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and to institute another。  The signers of the Declaration further

averred; that the one people of the United Colonies were then

precisely in that situationwith a government degenerated into

tyranny; and called upon by the laws of nature and of nature's

God to dissolve that government and to institute another。  Then;

in the name and by the authority of the good people of the

colonies; they pronounced the dissolution of their allegiance to

the king; and their eternal separation from the nation of Great

Britainand declared the United Colonies independent States。 

And here as the representatives of the one people they had

stopped。 They did not require the confirmation of this act; for

the power to make the declaration had already been conferred

upon them by the people; delegating the power; indeed;

separately in the separate colonies; not by colonial authority;

but by the spontaneous revolutionary movement of the people

in them all。

From the day of that Declaration; the constituent power of the

people had never been called into action。  A confederacy had

been substituted in the place of a government; and State

sovereignty had usurped the constituent sovereignty of the


The Convention assembled at Philadelphia had themselves

no direct authority from the people。  Their authority was all

derived from the State Legislatures。  But they had the Articles

of Confederation before them; and they saw and felt the

wretched condition into which they had brought the whole

people; and that the Union itself was in the agonies of death。 

They soon perceived that the indispensably needed powers

were such as no State government; no combination of them;

was by the principles of the Declaration of Independence

competent to bestow。  They could emanate only from the

people。  A highly respectable portion of the assembly; still

clinging to the confederacy of States; proposed; as a substitute

for the Constitution; a mere revival of the Articles of

Confederation; with a grant of additional powers to the

Congress。  Their plan was respectfully and thoroughly

discussed; but the want of a government and of the sanction of

the people to the delegation of powers happily prevailed。  A

constitution for the people; and the distribution of legislative;

executive; and judicial powers was prepared。  It announced

itself as the work of the people themselves; and as this was

unquestionably a power assumed by the Convention; not

delegated to them by the people; they religiously confined it to

a simple power to propose; and carefully provided that it should

be no more than a proposal until sanctioned by the

Confederation Congress; by the State Legislatures; and by the

people of the several States; in conventions specially

assembled; by authority of their Legislatures; for the single

purpose of examining and passing upon it。

And thus was consummated the work commenced by the

Declaration of Independencea work in which the people of the

North American Union; acting under the deepest sense of

responsibility to the Supreme Ruler of the universe; had

achieved the most transcendent act of power that social man in

his mortal condition can performeven that of dissolving the

ties of allegiance by which he is bound to his country; of

renouncing that country itself; of demolishing its government;

of instituting another government; and of making for himself

another country in its stead。

And on that day; of which you now commemorate the fiftieth

anniversaryon that thirtieth day of April; 1789was this

mighty revolution; not only in the affairs of our own country;

but in the principles of government over civilized man;


The Revolution itself was a work of thirteen yearsand had

never been completed until that day。  The Declaration of

Independence and the Constitution of the United States are

parts of one consistent whole; founded upon one and the same

theory of government; then new in practice; though not as a

theory; for it had been working itself into the mind of man for

many ages; and had been especially expounded in the writings

of Locke; though it had never before been adopted by a great

nation in practice。

There are yet; even at this day; many speculative objections to

this theory。  Even in our own country there are still

philosophers who deny the principles asserted in the

Declaration; as self…evident truthswho deny the natural

equality and inalienable rights of manwho deny that the

people are the only legitimate source of powerwho deny that

all just powers of government are derived from the consent of

the governed。  Neither your time; nor perhaps the cheerful

nature of this occasion; permit me here to enter upon the

examination of this anti…revolutionary theory; which arrays

State sovereignty against the constituent sovereignty of the

people; and distorts the Constitution of the United States into a

league of friendship between confederate corporations。  I speak

to matters of fact。  There is the Declaration of Independence;

and there is the Constitution of the United Stateslet them

speak for themselves。  The grossly immoral and dishonest

doctrine of despotic State sovereignty; the exclusive judge of its

own obligations; and responsible to no power on earth or in

heaven; for the violation of them; is not there。  The Declaration

says; it is not in me。  The Constitution says; it is not in me。

〃Oration at Plymouth; December 22; 1802; in Commemoration

of the Landing of the Pilgrims。〃

Among the sentiments of most powerful operation upon the

human heart; and most highly honorable to the human

character; are those of veneration for our forefathers; and of

love for our posterity。  They form the connecting links between

the selfish and the social passions。  By the fundamental

principle of Christianity; the happiness of the individual is

interwoven; by innumerable and imperceptible ties; with that of

his contemporaries。  By the power of filial reverence and

parental affection; individual existence is extended beyond the

limits of individual life; and the happiness of every age is

chained in mutual dependence upon that of every other。  

Respect for his ancestors excites; in the breast of man; interest

in their history; attachment to their characters; concern for

their errors; involuntary pride in their virtues。  Love for his

posterity spurs him to exertion for their support; stimulates him

to virtue for their example; and fills him with the tenderest

solicitude for their welfare。  Man; therefore; was not made for

himself alone。  No; he was made for his country; by the

obligations of the social compact; he was made for his species;

by the Christian duties of universal charity; he was made for all

ages past; by the sentiment of reverence for his forefathers; and

he was made for all future times; by the impulse of affection for

his progeny。  Under the influence of these principles;

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