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of elemental strife。  These; in the accomplishment of your

undertaking; you were summoned to encounter in their most

hideous forms; these you met with that fortitude; and combated

with that perseverance; which you had promised in their

anticipation; these you completely vanquished in establishing

the foundations of New England; and the day which we now

commemorate is the perpetual memorial of your triumph。

 It were an occupation peculiarly pleasing to cull from our

early historians; and exhibit before you every detail of this

transaction; to carry you in imagination on board their bark at

the first moment of her arrival in the bay; to accompany

Carver; Winslow; Bradford; and Standish; in all their

excursions upon the desolate coast; to follow them into every

rivulet and creek where they endeavored to find a firm footing;

and to fix; with a pause of delight and exultation; the instant

when the first of these heroic adventurers alighted on the spot

where you; their descendants; now enjoy the glorious and

happy reward of their labors。  But in this grateful task; your

former orators; on this anniversary; have anticipated all that the

most ardent industry could collect; and gratified all that the

most inquisitive curiosity could desire。  To you; my friends;

every occurrence of that momentous period is already familiar。 

A transient allusion to a few characteristic instances; which

mark the peculiar history of the Plymouth settlers; may

properly supply the place of a narrative; which; to this

auditory; must be superfluous。

One of these remarkable incidents is the execution of that

instrument of government by which they formed themselves

into a body politic; the day after their arrival upon the coast;

and previous to their first landing。  That is; perhaps; the only

instance in human history of that positive; original social

compact; which speculative philosophers have imagined as the

only legitimate source of government。  Here was a unanimous

and personal assent; by all the individuals of the community; to

the association by which they became a nation。  It was the

result of circumstances and discussions which had occurred

during their passage from Europe; and is a full demonstration

that the nature of civil government; abstracted from the

political institutions of their native country; had been an object

of their serious meditation。  The settlers of all the former

European colonies had contented themselves with the powers

conferred upon them by their respective charters; without

looking beyond the seal of the royal parchment for the measure

of their rights and the rule of their duties。  The founders of

Plymouth had been impelled by the peculiarities of their

situation to examine the subject with deeper and more

comprehensive research。  After twelve years of banishment

from the land of their first allegiance; during which they had

been under an adoptive and temporary subjection to another

sovereign; they must naturally have been led to reflect upon the

relative rights and duties of allegiance and subjection。  They

had resided in a city; the seat of a university; where the

polemical and political controversies of the time were pursued

with uncommon fervor。  In this period they had witnessed the

deadly struggle between the two parties; into which the people

of the United Provinces; after their separation from the crown

of Spain; had divided themselves。  The contest embraced

within its compass not only theological doctrines; but political

principles; and Maurice and Barnevelt were the temporal

leaders of the same rival factions; of which Episcopius and

Polyander were the ecclesiastical champions。

That the investigation of the fundamental principles of

government was deeply implicated in these dissensions is

evident from the immortal work of Grotius; upon the rights of

war and peace; which undoubtedly originated from them。 

Grotius himself had been a most distinguished actor and

sufferer in those important scenes of internal convulsion; and

his work was first published very shortly after the departure of

our forefathers from Leyden。  It is well known that in the

course of the contest Mr。 Robinson more than once appeared;

with credit to himself; as a public disputant against Episcopius;

and from the manner in which the fact is related by Governor

Bradford; it is apparent that the whole English Church at

Leyden took a zealous interest in the religious part of the

controversy。  As strangers in the land; it is presumable that

they wisely and honorably avoided entangling themselves in the

political contentions involved with it。  Yet the theoretic

principles; as they were drawn into discussion; could not fail to

arrest their attention; and must have assisted them to form

accurate ideas concerning the origin and extent of authority

among men; independent of positive institutions。  The

importance of these circumstances will not be duly weighed

without taking into consideration the state of opinion then

prevalent in England。  The general principles of government

were there little understood and less examined。  The whole

substance of human authority was centred in the simple

doctrine of royal prerogative; the origin of which was always

traced in theory to divine institution。  Twenty years later; the

subject was more industriously sifted; and for half a century

became one of the principal topics of controversy between the

ablest and most enlightened men in the nation。  The instrument

of voluntary association executed on board the 〃Mayflower〃

testifies that the parties to it had anticipated the improvement

of their nation。

Another incident; from which we may derive occasion for

important reflections; was the attempt of these original settlers

to establish among them that community of goods and of labor;

which fanciful politicians; from the days of Plato to those of

Rousseau; have recommended as the fundamental law of a

perfect republic。  This theory results; it must be acknowledged;

from principles of reasoning most flattering to the human

character。  If industry; frugality; and disinterested integrity

were alike the virtues of all; there would; apparently; be more

of the social spirit; in making all property a common stock; and

giving to each individual a proportional title to the wealth of

the whole。  Such is the basis upon which Plato forbids; in his

Republic; the division of property。  Such is the system upon

which Rousseau pronounces the first man who inclosed a field

with a fence; and said; 〃This is mine;〃 a traitor to the human

species。  A wiser and more useful philosophy; however; directs

us to consider man according to the nature in which he was

formed; subject to infirmities; which no wisdom can remedy; to

weaknesses; which no institution can strengthen; to vices;

which no legislation can correct。  Hence; it becomes obvious

that separate property is the natural and indisputable right of

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