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d… ance of superior qualities foreign to itself; its con… temptible desire to be identified with a fashion。  It was this low standard of the crowd that induced misanthropy in many otherwise brave spirits who lacked the insight to discern the divine spark un… derneath; the persistence; sure of reward; to fight their way to this spark and reveal it to the gaze of astonished and flattered humanity。  Rezanov's very arrogance had led him to regard the mass of man… kind as but one degree removed from the nursery; his good nature and philosophical spirit to treat them with an indulgence that kept sourness out of his cynicism and inevitably recurring weariness and disgust; his ardent imagination had consoled itself with the vision of a future when man should live in a world made reasonable by the triumph of ideals that now lurked half ashamed in the high spaces of the human mind。

He looked back in wonder at the moment of wild regret and protestthe bitterer in its silence when they had told him he must die; when in the last rally of the vital forces he had believed his will was still strong enough to command his ravaged body; to propel his brain; still teeming with a vast and complicated future; his heart; still warm and insistent with the image it cherished; on to the ulti… mates of ambition and love。  How brief it had been; that last cry of mortality; with its accompaniment of furious wonder at his unseemly and senseless cutting off。  In the adjustment and readjustment of political and natural forces the world ambled on philosophically; fulfilling its inevitable destiny。

If he had not been beyond humor; he would have smiled at the idea that in the face of all eternity it mattered what nation on one little planet eventually possessed a fragment called California。  To him that fair land was empty and purposeless save for one figure; and even of her he thought with the terrible calm of dissolution。  During these last months of illness and isolation he had been less lonely than at any time of his life save during those few weeks in California; for he had lived with her incessantly in spirit; and in that subtle imaginative communion had pressed close to a profound and complex soul; revealed before only in flashes to a vision astray in the confusion of the senses。  He had felt that her response to his passion was far more vital and enduring than dwelt in the capacity of most women; he had appreciated her gifts of mind; her piquant variousness that scotched monot… ony; the admirable characteristics that would give a man repose and content in his leisure; and subtly advance his career。  But in those long reveries; at the head of his forlorn caravan or in the desolate months of convalescence; he had arrived at an abso… lute understanding of what she herself had divined while half comprehending。

Theirs was one of the few immortal loves that reveal the rarely sounded deeps of the soul while in its frail tenement on earth; and he harbored not a doubt that their love was stronger than mortality and that their ultimate union was decreed。  Mean… while; she would suffer; no one but he could dream how completely; but her strong soul would conquer; and she would live the life she had visioned in mo… ments of despair; not of cloistered selfishness; but of incomparable usefulness to her little world; and far happier; in her eternal youthfulness of heart; in that divine life of the imagination where he must always be with her as she had known him briefly at his best; than in the blunt commonplaceness of daily existence; the routine and disillusionment of the world。  Perhapswho knew?he had; after all; given her the best that man can offer to a woman of exalted nature; instead of taking again with his left hand what his right had bestowed; completed the great gift of life with the priceless beacon of death。

How unlike was life to the old Greek tragedies! He recalled his prophetic sense of impending hap… piness; success; triumph; as he entered California; the rejuvenescence of his spirit in the renewal of his wasted forces even before he loved the woman。 Every event of the past year; in spite of the obstacles that mortal must expect; had marched with his am… bitions and desires; and straight toward a future that would have given him the most coveted of all destinies; a station in history。  There had not been a hint that his brain; so meaningly and consummately equipped; would perish in the ruins of his body in less than a twelvemonth from that fragrant morn… ing when he had entered the home of Concha Ar… guello tingling with a pagan joy in mere existence; a sudden rush of desire for the keen; wild happiness of youth

His eyes wandered from the bright cross above the little cemetery where he was to lie; and con… tracted with an expression of wonder。  Where had Jon found Castilian roses in this barren land?  No man had ever been more blest in a servant; but could even hehere  With the last triumph of will over matter he raised his head; his keen; search… ing gaze noting every detail of the room; bare and unlovely save for its altar and ikons; its kneeling priests and nuns。  His eyes expanded; his nostrils quivered。  As he sank down in the embrace of that final delusion; his unconquerably sanguine spirit flared high before a vision of eternal and unthink… able happiness。

So died Rezanov; and with him the hope of Rus… sians and the hindrance of Americans in the west; and the mortal happiness and earthly dross of the saintliest of California's women。

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