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ita; is the history of the first Russian Embassyfor the tenta… tive visit of Adam Lanxmann; twelve years before; can be dignified by no such titleto Oriental waters。 It is to be hoped that Count Golofkin; who was to undertake a similar mission to China; has met with a better fate。〃

Underneath the polished armour of a man who was a courtier when he chose and the dominating spirit always; he was hot and quick of temper。  His light cold eyes glowed with resentment at the danc… ing lights in hers; as he cynically gave her a bald abstract of the unfortunate mission。  He reflected that commonly he would have fitted a different mask to the ugly skull of fact; but this young bar… barian; as he chose to regard her; excited the ele… mental truth in him; defying him to appear at his worst。  He was astonished to see her eyes suddenly soften and her mouth tremble。

〃It must have been a hateful experiencehate… ful!〃  Her voice; beginning on its usual low soft note; rose to a hoarse pitch of indignation。  〃I should have killed somebody!  To be a man; and strong; and caressed all one's life by fortuneand to be as helpless as an Indian!  Madre de dios!〃

〃I shall take my revenge;〃 said Rezanov shortly; but the wound closed; and once more he became aware of the poignant sweetness of Castilian roses。 Concha wore one in her soft dusky hair; and an… other where the little round jacket of white linen; gaily embroidered with pink; met on her bosom。 But if sentiment tempted him he was quickly poised by her next remarks。  She uttered them in a low tone; although the animated conversation of the rest of the party would have permitted the two on the sofa to exchange the vows of love unheard。

〃But what a practice for your diplomatic talents; Excellency!  Poor California!  At least let me be the first to hear what you have come for?〃  Her voice dropped to a soft cooing note; although her eyes twinkled。  〃For the love of God; senor!  I am so bored in this life on the edge of the world!  To see the seams and ravelings of a diplomatic in… trigue!  I have read and heard of many; but never had I hoped to link my finger in anything subtler than a quarrel between priest and Governor; or the jealousy of Los Angeles for Monterey。  I even will help youif you mean no harm to my father or my country。  And I am not a friend to scorn; senor; for my blessed father is as wax in my hands; the dear old Governor adores me; and even Padre Abella; who thinks himself a great diplomat; and is watching us out of the corner of his eye; while I make him believe you pay me so many compli… ments my poor little head turns roundBueno senor!〃  As she raised her voice she plucked the rose from her dress and tossed it to Rezanov。  Then she lifted her chin and pouted her childish lips at the ironical smile of the priest。

Rezanov was close to betraying his surprise; but as he cherished a belief that the souls of all pretty women went to school to the devil before entering upon earthly enterprise; he wondered that he had been open to the illusion of complete ingenuousness in a descendant of one of the oldest and subtlest civilizations of earth。  Within that luminous shell of youth there were; no doubt; whispering memories of men and women steeped in court intrigue from birth; of triumphant beauties that had lived for love and their power over the passions of men as ardent as himself。  It was quite possible that she might be as useful as she desired。  But his impulses were in leash。  He merely looked and murmured his ad… miration。

〃Better ask; what chance have I; a defenceless man; who has not seen a charming woman for three years; against such practised art?  If you can hood… wink a Spanish priest; and manipulate a Governor who has won the confidence of the most suspicious court in Europe; what fortune for a barbarian of the north?  Less than with Japan; I should think。〃

He divested the rose of its thorns and many tight little buds; and thrust the stem underneath the star of St。 Ann。  She lifted her chin again and tossed her head。

〃You do not trust me; but you will。  I fancy it will be before longfor it is quite true that the Californians are not so easily outwitted。  And even did I not help you; I would notI vow; senor! betray you。  Is it true that Russia is at war with Spain?〃


〃Have you not heard?  It was for that we were all so excited this morning。  We thought your ship might be the first of a fleet。〃

〃I have heard no such rumor; and you may dis… miss it。  Russia is too much occupied with Napo… leon Bonaparte; who has had himself crowned Em… peror; and by this time is probably at war with half Europe〃

She interrupted him with flashing eye。  The pink in her cheeks had turned red。  The thin nostrils of her pretty Roman nose fluttered like paper。  〃Ah!〃 she exclaimed; again with that note of hoarseness in her voice。  〃There is a great man; not a mere king on a throne his ancestors made for him。  Papa hates him because he has seized a throne。  AY YI! DIOS; but you should hear the words fly when we go to war together。  But I do not care that〃she snapped her firm white fingers〃for all the Bour… bons that are in Europe。  Bonaparte!  Do you know him?  Have you seen him?〃

〃I have seen him insult poor Markov; our ambas… sador to France; when I can assure you that he looked like neither a demi…god nor a gentleman。 When you have improved my Spanish I will tell you many anecdotes of him。  Meanwhile; am I to as… sume that you reserve your admiration for the man that carves his career in defiance of the rusty old machinery?〃

〃I do!  I do!  My father was of the people; a poor boy。  He has risen to be the most powerful of all Californians; although the King he adores never makes him Gobernador Proprietario。  I tell him he should be the first to recognize the genius and the ambitions of a Bonaparte。  The mere thought hor… rifies him。  But in me that same strong plebeian blood makes another cry; and if my father had but enough men at his back; and the will to make him… self King of the CaliforniasMadre de Dios! how I should help him!〃

〃At least I know her better than she knows me;〃 thought Rezanov; as the inner door was thrown open and another bare room with a long table laden with savory food on a superb silver service was re… vealed。  〃And if I know anything of women; I can trust herfor as long as she may be necessary; at all events。〃


〃Santiago!〃 whispered Concha。  〃Do not go down to the ship。  Take me for a walk。  I have much to say。〃

Santiago; who had not been asked to form one of the escort upon the return of the Russians to the Juno for the night; felt injured and sulky and deigned no reply。

〃If you do not; I'll not braid your hair to…mor… row;〃 said his sister; giving his arm a little shake; and he succumbed。  The luxuriant tresses of the male Arguellos were combed and braided and tied with a ribbon every morning by the women of the family; and Concha's fingers were the gentlest and deftest。  And Concha and Santiago were more inti… mate than even the rest of that united family。  They had studied and read together; were equally dis… satisfied with their narrow existence; ambitious for a wider experience。  Santiago consoled himself wi
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