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ly as that。  It was only a mood。  Should you not return I should grieve; yes; and should I live as long as is common with my race; still would my heart remain young with your image; and with the fidelity that would be no less a religion than that of my church。  But I should not live a selfish life; or I should be unworthy of my election to experience a great and eternal passion。 Memory and the life of the imagination would be my solace; possibly in time my happiness; but my days I should give to this poor little world of ours; and all that one mortal; and that a woman; has to bestow upon a stranded and benighted people。  It may not be much; but I make you that promise; senor; that you will not think me a foolish; romantic girl; unworthy of the great responsibilities you have offered me。〃

〃Concha!〃  He was deeply moved; and at the same time her words chilled him with subtle prophecy; sank into some unexplored depth of his consciousness; meeting response as subtle; filling him with impatience at the mortality of man。  He glanced over his shoulder; then took her recklessly in his arms。

〃Is it possible you doubt I will come back?〃 he demanded。  〃My faith?〃

〃No; not that。  But such happiness seems to me too great for this life。〃

He remembered how often he had been close to death; he knew that during the greater part of the next two years he should see the glimmer of the scythe oftener yet。  For a moment it seemed to him that he felt the dark waters rise in his soul; heard the jeers of the gods at the vanity of mortal will。  But the blood ran strong and warm in his veins。  He shook off the obsession; and smiled a little cynically; even as he kissed her。

〃This is the hour for romance; my dear。  In the years to come; when you are very prosaically my wife with a thousand duties; and grumbling at my exactions; your consolation will be the memory of some moment like this; when you were able to feel romantic and sad。  I wish I could arrange for some such set of memories for myself; but I am unequal to your divine melancholy。  When I can… not see you I am cross and sulky; and just nowI am; wellphilosophically happy。  Some day I shall be happier; but this is well enough。  And I can har… bor no ugly presentiments。  As I entered California I was elated with a sense of coming happiness; of future victories; and I prefer to dwell upon that; the more particularly as in a measure the prophetic hint has been fulfilled。  So make the most of the present。  I shall see you daily during this last precious fortnight; for I am determined this arrangement shall cease; and you must exorcise coquetry and abet me whenever there is a chance of a word alone。〃

She nodded; but she noted with a sigh that he said no more of sudden flight。  She would never have consented to jeopardize the least of his inter… ests; but she fain would have been besought。 The experience she had had of the vehemence and fire in Rezanov made her long for his complete subjugation and the happiness it must bring to her… self。  But as he smiled tenderly above her she saw that his practical brain had silenced the irresponsible demands of love; and although she did not with… draw from his arms she stiffened her head。

〃I fancy I shall return home to…morrow;〃 she said。  〃My mother tells me that she can live with… out me no longer; and that Father Abella has re… minded her that if I stay in the house of Elena Cas… tro I shall be as free from gossip as here。  I infer that he has rated my two parents for making a martyr of me unnecessarily; and told them it was a duty to enliven my life as much as possible before I enter upon this long period of probation。  The grat… ing of my room at Elena's is above a little strip of Garden; and faces the blank wall of the next house。 Sometimeswho knows?〃  She shrugged her shoulders and gave a gay little laugh; then stood very erect and moved past him to the door。  She had recognized the shuffling step of Father Abella。

〃Is supper ready; padre mio?〃 she asked sweetly。 〃His excellency and I have talked so much that we are very hungry。〃

〃There is no need to deceive me;〃 said Father Abella dryly。  〃You are not the first lovers I have known; although I will admit you are by far the most interesting; and for that reason I have had the wickedness to abet you。  But I fancy the good God will forgive me。  Come quickly。  They are scat… tered now; but will go to the refectory in a moment and miss you。  Excellency; will you give your arm to Dona Ignacia and take the seat at the head of the table?  Concha; my child; I am afraid you must console our good Don Weeliam。  He is having a wretched quarter of an hour; but has loyally diverted the attention of your mother。〃

〃That is the vocation of certain men;〃 said Con… cha lightly。


Life was very gay for a fortnight。  An hour after the Commandante's surrender he had despatched invitations to all the young folk of the gente de razon of Monterey; Santa Barbara; Los Angeles; and San Diego; and to such of the older as would brave the long journeys。  The Monterenos had arrived for the Mission entertainment; and during the next few days the rest poured over the hills: De la Guerras; Xime'nos; Estudillos; Carrillos; Este'negas; Morenos; Cotas; Estradas; Picos; Pachecos; Lugos; Orte'gas; Alvarados; Bandinis; Peraltas; members of the Luis; Rodriguez; Lopez families; all of gentle blood; that made up the society of Old California; as gay; arcadian; irre… sponsible; yet moral a society as ever fluttered over this planet。  Every house in the Presidio and val… ley; every spare room at the Mission; opened to them with the exuberant hospitality of the country。 The caballeros had their finest wardrobes of col… lored silks and embroidered botas; sombreros laden with silver; fine lawn and lace; jewel and sash; vel… vet serape for the chill of the late afternoon。  The matrons brought their stiff robes of red and yellow satin; the girls as many flowered silks and lawns; mantillas and rebosos; as the family carretas would hold。  The square of the Presidio was crowded from morning until midnight with the spirited horses of the country; prancing impatiently under the heavy Mexican saddle; heavier with silver; made a trifle more endurable by the blanket of velvet or cloth。  No Californian walked a dozen rods when he had a horse to carry him。

But the horses were not always champing in the square。  There was more than one bull…bear fight; and twice a week at least they carried their owners to the hills of the Mission ranch; or the rocky cliffs and gorges above Yerba Buena; the Indian servants following with great baskets of luncheon; perhaps roasting an ox whole in a trench。  This the Cali… fornians called barbecue and the picnic merienda。

There was dancing day and night; the tinkling of guitars; flirting of fans。  Rezanov vowed he would not have believed there were so many fans and guitars in the world; and suddenly remembered he had never seen Concha with either。  The lady of his choice reigned supreme。  Many had taken the long blistering journey for no other purpose than to see the famous beauty and her Russian; the en… gagement was as well known as if cried from the Mission top。  The girls were surprised 
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