmost possible speed; before certain other persons

coming in contact with Dionysios should turn him aside into some way

of life other than the best。 What he said; though perhaps it is rather

long to repeat; was as follows: 〃What opportunities;〃 he said;

〃shall we wait for; greater than those now offered to us by

Providence?〃 And he described the Syracusan empire in Italy and

Sicily; his own influential position in it; and the youth of Dionysios

and how strongly his desire was directed towards philosophy and

education。 His own nephews and relatives; he said; would be readily

attracted towards the principles and manner of life described by me;

and would be most influential in attracting Dionysios in the same

direction; so that; now if ever; we should see the accomplishment of

every hope that the same persons might actually become both

philosophers and the rulers of great States。 These were the appeals

addressed to me and much more to the same effect。

  My own opinion; so far as the young men were concerned; and the

probable line which their conduct would take; was full of

apprehension…for young men are quick in forming desires; which often

take directions conflicting with one another。 But I knew that the

character of Dion's mind was naturally a stable one and had also the

advantage of somewhat advanced years。

  Therefore; I pondered the matter and was in two minds as to

whether I ought to listen to entreaties and go; or how I ought to act;

and finally the scale turned in favour of the view that; if ever

anyone was to try to carry out in practice my ideas about laws and

constitutions; now was the time for making the attempt; for if only

I could fully convince one man; I should have secured thereby the

accomplishment of all good things。

  With these views and thus nerved to the task; I sailed from home; in

the spirit which some imagined; but principally through a feeling of

shame with regard to myself; lest I might some day appear to myself

wholly and solely a mere man of words; one who would never of his

own will lay his hand to any act。 Also there was reason to think

that I should be betraying first and foremost my friendship and

comradeship with Dion; who in very truth was in a position of

considerable danger。 If therefore anything should happen to him; or if

he were banished by Dionysios and his other enemies and coming to us

as exile addressed this question to me: 〃Plato; I have come to you

as a fugitive; not for want of hoplites; nor because I had no

cavalry for defence against my enemies; but for want of words and

power of persuasion; which I knew to be a special gift of yours;

enabling you to lead young men into the path of goodness and

justice; and to establish in every case relations of friendship and

comradeship among them。 It is for the want of this assistance on

your part that I have left Syracuse and am here now。 And the

disgrace attaching to your treatment of me is a small matter。 But

philosophy…whose praises you are always singing; while you say she

is held in dishonour by the rest of mankind…must we not say that

philosophy along with me has now been betrayed; so far as your

action was concerned? Had I been living at Megara; you would certainly

have come to give me your aid towards the objects for which I asked

it; or you would have thought yourself the most contemptible of

mankind。 But as it is; do you think that you will escape the

reputation of cowardice by making excuses about the distance of the

journey; the length of the sea voyage; and the amount of labour

involved? Far from it。〃 To reproaches of this kind what creditable

reply could I have made? Surely none。

  I took my departure; therefore; acting; so far as a man can act;

in obedience to reason and justice; and for these reasons leaving my

own occupations; which were certainly not discreditable ones; to put

myself under a tyranny which did not seem likely to harmonise with

my teaching or with myself。 By my departure I secur
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