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the seventh letter-第1章

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                               THE SEVENTH LETTER

                                    by Plato

                            translated by J。 Harward


  You write to me that I must consider your views the same as those of

Dion; and you urge me to aid your cause so far as I can in word and

deed。 My answer is that; if you have the same opinion and desire as he

had; I consent to aid your cause; but if not; I shall think more

than once about it。 Now what his purpose and desire was; I can

inform you from no mere conjecture but from positive knowledge。 For

when I made my first visit to Sicily; being then about forty years

old; Dion was of the same age as Hipparinos is now; and the opinion

which he then formed was that which he always retained; I mean the

belief that the Syracusans ought to be free and governed by the best

laws。 So it is no matter for surprise if some God should make

Hipparinos adopt the same opinion as Dion about forms of government。

But it is well worth while that you should all; old as well as

young; hear the way in which this opinion was formed; and I will

attempt to give you an account of it from the beginning。 For the

present is a suitable opportunity。

  In my youth I went through the same experience as many other men。

I fancied that if; early in life; I became my own master; I should

at once embark on a political career。 And I found myself confronted

with the following occurrences in the public affairs of my own city。

The existing constitution being generally condemned; a revolution took

place; and fifty…one men came to the front as rulers of the

revolutionary government; namely eleven in the city and ten in the

Peiraeus…each of these bodies being in charge of the market and

municipal matters…while thirty were appointed rulers with full

powers over public affairs as a whole。 Some of these were relatives

and acquaintances of mine; and they at once invited me to share in

their doings; as something to which I had a claim。 The effect on me

was not surprising in the case of a young man。 I considered that

they would; of course; so manage the State as to bring men out of a

bad way of life into a good one。 So I watched them very closely to see

what they would do。

  And seeing; as I did; that in quite a short time they made the

former government seem by comparison something precious as gold…for

among other things they tried to send a friend of mine; the aged

Socrates; whom I should scarcely scruple to describe as the most

upright man of that day; with some other persons to carry off one of

the citizens by force to execution; in order that; whether he wished

it; or not; he might share the guilt of their conduct; but he would

not obey them; risking all consequences in preference to becoming a

partner in their iniquitous deeds…seeing all these things and others

of the same kind on a considerable scale; I disapproved of their

proceedings; and withdrew from any connection with the abuses of the


  Not long after that a revolution terminated the power of the

thirty and the form of government as it then was。 And once more;

though with more hesitation; I began to be moved by the desire to take

part in public and political affairs。 Well; even in the new

government; unsettled as it was; events occurred which one would

naturally view with disapproval; and it was not surprising that in a

period of revolution excessive penalties were inflicted by some

persons on political opponents; though those who had returned from

exile at that time showed very considerable forbearance。 But once more

it happened that some of those in power brought my friend Socrates;

whom I have mentioned; to trial before a court of law; laying a most

iniquitous charge against him and one most inappropriate in his

case: for it was on a charge of impiety that some of them prosecuted

and others condemned and executed the very man who would not

participate in the iniquitous arrest of one of the friends of the

party then in exile; at the time when they themselves were in exile

and misfortune。

  As I observed these incidents and the men engaged in public affairs;

the laws too and the customs; the more closely I examined them and the

farther I advanced in life; the more difficult it seemed to me to

handle public affairs aright。 For it was not possible to be active

in politics without friends and trustworthy supporters; and to find

these ready to my hand was not an easy matter; since public affairs at

Athens were not carried on in accordance with the manners and

practices of our fathers; nor was there any ready method by which I

could make new friends。 The laws too; written and unwritten; were

being altered for the worse; and the evil was growing with startling

rapidity。 The result was that; though at first I had been full of a

strong impulse towards political life; as I looked at the course of

affairs and saw them being swept in all directions by contending

currents; my head finally began to swim; and; though I did not stop

looking to see if there was any likelihood of improvement in these

symptoms and in the general course of public life; I postponed

action till a suitable opportunity should arise。 Finally; it became

clear to me; with regard to all existing cornmunities; that they

were one and all misgoverned。 For their laws have got into a state

that is almost incurable; except by some extraordinary reform with

good luck to support it。 And I was forced to say; when praising true

philosophy that it is by this that men are enabled to see what justice

in public and private life really is。 Therefore; I said; there will be

no cessation of evils for the sons of men; till either those who are

pursuing a right and true philosophy receive sovereign power in the

States; or those in power in the States by some dispensation of

providence become true philosophers。

  With these thoughts in my mind I came to Italy and Sicily on my

first visit。 My first impressions on arrival were those of strong

disapproval…disapproval of the kind of life which was there called the

life of happiness; stuffed full as it was with the banquets of the

Italian Greeks and Syracusans; who ate to repletion twice every day;

and were never without a partner for the night; and disapproval of the

habits which this manner of life produces。 For with these habits

formed early in life; no man under heaven could possibly attain to

wisdom…human nature is not capable of such an extraordinary

combination。 Temperance also is out of the question for such a man;

and the same applies to virtue generally。 No city could remain in a

state of tranquillity under any laws whatsoever; when men think it

right to squander all their property in extravagant; and consider it a

duty to be idle in everything else except eating and drinking and

the laborious prosecution of debauchery。 It follows necessarily that

the constitutions of such cities must be constant
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